Who do you plan on using as your main fighter?

Which character do you use most?

I prefer to use cloud the most. right now though, its a 3 way tie between squall firion and cloud. They are all good characters. Who do you use to beat up your opponents?:eek:uttahere:

I know this is somewhere :hmmm:

Anyway, I like using Cloud the most. I haven't played the game in a while, but I remember when I got Omnislash Ver.5. I used to always spam it just so I could see it in slow motion when I won. I like how his attacks knock you away, well most of them anyway. And his EX burst is really cool. Omnislash pawns.
Squall, as I mentioned in a different thread I grew up with him! I maxed out Cloud too jus cuz he has Update attacks. Gabranth's my highest lvl villain so far Jecht's 2nd best.
[Threads Merged]

Please try and explain why you use a certain character.
I mostly use Kuja and Titus. Titus is very quick and was plenty of tricky moves, I won a few battles against some friends and they were surprised by his movements. If I'm picking Kuja the battle could turn in a game of cat and mouse and I tend to combo with his attacks but I wish they had gave him more moves like at least one link up
lets see

WoL, for the epic air combos and the possibility to button lock the opponent, along with the fact that you can cancel a dodge with shield of light

Firion, for all the fire + straight arrow tactics he has, along with weapon master/sword slash mind games, rope knife screws over blocks and dodges, and shield is a godly attack

OK, simply for the thunder mind games. all his melee attacks need to be guarded early, while thunder fucks up any early blocks. Really simplistic tactics however, bore me with this one

Cecil, only because hes one of the worse(if not the very worst) characters in the game. He simply is a failed squall. All he has going for him is ex mode job change mind games.

Terra, in ex mode, a holy combo does 3500 damage on average, plus the fact that she can chain it from melt down, and double ultima. Now lets say you had alexander with just 2500 or more brave, and do a meltdown to holy to ultima to ultima and then ex burst. Its a OHKO

Cloud, simply due to the fact that if he gets you against a wall, youre fucked. double cut to Cross slash(hit a wall) to sonic break does massive hp damage. Even better though, fire to climhazard to slashing blow(hit them up and hit a wall) to rising fang(hit a wall) to rising fang(hit a wall) to slashing blow to omni slash v5, which has ohko potential. Also on some stages, he can even do slashing blow to omni slash v5(hit a wall not the ground) to slashing blow to omni slash v5, which is deadly, since if you have a crash hp damage based cloud, itll kill instantly.

Squall, simply for the brave rape. It also takes alot of strategy and pressuring to actually hit with the final blow, the main problem with this character.

Ultimecia, brave rapes just like squall, but from a range. also, time crush is simply godly.

Zidane is simply the incarnation of rape. With swift attack and free energy mind games, plus the brave rape that is storm impulse and tempest to start any combos, hes all set.

Tidus, DODGE AND THROW, simple as that. Tidus is a character that requires you to have really good prediction, which is why I like him.

And dont forget Bartz. Bartz has so many option to force his opponent on the ground, and then taking advantage of them on or off the ground. a full holy does an average of 2000-3000 with crits(although terra's hurts more, bartz doesnt need to be in EX mode for it to hurt). Slide hazard lets you charge right in on mages that try to play air with you, and when it hits, it messes with an opponents camera so holy becomes invisible to them. Solid rise will combo into holy on any stage with a short cieling. Also, solid rise cant be blocked on reaction. Bartz has the second most jumps in the game(loses only to ex mode zidane) is the fourth fastest runner(can however beat zidane if you equip wind shear) and is the highest jumper in the game. Also, EVERYTHING chains into goblin punch. any move that can wall rush can be chained into goblin punch easily, while holy requires the prefect spacing for it to work.

yes, I know I just listed every hero(and ulti)........
I use bartz cuz he is so damn easy to spam holy. I also use WoL for his powerful moves and I also like golbez simply cuz he's cool.
Kefka all the way. Just something about his personality and style of fighting sparks my interest.:-)
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Okay guys, please add more detail about why you use a certain character the most. This is a post count section. Thank you! =]
I use Cecil. With the perfect Auto EX command he can dish out a lot of damage, not to mention switching forms, too. His Dark Knight form has a lot of long-range attacks for me to spam on enemies, and although his Paladin HP attacks are sort of slow, his bravery attacks seem relatively fast and efficient to me.
Mmkay, why Squall? When Dissidia was announced Squall quickly became my primary character! I think the GunBlade is one of the most unique weapons in the FF Universe and using it in battle makes it look cooler.

I like the trigger-style combos(Beat Fang, Solid Barrel, and Revolver Drive)!

His EX Drive is Renzokuken and is VERY nostalgic!! Plus as a kid i've always wanted Squall to wear his SeeD Uniform all the time and also face off with Sephiroth! *He should have Update Moves in the future!!*

I also use Cloud, Tidus, Firion, and Cecil for heroes. Jecht, Sephiroth, and Gabranth for villains. Too many things to say, too little space so Squall FTW(waiting for Kain Auron Irvine Vincent Balthier Lightning and Noctis =D)
My main is the Warrior of Light. At first I wanted Cloud, but as I played the WoL... I fell in love with him :}
After having played everyone and gotten bored of them atleast once, I have chosen my mains

Bartz due to being forced to by certain people, but also for all the pros. Fastest in the game, longest combo in the game, fastest vertical distancer in the game, one of the strongest projectiles in the game(testing has shown that holy does 4x more damage than Terra's), best/fastest hp attack un the game, and others Im too lazy to list. Hes also a really underrated character, so Im out to prove everyone wrong =P

Kuja, just because his ex mode was one of the most funnest experiences I had in the game. From falling, jumping, and gliding alone, he releases attacks that out prioritize normal guards and attacks, and lead to combos. not only is it unexpected, but it leaves your opponent unable to do anything but the stale hit and run tactic(the only character than can do this well enough to defeat kuja is Zidane) or projectile abuse. I also love how abusing chase with him actually becomes a viable option, and how he counters the counter whores =P.

CoD, one of the most underrated characters in the game. In truth though, she is actually one of the most technical. She is given the ability to rack ex tremendously faster the most of the cast, and also a rarity in a game like dissida, an actual mix up game. Outside of ex she is a normal brave rapist, losing to the others in terms of damage, but beating all of them when it comes to racking up ex. Once in ex mode, shell basically never go out due to her ex racking capabilities, and at the same time, her lag cancelling abilities make her a viable hp chipper as well. One must learn how to hit with the first hit of hers instead of the ones afterwards to use her correctly though
i got three :)

squall - because he is quick, can keep combo going and due to rough divine lool everytime i kill someone with that move i say "metal gear solid" don't ask something going round youtube :)

cloud - strong i can break people in one combo with him :) good chain combo and one bravery attack can keep u in the air forever

sephioth - easy to play with, really cool hp attacks and black materia. thats fun the move where he summons a metor.. that + gabranth + cillf = really good fun :)

also when he is charging

he gonna make it............nope big metor fell on his head :)

playing as firion as i write this.. starting to like him :)
I used Cloud quite alot, he is my max leveled character in dissidia,
his powerful attacks really made him a favourite,
I also loved being Warrior of Light,
his long distant ray beam attack was very useful!!
as for the badder side, Sephiroth was a favourite because his attacks
were very swift. his agility was quite fun
also gabranth because he kicked ace in Ex Mode!!! =D