Who actually finished this game?

I beat it alone and with a friend. I liked it and all but the whole Chalise thing kinda got annoying in the Co-Op
I beat the game it was a load of trouble though... It took me forever cuz I just kept trying to get all of the extra stat thingies!!! and it took a really long time...
I always play with my little brother. We can only really play it during long breaks from school because I'm in college. We haven't beat it yet because we are terribly unprepared.

Five months ago.
Li'l Bro: "Let's go to Mt. Vellenge!"
Me: "We're not ready."
Li'l Bro: "Aw, come on! Let's just see how tough it is!"
Yeah, it is tough. I would strongly suggest going back and replaying some of the areas that you haven't played to death yet. Conall Corach (sp?) is a great place if you're up to the challenge. It will help you work on your teamwork with spells, and you can usually score some Orichalcum and gear for Selkies.
Arcticflare said:
Yeah, it is tough. I would strongly suggest going back and replaying some of the areas that you haven't played to death yet. Conall Corach (sp?) is a great place if you're up to the challenge. It will help you work on your teamwork with spells, and you can usually score some Orichalcum and gear for Selkies.

Thanks for the tip! I love Conall Curach and would not mind going back there multiple times for training.
I haven't. It was kind of fun while it lasted but it was also a total pain... I don't think I got very far either. Only at year 3 or month 3 or... something... >_<
I beat the game. I enjoyed it actually. And the ending was really good. The only time of the game where there was actual drama though :P
I liked how at the end the last 2 battle fields were so pretty. I loved them. I've never scene that in any other FF game. And it had a lot of pretty lights at the end. :giggle:
I ended up destroying my team around Year 5 to build a new one, so their all new. I haven't finished the game, so. :P

I've used all 8 character slots. Dunno what their stats are.