Who do you plan on using as your main fighter?

Hard to decide. Either Kefka or Terra, probably Terra in the end but I'm not sure.

Kefka because... He's insane, and he's Kefka. xD
Terra because I've always liked how they did her character, I find the concept cool.
I would definitely use Terra. I really like the depth of her character. I heard they really made the best of Terra in ff Dissidia. She is a seriously worthwhile character as she is different from the rest.
From the game play videos I've seen, Terra is looking amazing. I've always preferred the range & dance play-style over brute force.
I haven't seen much of Kefka, but he is one of my favorite Final Fantasy characters and will undoubtedly see some game time with me.


Zidane, Kefka, Bartz and Squall are all the peeps I intend to main.
Maybe Cloud too.
If this were a regular RPG where we could choose our teammates (hey, that'd be badass!), this would be mah team. And Squall would be the leader. Because he rocks so much naked ass like that.

I'll stick with that before I change my mind.

Despite me hating Tidus, word goes that he's pretty decent as a fighter. hmmm.

Can't wait to actually play this game for myself.
You can probably tell from my sig I'm starting to get hyped up about this game and what character I want to play.

I adore Terra, and I'm pretty excited to be able to use her. After Terra, I'll probably play...Cecil. I'm more excited to see the old characters revamped and renewed than the classic favorites.
I would probably end up using Sephiroth in the end. Judging from the gameplay videos, his attacks are amazing, but in a way they lack, because he has little to no combos, and one swing sends like a shockwave of multiple hits, which is easy to dodge and attack. However, I can't really tell you who would be my main fighter, Cecil looks promising too...
I am going to plan on using titus because he is quick and super strong.

[Mod Edit: remember our discussion about more effort? Thanks. :)]
Cloud until i unlock Golbez because he is my 2nd fav character behind kefka and his playing style looks awesome going by the gameplay vids.
zack and kain are supposed to be unlockeable characters if you beat 10 consecutive battles with cloud and cecil,i dont think this game has a story to go through,its just a brawler,but the character i would choose is either sephiroth,or the warrior of light,and amybe the onion kid
i've been playing dissidia in japanese, but i don't understand anything so idk what moves do i have or equipment... but i'm having alot of fun playing with Garland and Zidane
I'll definitely go for Zidane, Kuja and Jecht. Great characters, great fighting style, great moves. Don't really feel the need to detail it much more. ;P
I'll probably choose Cloud Strife as my main character (or Zack Fair if he will be available) 'coz he rock!

My mind is constant, and when I get bored with Cloud, I'll choose Squall or Tidus, depends on my mood.
Emperor Mateus: I love him, all of the Paradise Lost and Bible references are awesome. Also, being a trap master looks like fun

Onion Knight: From what I've seen, he is super fast, good with both magic and swords, plus I love FF3.

Bartz: His fighting style looks pretty interesting, using other character's weapons for himself.

Kefka: Just love this dude, he's awesome. Plus his magic looks cool, homing blizzard looks fun :wacky:

Zidane: Super fast, sounds like fun just to whiz around the battle field

Kuja: He can fly, plus he's an awesome character

Gabranth: He seems interesting right at the end of the game, plus his fighting style looks fun
I guess I'm going to make a random choice based on my mood when I get the game. I'm not in particular favour of any of the characters specifically... But I guess I'd like to use Sephiroth as my main fighter.

The others look great too. But I guess unless I actually play the game myself right now, I won't know which I will choose as my main fighter. Can't wait for it to be released here!
Squall's my favorite FF character, so I'll spamming him as a fan, but I wanna give equal opportunity to everyone and see what's the best fit for me. Probably characters who are fast is what I'll use; even if they aren't too strong, more hits per minute will add up ^^