Who do you plan on using as your main fighter?

Shirona, against my Zidane your Terra would mean as much as a leaf drifting in the hurricane that my Stellar Circle 5 creates =) I'd run circles around your Tornadoes~

I've been trying to use Warrior of Light, and coming from using Zidane =| it's really hard to get used to xD Perhaps, that's why people decide on a main character, huh? =|
Honestly, and I'm sure everyone will agree with me, ALL of the characters are great. While some you may hate because you just can't seem to beat them sometimes, in actual use, there very well done. But if I have to pick a single character, its going to have to be good 'ol Cloud Strife. :P Other than him, Zindane, Gabranth, or Tidus.
Cloud's really slow with his BRV attacks, but his HP attacks are stuff of legends.
If you're not really much of a fighting gamer, but want to get into it, I would recommend playing someone like... Cecil, or Firion. Those two are quite easy to get used to. If you like waiting for your opponents to strike first so you can counter attack, then you should definitely go for Cloud or Warrior of Light. If you enjoy unleashing magical fury upon your opponents, then Terra and Onion Knight/Lunneth is your main. If you like beating up your opponents until they lose all hope in the game, then you should go for Zidane or Squall. Finally, if you want a character that seemingly can jump from one side of the stage to the other, go with Tidus. That guy is seriously... the most... annoying character... to play...

I've made my mind up =) I play Zidane Tribal, and there is no way you'll ever escape from my wrath. Enjoy your time thinking that you're pro =) I'mma destroy your hopes and dreams! Muuhahahahaha!!!

But yeah =) Enjoy the game!
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Well after reading a few things about each character from people, I decided to stick to Tidus for now. Besides, my daughter loves him so I figured she'd get a kick out of it when she watch me play the game. So far I'm getting used to him, although he does move extremely fast and I'm having a hard time following his every move sometimes. But I'll get used to it. I have to say...the battles makes my hand sore. >.> I fought Golbez in Arcade mode and my gosh, I had to pause the game to rub my anatomical snuff box. Ached like hell. Just the whole meshing up buttons gets to be a bit extreme for me. But I haven't played my PSP for over 6 months so that's probably why.

I might go for Squall next.
How can people play Tidus?... =|
His moveset has no flow xD They don't string. It's all just one move, then another move, then another move. It feels like I'm watching Dragonball Z whenever I play Tidus... Perhaps he becomes a better character to use in the higher levels, but I really can't be bothered to find out xD I've tried to play his story at least three times now. I keep giving up because he's just so annoying =|

If you can give me a good reason for playing Tidus, I'll do it.
well my reason to play tidus is,because his movement is so fast,but he got weakness
if his skill "energy rain" miss there is a opening for enemy movement to counter,probably
that his weakness i found while i playing Tidus,i'm going to find out about his weakness again,then i will inform you again guys


"This isn't over yet. There's no tomorrow for me...unless I beat you today!"

Tidus is the "Dodge -> Attack" character. Thing is, he doesn't seem to be able to dodge too well xD When you first use him as a Lvl 1 character, he is just useless. By Lvl 10, he'll have his first Dodge -> Attack BRV Ability. This is an attack where he'll jump upwards towards the opponent in a manner that looks like a dodge (the speed is Dodge Speed) and then he'll do a Sonic-like attack, where he'll turn into a ball with his sword spinning with him, downwards at the opponent. From the start, he'll have a Airial Attack where if you press the combination of "Away from Opponent + BRV" he'll sling dodge away from the opponent, and throw his sword like a boomerang. These two are the only slightly useless abilities he has as a low level character. Terrible =|

His HP attacks are totally punishable in every way. To me, it seems like the delay in attack recovery from his Energy Rain is higher than others. When you try to execute his Energy Rain, the frames of the animation seem longer (that's what I'm trying to say) than others. If your opponent dodged it, you are gone. If your opponent is ranged, you're gone. If your opponent isn't Tidus, you're gone xD His other HP Attacks are pretty useless, also...

Here's a plus side to Tidus:
If you equip a BUTT load of Chase enhancing equipment, you won't have any BRV problems. Almost every Attack Ability of his will link to Chase.
Away from Opponent + BRV = Throwing a Blitzball at opponent. Follows up with Chase.
Mid-air away from Opponent + BRV = Boomerang Sword. Follows up with Chase.
And most others xD

I've yet to lose to anyone that is lower level than my Tidus is <.< Anyone higher, though, and it's over xD

Despite all this, I'll be making him at least Lvl 50. The only reason? Achievement :3
Bartz all the way! The little man uses mixed and revised versions of every character, so in essence you're just making your own character with everyone's attacks xD But honestly Bartz is great. I love pretty much everything about him, except that when he's in his EX mode he just has three 2d Stars above his head. I mean what's that? :/ Oh well though. I love the Brave Attack he does when he dashes forward like he's about to use Cloud's Climhazzard but as soon as he hits them, changes to Squall's gunblade and shoots them three times into the air diagonally allowing you to chase. It's a great way to start stringing together moves. But it seems like on here there aren't many Bartz users lol.

