Which Yuna do you like better?

Which one's better?

  • FFX Yuna

    Votes: 46 56.8%
  • FFX-2 Yuna

    Votes: 26 32.1%
  • Both

    Votes: 14 17.3%

  • Total voters
I couldn't really choose either Yuna, seeing as X-2 is just a older, progressed Yuna. But if I chose based on their outfits, I'd certainly choose X-2. I wasn't a big fan of her outfit throughout X. But if I chose based on attitude throughout each game, I wouldn't be too sure. Her determination to complete whatever it was at the time that she believed in was consistent. Her faith and positive attitude also being consistent. Again, I wouldn't know which to choose.

I chose both basically because I figure X-2's Yuna wouldn't be if not for X's Yuna.
C'mon guys. No way does X-2 Yuna beat X Yuna. All this talk about letting loose and having fun. I don't have a problem with that but at least have the same personality. Its lame that she changed so much, and kinda unrealistic IMO.

Isn't FF all about character development? And the reason you love characters so much is because you feel like you know them and how they feel? I felt the new Yuna was too different, and I think they tried to hard.

The game in general was disappointing to me, but I did like the battle system, and the little story it had.
Id have to say its a tough choice, like zombie set the character has progressed and "come of age" making for a much all-round and fleshed out character, I'll go with x-2s though simply because she seems a little more normal than x yuna.
I chose FFX Yuna because the X-2 Yuna was way too bubbly and annoying like her cousin Rikku who I don't like.
There are lots of things to take into perspective when deciding who is better. It was hard for me to vote, but I chose FFX-2 Yuna because she's more attractive, and her personality is more upbeat, like Rikku in FFX. But both Yuna's have their ups and downs. FFX Yuna is more innocent looking, as people say; but she's not that attractive, nor does she appear very talkative. She is much more monotonous, and pauses a lot, with a more shy personality. In FFX-2 she's a bit more 'badass'. Still, she is a great character, and she always will be.
Personally I preferred X2's Yuna, her naivety in X annoyed me slightly. I know it was part of her charm, but it just irritated me, the extent of naivety
i liked FF X2 yuna cos she was just sooo much more lively nd it was was likw she had been born with a personality YAY
Hmmm... Well, for personality and stuff like that = FFX Yuna.
BUT - For some sexyneess, ofc FFX-2 Yuna.

I dont like FFX-2 Yuna's personality -.- "Yaaayy !" "Lets have some fun !!" "GO GO Power Rangers !". That just wont suit her.
I adored FFX Yuna. She was kinda, brave, and damn she gave some long (but good) speeches. She seemed... well, intelligent. Not to mention, that she had that innocent beauty.

What the hell happened to her in X-2, I'll never quite understand.
Yuna: Key... mon? -dumb expression-
She was too girly-cliched. Not only was she in on the whole "Oh poopie" thing, but she ran like a pansy. Being a girl, it was irritating to play that game. : /
Not all of us are giggling bimbos.
To be honest, I agree with the above post, yet still think that X2 Yuna was better, because I prefer ditzy Yuna to naive Yuna. Yuna in FFX was naive, and I just felt sorry for her. Here she was, this girl who totally believed in a belief system that was living a lie, and believed that with this belief system she could beat Sin. But she only managed to defeat him once casting off said belief system. Yuna was completely free of that in X2, although it was interesting to see her grow and move away from Yevon in X, it's liberating to know that she is no longer plagued by it in X2. Basically, I prefer her in X2, because we found out that she was able to go on with her life after Yevon
I prefer the older Yuna basically cause she showed an innocence where in the newer one she show the exact opposite which makes namora dumb for doing that.
Personally, i prefer x-2's yuna :) she's happier about herself, i admit she still has depressing moments when she thinks about tidus, but overall she has less stress like thinking about how she is sacrificing herself.
SO for me x-2 because she is more herself as she has less to worry about.
i like both yuna's
ones shes really shy and cute
the other she kicks ass and is really cute
so win win ^.^
I love Yuna!!!!! I like both though there both beautiful in different ways. Yeah I agree in ffx she's naive but in ffx-2 what happened to her she just became so sexy all of a sudden!!!
I never liked FFX-2 Yuna. She seemed to get uglier and more annoying. And she is still naive in X-2. She just decided to change her outfit and has no idea that the majority of people only give her the time of day because of her exposed body.

She turned into such a fake and boring character. I wish they had never made a sequel. She used to be passionate and smart about what she was doing for the world. Yeah it was all a lie in the end but she had really good qualities.

I loved Yuna as my favourite FF Girl for the longest time and still do. However, I just have to pretend there was only ever FFX Yuna to make that work lol.

I mean Tidus obviously liked her for who she was in FFX. Now she's just like the rest of the girls he used to be with and more than likely he'll lose interest in her. Or he'll use her up until she realises what she's become and hopefully reform back to her old self.
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X-2's Yuna wasn't half as bad as I thought she would be, she was still annoying at times but I was expecting worse. I still preferred X's Yuna though, she wasn't annoying at all really and I just preferred her personality in general.
FFX Yuna, because she looks more mature than the FFX-2 Yuna.
But, if i have to choose fave female char in FFX i'd choose Lulu :D
i prefer X-2 yuna because she was more useful in battle besides summoning and healing for me this is just my opinion plz dont haggle me ..... and her attitude in X-2 was hilarious and made me laugh at times because she was almost like rikku