Who is the best Final Fantasy villian?

Ahem...Necron was a giant space flea with the ability to reset all of existence as wel know it. That alone makes up for the fact that he's the second lamest plot device I've ever seen in a Final Fantasy game. It's just...I mean, how can you make fun of a giant omnipotent space flea?! Honestly, that's, like, the coolest idea in the history of JRPGs. You guys can have your evil wizards, supernatural swordsmen, and corrupt sorceresses from the future. I'm playing the game with the giant freakin' space flea.

Space flea? I honestly don't think I could have come up with a worse insult. Your sarcasm would have worked much better if that had even made the least sense. And if you'd payed attention to the story, you would have figured out he actually does have a place in it. Granted though, he's really not so much of a villain as a creation with a set purpose. He's not really good or evil.

I do agree with Rulia that he was a WAY better boss than Yu Yevon. At least Necron presented a challenge...well, if you didn't have all your abilities learnt, anyway.
Yes, he obviously does play a role in the plot. He's the Iifa Tree's true form, if I remember correctly, and his presence is definitely alluded to during the game. However, the fact remains, whatever role Necron does play is incredibly small for a "final boss." In all honesty, I had trouble accepting that he was the final hurdle that the characters had to overcome, rather than Kuja. Furthermore, he was, in fact, a "space flea" in that he was originally created by Garland, who hails from Terra. Terra is a different planet than Gaia and, if you want to get technical, Earth. As such, Necron originates from somewhere in space. He also looks like a giant omnipotent flea. This makes him a giant omnipotent space flea.
That alone makes up for the fact that he's the second lamest plot device I've ever seen in a Final Fantasy game.

If that's the case, what was the worst.

Not that I'm complaing, I thought Necron was a unique boss and continued the whole 'final boss has to take up the whole screen' thing that we seem to have.

My view is that (villain wise) Kuja and Sephiroth are just about equal with Kefka and Necron (the strange plothole that he is) in behind
The worst plot device in the series? That'd probably be when Squall suddenly goes "ZOMG I LUV YOU RINOA HAVE MY BABIES" on Disc 3 once she falls into a coma. Seriously, that one REALLY came out of left-field. I mean, I know that Squall was going to fall in love with Rinoa, but I think Square could've been a bit more tactful about it. If you really want to analyze the scene, you could easily come up with an explanation for Squall's sudden outburst of psychological dependency, but the same could be said for Necron's sudden appearance. Yeah, I guess it was pretty logical once you take Squall's character into consideration, but it was still incredibly sudden and poor storytelling in its own right.

I'd go on about this, but that's getting off-topic.
*sigh* As I explained in another thread in this exact same forum, Sephiroth does not think JENOVA is his mother. The only time he believes that to be true is during the event in Nibelheim. After he jumps into the Lifestream, he learns that JENOVA is not related to him in any way and comes to recognize her as nothing more than a means to an end. She certainly isn't his primary motivation for doing what he does and I really don't understand why people think that she is. Hell, Sephiroth only refers to JENOVA as "mother" once after the event at the Nibelheim Reactor (I believe in the Whirlwind Maze), and even then, I'm fairly certain he was just being sarcastic or something to that effect. Sephiroth just wanted to become a god. Nothing more. He only kept JENOVA with him because he knew that she could help him obtain that goal.
personally, i thought necron looked pretty cool. he had awsome moves, he had boobs! and he had the coolest move ever, grand cross, whats not to love bout him? and about the squall and rinoa thing, he didnt just suddenly fall in love, he just started to explain his past and everything because he was hoping she would awaked from her coma because he talked to her and opened up..
Well in regards to the best FF villain, for me hands down, is Kefka. I thought he fit the role of a villain, except he was far from your typical standard villain. FF6 happens to be one of my favorite FF game, so maybe I am slightly biased...but I would've loved to be able to create a villain with such complexity.
Well in regards to the best FF villain, for me hands down, is Kefka. I thought he fit the role of a villain, except he was far from your typical standard villain. FF6 happens to be one of my favorite FF game, so maybe I am slightly biased...but I would've loved to be able to create a villain with such complexity.
Whoa, now, hold on, there, buddy. Kefka was many things, most of them awesome things, but unique he most certainly was not. I can understand being a bit biased toward the villain of your favorite game, but if you seriously think that Kefka was unique or in any way deep, you seriously need to branch out a bit and play some more RPG's. Despite his hilarious one-liners, colorful outfit, and wonderful sadism, Kefka has all the depth of Dr. Evil. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that he's even more shallow than Dr. Evil was because we actually get to see more of Dr. Evil's personality beyond "Lawl, I'm a psychopath." Not to mention we actually get a reasonably plausible explanation for why Dr. Evil is...well...evil (being raised by an evil Belgian man and his 14-year-old love slave will do a number on you). When it comes to Kefka, we're basically told "This is Kefka. He's a psychopath and a clown. We know you've seen this a bajillion times before, but that's pretty much all there is to his character."

