which version are you getting?

Hmmmmm....PS3. (Though I have yet to get one :wacky:)

It's gonna be the first one out, and first come, first bought I guess.

PS3 would probaly have the best graphics anyway, plus I am more accustumed to the Playstation controller than I am to that of the Xbox360.
Lulz, total denial? Only the start? You clearly haven't played a PS3...ever :wacky:, whereas I can say I've played a 360 and found them dire.
Microsoft bought ONE FFXIII title, not the whole compilation and a large majority started playing FFVII first, why do think it has the most fanboys? As well as VII, VIII and IX all being the top/fastest selling FF titles :monster:

To be quite honest out of all the titles you've listed, bar The Last Remnant (since that's not 360 exclusive), the only one I'd want is Gears of War, the others strike no interest to me at all, and Halo really is the most hyped, yet dire trilogy ever.

If you look at the fact most games (graphics wise) are made FOR the 360 because it's EASIER and CHEAPER to do so then PORTED to the PS3, games match 360 specifications far better than the PS3's. But then when you look at the likes of MGS4 which is PS3 exclusive, you'll quite quickly find that no 360 game has ever gone close to being as good (graphics, storyline wise etc.)

I'll take my Uncharted 1&2, Ratchet and Clank, MGS4, Jak and Daxter, LittleBigPlanet, FFXIII Versus, GT5, GoW3 and all future Rockstar games (GTA, Midnight Club etc) and leave you to your 360. :hi5:


Well GT is played out and got bad reviews in game informer. Ratchet and Clank is a kids game. Plus FF 11 on is on the 360. The Last Remnant is only listed for the 360 in the lasted game informer. Plus Sony has completely lost the Star Ocean series as it is now 360 exclusive. Halo series, Mass Effect, Ninja Gaiden series, Tales of Vesperia, Eternal Sonata, Dead or Alive series, FF 13, Gears of War 1 and 2, Prizefighter, PGR, and many other great games. I the 360 and the Wii. No other systems are needed. Except for the Nintendo DS. I got a refurbed bd player for 200. Like i said no need for a ps3.
Ill be buying the PS3 version for it is the only new console i own. Also i want versus looks so much cooler
Well GT is played out and got bad reviews in game informer.
It's hardly 'bad' it's only an extended demo tbqh, they can't exactly review the game as a whole before they've even played the whole game.
Ratchet and Clank is a kids game.
Notrly, you'll be surprised how many adults have played it and continue too, plus it got great reviews from adults so it can't that much of a kids game.
Plus FF 11 on is on the 360.
It's on the PS2 as well.
The Last Remnant is only listed for the 360 in the lasted game informer.
They aren't very informative then :monster:

Plus Sony has completely lost the Star Ocean series as it is now 360 exclusive.
For how long? They said FFXIII would be exclusive yet as soon Microsoft threw millions at them it's no longer exclusive, what's to say Sony won't do the same with Star Ocean? But whilst it's no longer a Sony title, Sony have also gained an exclusive franchise with Rockstar so it's no big deal.

Halo series, Mass Effect, Ninja Gaiden series, Tales of Vesperia
Halo's dire and the other 2 I could live without.
Eternal Sonata
"Now that we know Eternal Sonata is definitely being released on the PS3, we've learned even more good news regarding Bandai Namco's newest RPG - the PS3 version will receive bonus content not found on the Xbox 360's."
Dead or Alive series, FF 13, Gears of War 1 and 2, Prizefighter, PGR, and many other great games.
Again, apart from Gears of War, I could live without the others.
I the 360 and the Wii. No other systems are needed. Except for the Nintendo DS. I got a refurbed bd player for 200. Like i said no need for a ps3.
And again, I'd have no need for a 360 since apart from Gears of War and Fable 2 it would become a dust machine. Whereas, Sony have only lost FFXIII tbqh but have gained an exclusive franchise from Rockstar, taken BioShock, Last Remnant and Eternal Sonata away from being 360 'exclusive' and there is still uncertainty whether Star Ocean IV will definitely remain exclusive.

Anyways, that was slightly off topic. Please could everyone else remain on topic and say what console they are getting FFXIII on and why. Thank you. ^_^
Guys, this isn't a PS3 VS Xbox 360 thread, so please, take it elsewhere. Thank you.

