Who do you plan on using as your main fighter?

My main is The Emperor with great offensive abilities and almost perfect abilities and Equipment and he got a complete accessory set that i won't change.
Right now its a mix between Squall, Tidus, and Cloud.

Really preferring Squall though, due to his decent ability to close gaps and get close to the enemy.
Onion Knight it is, well, was... D=

The save got corrupted and I haz found no way to restore it T.T

And the very same day that I defeated the Ultimate Chaos, D= (It was actually VERY easy, :O)
People PLEASE stop spamming in this thread. I went through and just deleted at least three posts. There is no excuse for this. You know that posts in the post count section have to be at least two lines each so as to avoid messy forums and pointless spam. Please use elaboration in your posting next time. Thank you.
I am using Jecht as my main, because his combo's + powerful attacks are very good. I used WoL but he sucks actually.
i just got the game and i went thru the arcade with each charecter. i took a liking to both Warrior of Light and Zidane, but i like Zidane more for some reason, maybe its his air style :hmmm:
I've used every character in the game and found out that sephiorth and exdeath are two of the best villains, whereas cloud and squall are the two best heros (all in my opinion)
I like to use Bartz as his moves are varied and reasonably quick. I also like WoL as you can combo many good BRV to HP attacks. Cloud for me is too slow. They are all Lv100. I've nearly got Terra to Lv100.
I've only played a handful but I was surprised at how varied Squall is. Mostly because if I fight him at around medium difficulty he kicks my ass. I have Warrior of Light at level 100. Solid fighter, the first one I played as. I'm going through story mode in chronolgical order, starting with FFI. Story mode started off hard...

If your skilled enough, you can make any character work for you. I haven't done Inward Chaos, so haven't unlocked the duel coliseum, so my equipment pretty well sucks no matter how much money I have.
I've only played a handful but I was surprised at how varied Squall is. Mostly because if I fight him at around medium difficulty he kicks my ass. I have Warrior of Light at level 100. Solid fighter, the first one I played as. I'm going through story mode in chronolgical order, starting with FFI. Story mode started off hard...

If your skilled enough, you can make any character work for you. I haven't done Inward Chaos, so haven't unlocked the duel coliseum, so my equipment pretty well sucks no matter how much money I have.

That's because you're supposed to do them in order of difficulty to follow Dissidia's Story (i.e. starting with Cloud or the other Difficulty 1 char.) so that also means
WoL is the last to obtain his crystal, since it is the hardest of all stories (i.e. a boss pretty much every floor)
Although I did try that too, xD

Anyways, after beginning a new game, I'm just going with Cloud, xD
i was using cloud when i first played the game, until i unlocked sephiroth (currently experimenting on different builds for this character...stressful!!)
cloud was my first main but i couldn't fight with him like i want to. dunno why

but my main is seph. i've got 2 different builds for him: Ex-Build

bouth are kick ass and i dont know which one is more powerful....
When i get the game im not sure weather I'm going to go with Cloud or Tidus for my main character.

Cloud is badass as is Tidus, i guess it will be a decide when start the Game i guess.
Kikyou has already posted in this thread saying to keep the spammy posts down, and some of you have not done so. PLEASE elaborate on what you're saying.
well, i was going to use Cloud as my main character but after playing the game for a bit, i realised his moves are very powerful, but incredibly slow and also you have to get up close and personal to do any real damage, so i think i might use Terra instead as she has a plethra of powerful long range attacks and you can keep your distance from your opponents
i've decided.. i'm switching from sephiroth to jecht..
from now on.. jecht will always be my main!! i made a total powerhouse build for him and i can take on anyone anytime!! ahahhaa.. his combo is just too powerful and deadly that he can even take lvl150 cpu's and last 100+ battles..
I'd go with SQUALL :)

Mod Edit: Please remember to elaborate on why you would like to use this character.
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I use Bartz(power to the underused)

I find him really fun to play as, and hes a really simple player to master, plus he do the Goblin PAUNCHHHH!!!!!!!!
I have to say I use Cloud, Gabaranth, and WoL. I mean I do use a bunch of slow characters [Cloud and Bad] But I mean, even with them being slow, they have their awesome combos. Gab, after you go EX-Mode, his combo where you press circle [circle is the brave damage in my game] it lasts a long time. Having Gabs long combos and hard hits makes up for his hard to land HP attacks and his fast draining of EX-Force. Cloud maybe slow all around, but if you set up your controls in a pattern, you can combo to extreme amounts. WoL Is pretty balanced but more into the defence area. Faster then the other two I use, so it's kind of hard to ajust if I play the two heaveis before hand. Other than that, I can beat any of you hands down. I have played so many hours of gaming, I will win 85.85643% of the time.