Of course, Kefka is one of my favorite villains as well, so we're on the same page there (I intend to remind everyone of that as much as possible, because I've seen first hand how irritable FF6 fans can get...). However, even I'm willing to admit that Kefka is probably one of the (if not the) most 2-Dimensional, generic antagonists I've ever seen in an RPG, anime, or television show with the possible exception of Lord Zedd from the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. I guess my main gripe with Kefka is that there's absolutely no development. He starts out the game as a 2-Dimensional psychopath, and when the game ends, he's STILL a 2-Dimensional psychopath. After all, you can forgive a lot in a bad character as long as he/she develops over the course of the game/series. However, the game never expands on Kefka's character or gives us any sort of insight into his thoughts. We're just presented with Kefka: The Super Psycho. That's it. That's all there is to him.

So...yeah, basically, the point of this mini-rant was as follows:
Kefka=Good Villain
Kefka=/=Deep Villain

Anyway, I'm really interested in hearing why you think Kefka is deep, DarkAdonis. This isn't me being a sarcastic elitist or anything, I'm honestly curious to hear your opinion on this topic. I mean, I tried to shorten this rant a bit so I didn't come across as too much of an asshole. Still, I must say that I found this a bit surprising. Most Kefka fans say "Kefka is awesome!" or "Kefka has hilarious one-liners!" These are things that I can agree with. However, "Kefka is deep" is something that I can honestly say that I've never heard before.
Well in regards to the best FF villain, for me hands down, is Kefka. I thought he fit the role of a villain, except he was far from your typical standard villain. FF6 happens to be one of my favorite FF game, so maybe I am slightly biased...but I would've loved to be able to create a villain with such complexity.

Uh, you've put me in a very awkward spot, you actually have me agreeing with Oathkeeper. You're right when you say you're biased, though.

I like Kefka alot, he's a sadistic, evil bastard who's fun to watch and is just a fantastic example of what villainy is. However, he most certainly IS a standard villain, and most definitely not complex. There's no depth to him, he's just your one-dimensional, run-of-the-mill psychopath who likes destroying lives for the hell of it.
I too am a Kefka fan and I guess I'm also biased to this decision.

Kefka is an insane, egomaniacal villain who starts out as a mere lackey but eventually acquires godlike powers. I believe his popularity in Japan as the best villain in FF video game history is only shadowed by Sephiroth. Kefka is also unique as an FF villain. Instead of being distant and mysterious like the rest of the villains, he is persistent and taunting even to his own allies. The occasional one-liners are also what makes him popular.

Though I can't understand why he was called the Psychopathic Clown back then; he looked more like a bard or a thief before the Advance version.
I too am a Kefka fan and I guess I'm also biased to this decision.

Kefka is an insane, egomaniacal villain who starts out as a mere lackey but eventually acquires godlike powers. I believe his popularity in Japan as the best villain in FF video game history is only shadowed by Sephiroth. Kefka is also unique as an FF villain. Instead of being distant and mysterious like the rest of the villains, he is persistent and taunting even to his own allies. The occasional one-liners are also what makes him popular.

Though I can't understand why he was called the Psychopathic Clown back then; he looked more like a bard or a thief before the Advance version.
I quite like Kefka as a villain, he is what you said persistent and taunting and he achieves god like status, but he goal is so cliched and boring, guess what he wants to destroy life because he is a nihilist *yawns*
They should have been able to come up with something better than that.

I like my villains to be almost shakespearean, which means they arent one dimensional 'evil' characters who just want to kill people for the lulz.

