Who actually finished this game?


Jun 6, 2006
This game, despite what many may say, is an enjoyable game. But for the weak, this game was too much, and their determination failed them. I wonder who actually had the patience and determination to finish this game, ALONE. It is possible, 'cause I did.
I have the patience, and I have yet to finish the game, but I WILL finish it. I love this game. It's also the perfect game to play on a rainy day.
I beat it alone. Hell, I played up to year thirteen before I beat it. By the way, the ending credits make you feel very lonely if you did it alone, especially if there are inactive characters.

Admittedly, the first three or four years were with my brother, but he was of little help.
I havent already played it over but im good way doing it. It gets hard when i must do some bosses more. those green flying insects are so hard >_<
I haven't finished it T_T I got killed at the last boss.... and didn't played it anymore lol XP.
I beat it alone without any help..

It didn't seem that hard actually, although it did feel a bit lonesome from time to time..

Only reason I played it alone was simply because none of my friends had GBA's.. So there was no help there.

After I beat the game (Loved the ending by the way) I decided to get the Ultima Weapon or whatever it was..Excalibur maybe? Was so long ago. <3
This game was very fun, and the variety of stages kept it from growing too tedious. Still, finishing the game alone can be difficult and boring for some.

For those who did finish the game alone, give yourselves a round of applause.
I palyed it with my friend at his house when i slept over sincei dont have gamecube and it was nice, I enjoyed it and hope to get it and play it on my future Wii!
Eh, this game was Ehhh... I couldn't finish it. When I play a FF I expect a great stryline and that is where this game failed miserably. I guess it was more about the multipalyer though, but still a nice story would have been nice. Great graphics and gameplay, but I gave it 3 or 4 hours and I was done.