Who here thought the love scene with Tidus and Yuna was really beautiful.


♥Solo noi due insieme per sempre♥
Aug 25, 2008
Accessory (Arms)
Chocobo Egg
Ellia Lombardia
FFXIV Server
I did and I really love the song playing when they kiss.
Not really; it was a cute teenage infatuation, but it's nothing I'd consider 'beautiful' love.
Ugh I hate it, I just want to punch Yuna in the gob when she stars blubbering, that whole scene just makes me cringe
Her voice irritates the socks off me. I don't mind her but I'm neither her NOR Tidus biggest fan, so that scene did naff all for me
I liked it the first and maybe the second time I saw it, then I just skip it. And

after the kiss they act too weird to each other. Not like they are in love,

something strange (no more kisses?).
Cool it on the spam guys, I don't really want to delete posts. The voice actress for Yuna really sucked when it came to Yuna's crying, but the scene as a whole was done beautifully, especially when they started to kiss and underwater. It is one of my favorite scenes in the game. The whole underwater graphical aspect was so lovely. The song, Suteki da ne, was chosen well for the concept of the scene.
The first time I saw that part I had to turn the sound on my TV down becuase that song was fricking F'ed up. The first time I saw it though I won't lie, my eyes did start to water. But that was becuase I was a little kid then. Now I just admire the great CG sequence when it comes on.
It makes me cringe to think about it.

I do not enjoy watching anyone--CG or no--string saliva together for five minutes. That. Is. Disgusting!
I loved it. I think it's one of the most beautiful scenes in all of FF. Since FFX was my first FF, I must say it had quite an impression on me. But I must agree that Yuna's voice actress wasn't the best.
..I liked Yuna's voice actress =/ I thought it suited her look. Although not in the FMVs. Her voice was different for them anyway.

As for the scene, I thought it was cute xD I didn't think it was absolutely fantastic. Although I was really looking forward to it cause I'd seen a lot of FFX AMVs/screens all over the place and this one seems to center around a lot of them, so it was... good ^_^
I liked it the first and maybe the second time I saw it, then I just skip it. And

after the kiss they act too weird to each other. Not like they are in love,

something strange (no more kisses?).
I know right? It was like they weren't girlfriend and boyfriend, but they weren't just friends either..

All in all, I like the scene ok. The part where Yuna is crying wasn't done very well, but the graphics and everything were simply gorgeous. As for the song that plays, I don't really like it. I know a lot of people do, but I think they could've picked something better.. I cringe everytime it plays <_<
I have to agree it was beautiful, Im a hopeless romantic. It did move me to tears due to the music and the attraction between them both. Still makes me aww when I just think about it.
I wondered for a few short moments...

...where the hell was the skip button.

I hate soppy love stuff, I was gutted to having to sit there watching them snugglez and shitz.

Unlike many, I don't play a Final Fantasy game for teh lurvz storyline.

Why can't they think of Spinsters like me and Bambi, who wanted to skip that sort of stuff? -_-

This brought tears to peoples eyes? I can never understand people like that..unless you're a serious hopeless romantic. :wacky:
If there is any romance Im hooked. At the time I was in a relationship and just felt all snuggly and such lol. It was nice to see something like that in a game.
I agree with SapphireStar. I'm a hopeless romantic as well, so whenever I see anything so tender like that in anime, video game, etc...I start feeling all mushy. I suppose it's different for people who are in relationships and people who love romance. *shrugs*
I do normally like the romance in the games, I was really dissapointed that there wasn't in XII, one of the reasons I liked VIII so much was because of the love theme. I just think that scene in X was abit much for me, I really couldn't stand that crying part and Yunas face just looked......weird.

I think it's the kissing >_>
I think that Yuna had really let herself go, i mean i know that she was stressing out over the whole
'I'm gonna die soon, OMG Final summon' etc.
And you could tell, cause she was crying and stuff. I think she only kissed Tidus in case he started whistling or laughing like a moron again. But to be fair, if it wasn't for the reason stated in the spoiler tags, this scene would be a lot more cheesy and sickening. To me anyways.
So i didn't mind it that much.
It seems a bit fake, if I can remember correctly, that scene happens after they beat Seymour the second time?
It's a wee bit unusual for who have just gone through a stressful fight like that to jump in a lake and start kissing for five minutes.
It's OTT, like they are trying to get it through to incredibly thich people that Tidus and Yuna are in love. I would have prefered a more subtle way of doing that, rather than that scene.
I like them. Cute couple really. i find them fun to watch. The kissing scene was beautiful but seriously, that was one long ass kiss. i was falling asleep.
I'm not a huge fan of romance between videogame characters, so the scene didn't do a whole lot for me. They meet, walk a few miles together, laugh a little, and then they're sucking face in a mystical lake. I was half expecting them to strip and get down 'n' dirty. That'd be pretty funny, actually. But yeah, not a huge fan of the kissing scene. The fact that I detest Tidus and find Yuna minorly annoying doesn't help.