Kuja and vayne are the best examples of villains who are proper characters. IMO they are anti-heroes rather than villains, vayne is more consistent by always wanting to have history in the hands of man.
Kuja goes mad at the end.
He saves Zidane and co. and isnt a all that bad, as zidane sacrifices(or so he thinks) his life to save Kuja
I prefer vayne because Kuja going mad is a bit contrived, 'hey how can we advance the plot?'
'i know, lets make kuja go mad'
and IX is further weakened by having necron as the last boss, and he is yet another of those destroy everything guys
I agree Kefka did get every thing he wanted. I say Kefka.He was the most awesome!:D my second thought is exdeath because he did awesome evil things! but kefka is still better! :D
Ehhh, I have a top 5 that goes like...

and Xande, in no particular order.

I liked Kefka for all above stated reason. He had the best one liners ever. He was just... Entertaining, as a villain.

Kuja was a good villain, he wasn't insane or anything, he wasn't all "ZOMG destroy everything" he just wanted to prove himself to Garland.

Delita... Where do I start? The whole relationshp between him and Ramza, how he was thought dead, how he went against Ramza and was written as the hero of the story... It was perfect.

Vayne was a pretty awesome villain, As stated above. Leave it to Matsuno...

And lastly, Xande... Was pretty deap for the 8-bit era. The whole, feeling ripped off for what he inherited from Noah deal.

I'd also like to point out, I think the deal with necron was like... Necron is death. And death was a looming presence throughout FFIX.
After much deliberation, I must say Vayne. People don't like him but I found him awesome as a villain. Too bad we didn't see more of him. He's a Machiavellian villain who pursues a noble cause, yet commits the most horrible crimes. Pretty deep for a video game villain. Next in line would be Seymour and finally Sephiroth (overrated, but he's still good though).
Seph was the most smexy villian!

But for best i would have to go for Seymour. Seymour was just too good, you kill him once he comes back more crazy and wanting to marry Yuna and become Sin. The man had a good plan, like free Spira of it's sorrow by just killing everyone by becoming Sin!

He was almost impassable to kill you had to kill him like 4 times too finally get rid of him. Also he had what every good villain needed, a goodie act. When you first met him i nthe game you wouldn't of said "OMG THATS TEH BAD GUY!".
Hmm.. I'd have to say Sephiroth & Kefka are the villians of all villians. You guys can argue anyway you want it about who was better, but i think they tie for first.

Kuja was a good villian, he's actually kind of like your modern villian, the pretty-boy type, always quotes something, in this case plays, he says "hehe" alright, while Sephiroth just for example is the manly type. but anyway Kuja didn't really do anything that made me hate him, he just blew up a planet lol.

The whole concept of Sin was nice, but again he just killed random people, all i heard were NPC's claiming "Sin killed my daddy! :(" . So yeah....

Kefka was crafty, and Sephiroth killed Aeris!
After finally playing FFVI I guess Kefka gets my vote, although my biased FFVII fangirlness realy wants me to say Sephiroth :wacky: He was just an evil git that killed everyone and everything and was also pretty funny, he said like the best things ever :monster:

I swear Im shocked there were people left in the world after poisoning them all and blasting them with that pillar of light thingymajig and there were al the espers he killed aswel.....holy moley he was a nasty peice of work

He was just a great villain
I'd have to say Kefka for best villain. Why? Because even though he was just a few pixels, smaller than the tip of my finger on the tv screen, I hated him for being so damned evil.

I think he was great cause he was one of the only villains that did things to really MAKE me hate him. He was only one of the only villains who succeeded in getting what he wanted (for a limited time, but that's cause we got to him).
But for best i would have to go for Seymour. Seymour was just too good, you kill him once he comes back more crazy and wanting to marry Yuna and become Sin. The man had a good plan, like free Spira of it's sorrow by just killing everyone by becoming Sin!

Seymour was awesome. He was so deranged and screwed up in the head he genuinely thought he was saving the world. Given his rational (and Mica's) he was actually sort of right, although had he become Sin and slaughtered everyone, I don't think he would have saved many. I doubt there were many people in Spira strong enough to retain their minds and bodies after death, most would have probably become fiends.

δ Kuja Ω;376994 said:
Kuja was a good villian, he's actually kind of like your modern villian, the pretty-boy type, always quotes something, in this case plays, he says "hehe" alright, while Sephiroth just for example is the manly type. but anyway Kuja didn't really do anything that made me hate him, he just blew up a planet lol.

Kuja was cultured. He was everything I'd expect of a snobbish, high-class aristocrat, and I loved that. He wasn't some generic, lumbering half-wit who killed because it was the only thing he was good at. Kuja was a manipulative tactician...who blew up a planet. Certainly something Sephiroth can't boast.