Which Yuna do you like better?

Which one's better?

  • FFX Yuna

    Votes: 46 56.8%
  • FFX-2 Yuna

    Votes: 26 32.1%
  • Both

    Votes: 14 17.3%

  • Total voters
Yuna never changed..
ofc, in X she was more quiet.. but jezus, how would you be if you were on a suicidal trip?

in X-2 she did take more risks and was a bit ruder.. but in the end, she was still good "old"(young :P) Yuna the summoner, really..
She DID seem to act more Mature on X. Think about it though. They all has SIN in their lives. in X-2, they didn't so...I kinda expect her to be happy.

I would expect her to be happier since life is normal but seriously, it is almost as if it was 2 different people. You can't really describe Yuna as her personality as she is a shadow of the person she was 2 years ago and I think it was a bit too much. In FFX she seemed like a polite girl who you would probably have a nice chat with then 2 years later she is like your local bitch that you hope somebody will teach her a lesson (If you are a guy that is, if you are a woman then you could teach her that lesson).
I think in those two years, some guy did teach her a lesson!LOL
Seriously though, Zidane's comments are right on the mark, I'd actually like to meet that type of person in real life(X), but the X2 Yuna is well I wouldn't say rude or bitchy (Lulu was bitchy in X), I'd say Yuna was almost like a real woman that you'd meet in a club, rather than the old Yuna that you'd meet on the way to the grocery store.
I like X-2's Yuna a little better than X's Yuna. X's Yuna has a much weaker attack and seemed sad(for obvious reasons) throughout the whole game. And X-2's Yuna seems like she's being more like herself and is happier. But I do miss summoning aeons.
dont you get it, she wants to get laid!.... only joking

I like both Yuna's in their own indivudual ways, It portrays the fact there is a light at the end of the tunnel and suicide isnt the answer, well thats the impression I get cause I can relate to it.

A year ago i was like old yuna and now I am like new yuna except ofcourse being slutty and all that
I like both versions, but in X, I saw the whole 'polite' and quiet thing obviously, but I don't think it's cause that's her true personality. She lost her parents, Sin's destroying and killing everyone, and she sets off on a quest that (in the up until the end anyway) she believes will leave her....well, you know what happens to the summoner. I'd probably be quiet and withdrawn too, but that doesn't mean it's my true personality.

And just like in X-2, just because a girl wears shorts and a tank top, or things like that doesn't mean she's a slut. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I've seen girls in real life, that wear just a simple t-shirt and jeans and still come off more of a slut than Yuna/Rikku/Paine ever did. It looked quite warm in most of the areas they were in, and if I were there, I'm not wearing clothing that completely covers my body cause I'm afraid I'm gonna offend someone with a little to much sex on their mind. I'd dress like that too if I were hot and running around everywhere like that.

Plus, she still seemed intelligent in X-2, but she had that free and easy spirit now, and she seemed relatively happy.
Both. I liked Yuna in X but i didnt like how she whined alot. X-2 i hated her outfit and she was turning into Rikku, but in the end she thought for herself I loved when she said:
"I dont like your plan. It Sucks!"
I thought....thank god she grew some balls...i mean a mind of her own.
She became pretty brave and I liked that. In X-2 that is. In X she had to depend on everyone else. Dona only hda one guardian! xD.
I much prefer X's shy and innocent Yuna to X-2's dress-like-a-hooker pop diva Yuna. I'd rather spend an entire day in real life with Quina Quen than hang out with the X-2 Yuna. At least Quina wouldnt be afraid to go to a nice restaurant and chow down, X-2 Yuna would be looking at her ass half the time to make sure it wasnt getting too big.
I prefer FFX's Yuna, because when I played the game, I was amazed at how similar our personalities were. Yes, she was practically useless in battle, but somehow she made up for it in terms of storyline (Seymour's plan to marry her, The Final Summoning, etc). Plus, I like her outfit a lot better than the slutty FFX-2 outfit.
I liked the boobage you got from FFX-2 Yuna. :monster:
It was too much of a drastic change between the innocent good lil Yuna from FFX to the slutty airheaded singysongy American type Yuna in FFX-2.
I always wondered what Tidus's reaction to her would be lol.. as a guy he would hardly complain but my god did they need to make her so tarty looking? Its like a girly game made just for guys to oogle.

Anyway I chose FFX, as you all could probably tell..
I really liked the X-2 Yuna because she was a lot more assertive and less the typical damsel female lead.
Now that I think of it... FFX-2 is a baddass female and she's copying Rikku. Did she hit her head or something?
Yes I agree with you GunbladeGirl. Tidus fell in love with X Yuna. Since her entire personality has changed will he still be in love with her? I can understand that they wanted to show her opening up and becoming more assertive. But they didn't have to do so by making her Rikku number 2. And it wasn't like she wasn't already unassertive in FFX. Remember the whole Seymore wedding incident? I'd have rather them expand on her X personality rather than make her an annoying Rikku clone in X2. Heck they even over did Rikku in X2.