That being said, I'm getting FFXIII for the PS3, mainly because I actually have one, and all the best FF games came out for a playstation console. FFI II IV V and VI were all ported to the playstation, and the PS exclusive Final Fantasy games are, in my opinion, the strongest of the series. Even if I had a 360, I'd still get the game for the PS3 anyway.
i'M gonna buy a a PS3 just for FFXIII.....don't care if its more expensive....i'm not really a fan of microsoft and the 360 so....
i'M gonna buy a a PS3 just for FFXIII.....don't care if its more expensive....i'm not really a fan of microsoft and the 360 so....

I'm gettn the 360 version. Why support the PS3 with sony losing 3.3 billion on the system? I would be careful as it is a dieing format.

Guys, this isn't a PS3 VS Xbox 360 thread, so please, take it elsewhere. Thank you.

That being said, I'm getting FFXIII for the PS3, mainly because I actually have one, and all the best FF games came out for a playstation console. FFI II IV V and VI were all ported to the playstation, and the PS exclusive Final Fantasy games are, in my opinion, the strongest of the series. Even if I had a 360, I'd still get the game for the PS3 anyway.

Well many people dont feel that way. You will see when the 360 sells twice on many copies of ff13 in the states. I got facts to back it up.
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Well I have a Ps3 so it would be easier to just get the Ps3 version so yeah.
Neither. I've got a 360, just not interested in FFXIII series whatsoever.
I'm kind of torn on this. I don't own a PS3 or a XBOX 360, but I originally thought I would stick with Sony all the way. However, I've seen that there are quite a few RPGs out for the XBOX 360, and that's got me interested since that's the game type I play. If I have enough money, I think I'll get an XBOX 360, but it's kind of hard not to invest in a PS3 either :/

Oh, what a pickle...For now, I'll say I'll get the game for the PS3, 'cause I just see myself owning that if I had to choose between the two systems since it's so instilled in my mind to stay with Sony >_<
360, if I luck out and get a 360 for Christmas. Otherwise, there's no chance I can afford either a PS3 or 360 anytime soon. I'll just freeload from my bro-in-law who DOES own a PS3. :wacky:
well, i'm going to get it for the ps3, because we already have one. o_O; eh, i'm more for Playstation than xbox. haha.
I'm getting the PS3 version because, well I already have a PS3 so uhh yeah easy decision for me :wacky:
Definately the ps3 version for me. I dont own a ps3 yet but I plan to by the time its release. Depends on the size of my pay rise next month lol. I should really get the 360 version as I already own one but I'm guessing the graphics are better on the ps3?
I already own a PS3, which I'm glad. But I am planning on getting a 360 eventually, if I get my Xbox before FFXIII is released then I will get FFXIII for 360. Why? When I heard that FFXIII will also be for Xbox, hell pretty much froze over for me, It was the most unexpected thing for me, I never even imagine Square ever releasing FF on Xbox. Not that I have anything against Xbox, its just that it feels wierd....to me its like Mario on PS. So to have myself accept the fact and get used to it, I would get it for Xbox. While my PS3 will lay in wait for versus XIII. ;) But if anything, I'll get both for PS3.
I'm totally torn. I would love the PS3, and I'm guessing it'll look better on the PS3 since square is closer to Sony than Microsoft. But on the other hand the 360 is a lot cheaper, and if present choice of games is anything to go by it's 360 by a long way. PS3 used to be the main console for RPGs, but these days almost all the decent RPGs are on the 360 (Lost Odyssey and Last Remnants look amazing) and most good games on the PS3 are cross platform anyway.

Haven't got a console yet, and I'm travelling around til March, so that's the very earliest I'll buy one. Although I might actually wait for FF13 to come out before I get a console, even if it is til 2010. There are lots of games I'd like to play, but not enough to spend a few 100 on a console. Might as well wait a while for the winds of hype to blow over so I can get old games for cheap.
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I'll be getting the PS3 version, since I don't have 360. Plus, I think the graphics would be better on PS3.
I'm not even that sure I'll get FFXIII, because I won't have much time to play video games that much anymore. Myabe occasionaly.
Anyway, I would really love it if XIII was on Wii ^_^
I have neither a 360 or a PS3 but I'm going to be forced to buy one of them for the sake of playing XIII alone. However, since I'm predicting that a great deal more games will be released for the latter, I'll probably purchase a PS3, though I still grudge being forced to pay the ridiculous price of both a console and an appropriate game, just to enjoy continuing the series.
I own a 360 so I'm going to buy it for the 360. Right now it is the only console that has any games. And while the 360 is technologically inferior to the PS3, its games have historically been far superior graphically.