Who here thought the love scene with Tidus and Yuna was really beautiful.

A very tempting question, my dear Fusionist: how come Yuna wasn't drowning?

Maybe Yuna's the... uh... Messiah? :wacky: Or... maybe she just has a knack for neat spells?

Sorry, I just couldn't resist... :lol:
No lie, i saved right before that scene, and kept restarting my PS2 just to watch it over and over

Suteki da ne is a gorgeous song^^
That was the 4th final fantasy game i played, and as the first one that they made for PS2, this scene was special to me. That game captivated me with the graphics and gameplay. Their love scene is still the background on my computer and phone.
personally i found it quite bland after all the entire game to that point i played to rikku instead of yuna however, the sending is the scene that got to me
yes that scene was good

but... it would have been better if yuna was kissing air instead of that stupid dick wod tidus although this is the point in the game when tidus starts to get his act together
man tidus was probly thinkin in his head YES IM GOIN TO GET LUCKY TONIGHT!!! well anyways it was kinda wierd cause i have never seen 2 people full on pash in anygame
I thought that was the best love scene in any RPG game I played. I wish other games that have couples like that would show those kind of scenes in the game, mainly because I am a sucker for romance. I had actually recorded the whole cutscene from Macalania and watched it over so many times because it was that good. The song, Suteki Da Ne is a great song and went well with the scene.
Me, I just love this scene - its probably my fave scene in the game mainly cuz of the awesome song.
I thought it was gorgeous, though I often make fun of it.

But I admit, while the scene was very serious between the two, I started cracking up when Tidus made that really happy face under-water. He looked like a crazy man. *rofl just thinking about it* Also, him saying the sunset was "pretty" kinda ruined the mood. For me, at least. Yuna didn't seem to mind.
This brought tears to peoples eyes? I can never understand people like that..unless you're a serious hopeless romantic. :wacky:

The stupid thing is, I'm a hopeless romantic and I still hate that scene. The whole love story between them is completely ridiculous. Tidus appears out of nowhere, and suddenly Yuna falls in love immediately? I don't buy it.

And how they hell do they stay underwater for that long? Tidus I can get, but Yuna? I don't care how Al Bhed she is >.>
im a hopeless romantic as well, but the scene didnt seem like a logical thing to me.

i think the scene was great and was romantic and all that, so it made sense to me on some level. i understand the whole love thing, and i understand the whole idea of them being in love, so i guess that is what made the whole underwater for hours thing possible.
It was very beautiful and romantic I thought. Pretty random as well but what can you do, a cute girl crying when you've said "Sup babe. Less hav a parT at mah place. Yeh?".
I noticed that Tidus like Yuna from the start (
even though it was up to you to choose
) but Yuna was unsure of her feelings. She had to do was had to be done. When she recieved the kiss she realised that she couldn't be safer. Her power has grown, her will is strong and she is ready to face Sin. All in one kiss.
No final fantasy game (that I know of) has ever taken a stab at the story quite like that. It was very brave of SE, but in the end... they SUCCEED! I thought the scene made the game go from okay... to AWESOME!

Most people who haven't beat final fantasy X say it sucks. But to tell you the truth, the last few hours of the game are the best ones. I hate people who say it sucks yet they haven't beaten it.

I would have never guess this scene was coming... But all in all, I love it!
for me it was really cute
i was like "awww" they kissed yay
then i was like that's all no more kissing

either way i really liked it it seemed to fit with the two just right ^.^
The scene was really cute, but the underwater thing bugged me, too, until I realized something: Everyone in that game is somehow capable of staying in the water for long periods of time. Blitzball, Baaj Temple, Via Purifico, etc. So I just decided, eh, why not. It's not like the game is incredibly realistic. (How did the party not get thrown off of the airship when Cid steered it away from Evrae? How did they grind down the metal cords from the airship wearing rubber-soled shoes? Mysteries of life!)

That being said, I can now go back to reminiscing happily about how romantic and adorable that scene was. <3
*sqee* I loved this romance scene <3 How Tidus kisses her is so sweet, and then when they fall into the water *sigh* so romantic. My favorite part of the entire scene though, is when they hold hands under the water, it's so romantic, I love it! I love this scene and I think it is the most romantic love scene in all of the FF series.
I have to say that was a great scene. A little cliche maybe, but a wonderful scene. It's really wierd how everyone can stay underwater for so long though.

Back to the mater at hand. No more to say but "Bravo!!!". It was an excellent scene. A true 'awwww' moment (the good awww, mind you!). And it just is, can't explain why, it just is.
to put in nice terms i liked the scence they chose and the song , lol i don't really look to deep in a "love" scense though perhaps it would be beautiful if it seemed more of a mature relationship
Aww i I love this scene so much, the song, how they hold hands, where they are, ugh theres nothing about that scene I don't Love, its the Epitome of Romance. I could watch this over and over again. Tidus is a hopeless romantic.:lol: