Crisis Core Which is your favorite turk?

I really liked Cissnei, Her weapon of choice is sweet, even though we hardly ever seen her but what she contributes later on was nice, she seems so down to earth at times.
I like Cissnei she is just really good at doing her job as at turk and her weapon is cool. I was really hoping for a fight between Zack and her though. But is Cissnei Elena????
in the game i always liked reno as he seemed professional, however his portrayal in the movie is not what i had in my head
I love Cissnei for her personality, gentle and playful. Tseng is my second favorite for again, personality and seriousness.

I never got attached to Reno or Rude... in fact I thought (and still think) that Reno is an ass. -- Later I learned that in Japanese his dialect is more of a ghetto/inner city in which at the end of most phrases, he says 'do' or 'to' -- just listen to a few clips of his speech in Japanese. (obviously that doesn't translate too well in language and euphemisms for English users, so Barret inherited them instead)

Elena on the other hand has just about no description on her except in the original game for being young, stupid, and a big mouth who blurts our one of their orders to head to Junion while Cloud and co. are standing literally right next to her. Then of course, there's nothing about her in AC except for a few lines. Big whoop. - I have no opinion of her since I know jack about her.
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How come Cissnei is never seen after crisis core and we do not know her real name. Is she related to the other Turk Elena or perhaps she is Elena.
Well... you need to at least read up on the (partial) fan translation of Before Crisis (you play a rookie Turk) - Gunshot Romance -- Cisnei is only identified then as "Player G: [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Female - Shuriken"[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Her character profile is stated as:
Player G holds the unique distinction of being the youngest on record to enter the ranks of the Turks. Scouted for her talent when she was but a little girl, she was taken out of the orphanage she had been raised in and trained so that she could one day become a Turk.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Strong of mind and body, she has taken it upon herself to look after the other Turks, especially the junior members. She, along with Player H, are called to headquarters when the explosion at the Corel Reactor leaves your player character incapacitated. Prior to being sent to headquarters, she had been working in a different branch of the Turks. Her loyalty to the Shinra Company and the Turks in particular is unquestionable. Having been raised by them, she came to realize throughout the years that, while the company has done some questionable things, they have also brought ease and progress to the lives of countless people. For better of for worse, she'll stick by them.[/FONT]
The other character profiles are here and the mission translations are here (the translator used Player A and gave her the name Rosalind)

The translation is NOT complete but it is hinted that these Turks dealt with another WEAPON.

Oh, here's another source for good reading and a bit more thorough Final Fantasy Wiki - FF7 - Before Crisis
Well Cissnei was in before crisis and in that game you can play as her but whts her different roles. Shes my favorite turk but she is pretty complicated. Wht the heck is her real name??? The reason why I like Cissnei best is because she was the only one who did not want to take down Zack and she takes her job very seriously.
Um... she has none? It was the player's choice... then she shows up in Crisis Core with the code name "Cissnei"
If Cissnei has really no name how come she said to Zack ''I did not even tell you my real name yet'' I find that really confusing for my favorite Turk.
Well,most people's favourite here is either Cissnei or Reno but my favourite turk is Rude because he is intelligent and cool. He really likes his glasses though, well I guess thay make him look better.The turks are amazing the way they never die after very serious injuries, it's like they are invincible.
I like Tseng, Reno, Rude, and Cissnei... Elena is okay too lol
I guess if I had to pick a favorite out of those 5, then it would have to be Reno! :)

Unless Vincent counts, then Vincent is my favorite for sure! He's also my favorite character lol :)
Reno and Rude, between the two I can't pick, they are both cool turks, oh and Cissnei is cool though I haven't really played (Don't Intend to either:|) CC, I've only seen parts of it on YouTube.
Definatly Vincent, My Fav character. :P

Hmmm.. then it'd have to be either Reno or Tseng.

Loved Reno and Rude in AC and I liked Tseng in CC. Hmmm. =/

I also thought besides Cissnei Tseng was a really good Turk also he just looked cool all the time while doing his missions. I like the part when he spys on Zack in Crisis Core. Tseng is the best male turk and best female is cissnei like I stated earlier.
ff7 - reno - villain
ac- comedian sorta guy
doC- still sorta comedian
crisis core - good guys
before crisis - good guys

dno y .. bt why do they go from good, to bad to good
(crisis core - ff7- doc)
xZack Fairx, please put more effort into your posts. Explain why you like Cissnei and Tseng. What are your reasons for them being your favorites. We do not accept one-liners here that are non-contributory to a thread. Thank you.
Vincent is the best Turk. I just think he's awesome. Tseng is the second in my opinion - he's the no-nonsense team leader. I tend to like those no-nonsense characters for some reason: Vincent, Tseng, Squall, etc.
Reno, Rude and Cissnei.

I thought Cissnei looked pretty and all. And for Reno and Rude, I thought they were funny, especially so in AC. Their battle with Kadaj and gang was funny.