which version are you getting?

I'lll get the PS3 version cause i own one and hopefully the do a remake of FFVII for it.. And i will probaly buy verses before the original.. The original dosen't appel me as much.
Well since 360 was lowered down to 200$ then I'll probably get it for that. I might just wait until the hype is down then get it.
I don't a 360 or a PS3, but I'm pretty sure that I'll be getting the 360 version (and the Xbox 360). There are other games on my wishlist that are 360 exclusive and it's cheaper. Only thing is, I'm a huge RPG fan, and Squeenix is known for releasing their material on the Sony platforms. I hate that money stands in the way of me doing what I want. I really would like to buy both the 360 and PS3 (who wouldn't?) and also the Wii (I don't have one of those either).
If you had both consoles, and money was not an issue- which game would actually be better? I think the PS3- amazing graphics and crisp sound. Not to mention since FF is a PS series, it seems fair to assume there'd be the odd things you can do on the PS3 and not the 360.
I do have both consoles and I don't consider myself a fan boy, but I am sure I will get it on the PS3 without hesitation. I just figure, since it was originally started with the PS3 that means they molded it's engine around working with the ps3 so things should simply come out crisper on it.

With most games that have come out this generation, things seem to boil down to what system the game had been originally made for and if it is being ported to the ps3 or not. When games are ported IE Fallout 3, it seems to create more bugs and glitches. So I'd rather pick the system it was first started on. If that makes sense. Just a personal preference. I'm not saying one system will be worse then the other, most likely they will come out just the same. I still like my ps3 controller better though for the long run.
If you had both consoles, and money was not an issue- which game would actually be better? I think the PS3- amazing graphics and crisp sound.

Not sure if that's true. I've seen a lot of PS3/360 graphic's matchups and it seems like the 360 is constantly on top. Gametrailers has a whole string of them. Even though the PS3 has better hardware, it's either impossible to tell the difference or the 360 has a clear lead.
Obvious Answer I'm getting the ps3 one cause I already own one hopefully it doesn't turn up being a big disapointment.Although I'm focusing more on Versus but I play both.Also if it was posted or not I read a while back at Blu-ray.com that there was gonna be a demo of XIII if you bought Advent Children for Blu-ray.Although I have not seen anything else on it.
Not sure if that's true. I've seen a lot of PS3/360 graphic's matchups and it seems like the 360 is constantly on top. Gametrailers has a whole string of them. Even though the PS3 has better hardware, it's either impossible to tell the difference or the 360 has a clear lead.

Most the time that is because of the reason I mentioned above. Most cross platform games are created on the xbox and ported to the ps3. So there are glitches and so on because the hardware is to different to make a direct port. But when you look at ps3 exclusives such as MGS4 and resistance 2 you can see how beautiful the games can be on the ps3 when they are made directly for it.
Not to mention since FF is a Nintendo series
Fixed. If you had to be accurate the closest descriptor of FF is a Nintendo series. Yes, most recently, the newest installments have been on Sony systems. But the series is in no way exclusive and actually has more installments for Nintendo if you count them all up, remakes included. And I never saw that memo of Squeenix being OWNED by Sony.
I'll probably be purchasing the ps3 versions for as i own a ps3 but do not own a 360, but that's when they come out in about 2011 or something bizarre like that, not that i'm really fussed at the moment about it cause quite frankly it's gonna be a while till they get released and i'll have plenty of time to ponder upon this matter.
Were actually forced to get the xbox 360 version because the ps3 version is Japan only so I got no choice I own both ps3 and 360 so I guess 360 because it exclusively here. I own all consoles so If others versions come out I could get them with ease.
Only currently own a Xbox 360 out of the new Gen consoles, so I'm definitely going with that one. I mean, I know Versus will be out on the PS3 only, so that may be tricky, but for the main game FFXIII, 360 is the way I'm going to go.
The problem with me saying whether I'm going to play it with PS3 or Xbox 360 is that I can not really say that I will still be using those consoles at that time. Think about it. PS came out in 1995, PS2 in 2000, and PS3 in 2006. Xbox came out in 2001 and Xbox 360 in 2005. What's to say that a PS4 or an Xbox 720 will not come out in 2011 or 2012? Well that is only if they have backwards compatibility (they should), but if they do not, well, I got my PS3 to play it with :)
I dont have any of those new consules, but if i buy one someday, it will be PS3. And that means i'll buy PS3 version FFXIII.
I am getting the Playstation 3 version. Because I dislike Microsoft sticking their noses in the video game industry. Stick to computer games, and your basic monopoly of the industry.

Also, the Playstation 3 release is going to be sooner than the 360 release, AND Versus XIII is still a Playstation 3 exclusive.
I will be getting the ps3 version of FF13 and then i can get the ps3 exclusive only ff versus 13.
I have both consoles and I have had a think about this but I think I might have already decided. I was going to wait for reviews but I would rather pre-order the game as soon as so it will get delivered early and play the game as soon as it arrives whereas if I wait for reviews to see which version is better, the queue for the game would probably be built up then and although I would still probably get it on release date or a day after, I would want to get this game before that and I know a good site that can do that for me providing I pre-order early enough.

The PS3 is the hardware that it is being developed for. As soon as the game is finished and released in Japan, that is when the porting to the Xbox 360 will begin. Sometimes ports aren't as good as the original so that is why I am swaying towards the PS3 so far. The PS3 also has Blu-Ray which it should look better on but who knows. Alo I am use to playing Final Fantasy on the PS console and I don't quite want to break the mould.

One thing I would want it for the X360 which I am unsure if others would is disc swapping. I like multiple discs since it gives me a sense of achievement and a vague idea how far I am in the game.

"Hey, how far are you on Final Fantasy XIII"
"(Pulls smug face) I'm on disc 4"

I love multiple discs. I suppose multiple discs are more vulnerable to take care of since there is more than one but that shouldn't be too much of a problem if you don't live with young people and you have half a brain cell then the quality of the discs shouldn't decrease by much. I'm not one to go for all the achievements but if there is one that I can do or have the time to do it I will go for them and on my X360 I have just over 4000 achievements whereas for the PS3 trophies I only have about 15. I would rather add to my 4000 achievements than 15 trophies. Plus I have about 50 friends on the X360 whereas on the PS3 I have just a measly 2. I remember talk about some online play and if that is the case I think I might just have to go with the 360 as XBL is far superior to PSN (Plus the no friends on my PS3).

Hard times but basically this is how I think I might decide.

If there is online play as has been suggested then it will definitely be the X360. Otherwise it will be 50/50 on what I choose.

I am getting the Playstation 3 version. Because I dislike Microsoft sticking their noses in the video game industry. Stick to computer games, and your basic monopoly of the industry.

Also, the Playstation 3 release is going to be sooner than the 360 release, AND Versus XIII is still a Playstation 3 exclusive.

The PS3 is not getting it any sooner than the X360 in North America and Europe atleast. It is solely being released on the PS3 in Japan but North America and Europe are getting a simultanious release of both versions. As for Final Fantasy Versus XIII, I would imagine that would remain exclusive as Square Enix like to throw games exclusive on all consoles but I wouldn't bet on it being an exclusive. They said Final Fantasy XIII was exclusive many times right up until E3 2008.

As for Microsoft, I agree to an extent but in the end it is the games I care about the most and I will go for all 3 consoles to get the best games there are.
Well the question is will it come out for ps3 here? If not then I will get it on the xbox 360. What about versus its only for ps3 right? Also ffxiii will be a very long wait for us. Hopefully it will go fast.