I also use Cloud, he's my highest level. He's really just a turtle character, but if you can master the dashing from one platform to another, he becomes a whole lot less slow. Same with the anywhere dash. I've perfected it so Cloud can Dash about halfway across every arena xD My Last Character I've been playing as is Firion. He's a pretty fierce character and not too difficult to master. Fun to play as though.
I don't know yet which character will be my main. I have Firion lvl 100, Kefka 70 and other chars like 1-30 but didn't use even 1 ros~ stone for acc slot. I'm still thinking about my choice(I'll prob choose Jecht cuz he's like Chuck Norris!).>:D You could help me if you want by typing + and - of your chars.
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My first when I get my copy Monday-Tuesday, the first will be Terra (she's the best in the game!) Buntz and than Onion Knight. I'll do the rest later...

I don't think its possible to play as villains...is it? If so, than it will be Terra, Jecht and than Buntz ^^
I pretty much play with any character... except with Onion Knight... I... don't like him too much. He seems to juat take out a lot of 1's when he attacks, and no chase. But he is versatile later in the game, that's for sure.

In any case, I prefer Zidane and Terra. Which are my highest levelled characters up to now. Once I'm done with getting them to 100 (one way of another, :P) I guess I'll go on with Cloud. And since Saturday is special day, :D I can get over 24x normal battle EXP.

If I were to fight the lvl 100 Exdeath ghost... I might do a level 1->100 :P

As for the baddies, Jecht seems to be quite an interesting character. As well as Sephiroth. As fot the rest, I don't like em too much.
I love Onion Knight. He's made for speed and strength. His 1 hit move actually does a hella lot of damage, especially in the beginning. He's probably one of the best.

Terra is like an goddess! Her Desperation Attack is really powerful! I wouldn't know about Zidane. I own his game, never played. I haven't tried Zidane on Dissidia either, because my copy won't come for a while.

As for the baddies, Jecht seems to be quite an interesting character. As well as Sephiroth. As fot the rest, I don't like em too much.

Sephiroth was really easy for me to play against on all levels, especially on hard. I just didn't find him strong....now, for Garland, he sorta put up a fight ^^
/Onion Knight? One of the best? And POWERFUL?? No way! He's one of the WEAKEST characters when it comes to damage and brave stealing! At least in the beginning.
No, that would belong to Cloud and Sephiroth, sorry.
They are way too weak, slow and stupid for my likes. I can't stand how they move and how predictable their moves are. Their story goes around in circles and their lines are straight from the movie. If you want all that kind of crap, watch the movie again >.<

Onion Knight, Terra and Buntz have to be the best in the game. They are re-made or stupid like Cloud, Sephiroth, Cecil and Squall. (I still like em, just not their Dissidia forms.)
My highest level character on the Heroes side is Cecil. I like his style of fighting, his speed is just right for my taste (the guy can be quite fast in Paladin form and powerful in Dark Knight form).
I think I'll sub either Jecht or Gabranth.

Onion Knight was the worst! I'm glad I got through his Destiny Odyssey. I was forced to buy new equipment for him (money should only be spent on Cecil in my game :P) because he was dealing 0s and 1s on his brave attack! And don't get me started when he had to face Cloud of Darkness, she was a total b*tch!
Everyone has their own pros and cons to using them. EVERYONE is completely shit to use at the start. The reason why the game is so easy to begin with is because it needs to make up for the fact that every character's low level game is terrible xD I mean, Firion only had ONE HP Attack to begin with. Onion Knight has shit BRV Attacks to begin with. And so on. What you have to remember is that you can still use them, and you can still win with them. You have to find ways of using their moves to the best it can be used. For example, Cecil at Lvl 1 has a move where he can unleash his Dark Balls at the opponent, and draw them in. This leaves a 2 second stagger time where they cannot recover (unless they EX Mode out of it), and you can use your Land-based HP Attack, which I don't remember the name of <.< But yeah! That will do some damage.

I wouldn't say that any character is shit to use, but there are some that are harder to understand than others. There are some that will become easier to use the higher Lvl you are. There are some that will become more complex and more dependant on the player's control as they continue on. I know that Onion Knight is all about timing and utilising his movelist to the maximum. I know that Terra is all about punishing your opponent. I know that Cloud will never fail in his counter game. What people need to know is that every character is dependant on their player in some way, some more than others.

Have to say, though. Tidus is the most annoying character to use, and if you can give me 5 good points about him, I'll take him to Lvl 100 and fully equip him. <.< I'm willing to do that, because I'm pretty confident that Tidus is a crap character to use :D
In general everyone does have his pros and cons as has been said. Now, the "better" characters are usually just easier to use. The best example here, Cloud. In the same manner the villians are generally much harder to use, but the easiest there is... Sephiroth (No surprise). And then there's lots and lots. I mean, how come Exdeath, the absurdly slow character, (who can be used to power level the characters) be voted as one of the best characters? It all depends on the player, indeed. In all depends on how quick you adapt to each char's moveset and strategies.

BTW... I think I'll also train Squall, Cecil and Warrior of Light for further use, :P. Whenever I have the time, that is.