Who do you use in your party?

Cloud , Barret, Yuffie
i used these cuz all have awsome limit breaks that can do some serius damage.. barret's limit break Anger Max and Yuffie's Doom of the living are the best :D
cloud in my party is soo strong.. although all my characters are level 99.. and thats within 35hours... clouds stats are unbelievable!
I tried to use all the character equally.

Recently when I replayed the game I used Aeris the most on the first disc and alternated the characters around. Then from disc two and on the ones that got used more than others were Yuffie and Cid because they're my two favorite characters.
Throughout the entire game, I mainly used: Cloud, Vincent, Yuffie, Red XIII, Cid, and Tifa.
Cloud, Tifa, Red, Cid, Vincent, Yuffie

Always Cloud & Red then any of the other ones.

I never liked Barret or Cait Sith
Before Aeris' death I would always have Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris (the best man HAS to take care of the ladies!).
After her death I have Cloud and Tifa and switch between Barrett and Red.
Cloud, Tifa and Vincent. Can't stand Cait, I find Cid's limit breaks fairly borring, I admit i do love Red so he would have been my 4th party member choice, Yuffie annoys the hell out of me. And i don't know Barret always was the supportive character in my games. Id add Aeris (I do use her alot before her death) but shes not around of the majority of the game :'(
Cloud Tifa and Vincent, gotta have the martial artist (cause I am one) Vincent's fething cool and Cloud kick's arse who else could I have?
Most of the time, I had Cloud, Tifa & Vincent. But sometimes I'd switch Tifa with Cid or Red depending on how I was feelings :P

Gotta love Vincent's magic stats <3
I mostly used Cloud Tifa and Barret. But after Cloud went bye bye for awhile I used Cid Tifa and Red