Which one would you rather play...


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Aug 7, 2007
...FFVIII - or - FFXII? :P

Since these two seem like the most hated FF games in the main series,I wanted to know which one people would rather play and why.

I rather play FFXII over FFVIII because,well,I've tried to beat FFVIII too many times and failed... :P I never finished FFXII and wanted to.
I would play FFVIII more than FFXII over again. I can't seem to play XII more than so many times. lol. It's not a game you can reply more than twice, IMO.
Easily Final Fantasy XII. Other than character development and a few key problems the game wasn't that bad. Final Fantasy VIII was just bad. It wasn't missing anything. It's problem was that with everything included... it still was horrible.
I'm playing XII right now and i'd rather be playing VIII. For one, XII is extremely boring, i just want to beat it to say i beat it, and also i wanna try to figure out that junctioning on VIII cuz when i had it before i DID like everything else about the game.
hmm I'd pick XII for a change. I wanna experience the new battle system and the license board. I've played this game for 2 hours only and I wanna find out for myself if I'm gonna like it.
For Me I would pick VIII not only over XII, but over all the ff games. It is in my opinion the best of the ff games
Definitely FFVIII, I actually had fun playing that game despite my dislike for Rinoa. As for FFXII, it is a drag playing that game. I can't bring myself to play it.
What kind of a question is that? VIII blows, and XII is fucking fantastic. True, I was disappointed with the music and some development issues in XII, but please.

XII all the way <3

XII was quite a drag to play, although it had beautiful graphics and an awesome battle system.

If the story line was 10x better, it would keep me coming back.
I voted VIII...because XII is boring...and a waste of time...

120 hours into it and my highest characters are lvl 47/48, that's just idiotic to make leveling that slow.
I rather play any other FF in the main series then XII because XII may have been a decent rpg but It's not what an FF should be imo. I couldn't give a fuck if all the characters dropped dead. It feels like your fighting just for the sake of fighting. I hear a lot of people orgasming over it for it's innovative gameplay. It's gameplay is basically that of an MMO's.
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I rather play any other FF in the main series then XII because XII may have been a decent rpg but It's not what an FF should be imo. I couldn't give a fuck if all the characters dropped dead. It feels like your fighting just for the sake of fighting. I hear a lot of people orgasming over it for it's innovative gameplay. It's gameplay is basically that of an MMO's.

I'd still rather play XII than X-2...and I liked Balthier and Fran, i wouldn't want them to drop dead.

But yeah, the game is pretty much one gigantic test demo for the fighting system and SE just decided to pass it off as a full FF. They could have at least improved the fighting and lvling, I don't like spending 120 hours on the game and only reaching lvl 48. Gay.

I think i'd rather try to figure out VIII's junctioning that waste another 120 hours replying XII. And i'm only beating it to say i've beaten it.
Final Fantasy VIII. I DID Just get FFXII rthough, so we'll see if my opinion changes... Final Fantasy VIII is my favorite game ever thought so it wins :monster:
XII. I like how massive the world was and how many options you had when it came to picking gaming entertainment. There are hunts, sidequests, esper finding, and training. The whole game is a long dragged-out battle, and I LOVED IT.

VIII was alright, but that whole romance thing kinda got me. It was overplayed IMO, and the draw system threw me off for a huge part of the game whereas the gambit system and license board kinda set me off in a shorter time.
XII definitely. While it is far from a perfect game, I quite liked it and enjoyed playing it. There is absolutely nothing in this entire world that could convince me to plod through VIII again.