who is the worst character on your team?

Yuffie and Aeris always seemed to be the two characters who got left behind when it came down to it for me. Neither of their Limit Break sets really interested me all that much. Aeris' may be useful but I'm a very direct type, I prefer maximum carnage when I spend my hard earned rage. Unlike a lot of people I love Cait Sith! Slaying dragons with a mog is one of the mightiest things you can do in a Final Fantasy game.
Let's face it, Cait Sith was utter crap in battle; and just pointless and annoying when involved in the story. I hated everything about him. His lethargic attack, his pretty useless 'slots' limit and just the fact that his weapon was a megaphone...
I hardly ever used Cait Sith myself. The Limit was not that appealing to me, and when I found out he was a traiter and spying on the group the whole time, I liked him less. Hardly ever used him throughout the game.
Well my useless and weakest character of the game would have to be Cait Sith his limits were pretty much pathetic and the fact that i did not really enjoyed his character made me use him even less...

Aeris became pretty useless once i found out she was only a playable character until half the game...but i still used her more than Cait Sith to develop materia for the other characters.
cait sith and barret

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cait sith and barret

cait sith because he only had one good attack and nine times out of ten i get killed by his slots attack

barret because he is slow and i only used him in the fight against dyne and other parts where i had him and was only useful when i overloaded him with materia
Cait Sith.

My highest level character was Vincent.

The first character that got completed limit breakes and learned the lv 4 one was Yuffie. Then Vincent.
worst character

I found the 2 characters hardest to build up were aerith and Cait Sith...aka "frosty the snowman"....im not sure if Aerith could ever fight anyway she always needed someones help
I'd say overall it was Cait Sith. He was always a stupid filler, i thought, and was totally useless in battle. His limits were crappy as hell.

The worst that I ever had in my permanent party, though, was Vincent. Nanaki and Cloud were always better than him

BTW, has anyone here ever name Vincent Vinny? I named him that once and it is so funny!

Here's the real kicker:

You get to that part where Cloud and Tifa are the only ones aboard the Highwind. Well, Vincent comes back and it sounds something like this:

Cloud: Vinny! What are you doing back here, I didn't know you cared!

Vincent: You don't want me back?

Cloud: no, no, it's just that you always seem so...cold...

Vincent: Cold...Well, I guess that's just the way I am

OMG that sounded so GAY when i first read it (no offense to any homosexuals out there), and it was so funny.
Aeris. Pathetic piece of---

For the rest of the game she wasn't able to participate in (because she gots pppppppppppppwwwwwnnnnnned), my worst would probably be RedXIII. At least Cait Sith had decent HP values without materia...
I actually liked Cait sith o_O I don't know what I did differently, but he was pretty strong in my team.

Well... until closer to the end, then everyone else sort of shot past him.

But before that, I loved him for his high HP level. Plus, I just like his character. People who are yelling 'what is the point' of him... doesn't the Black Materia ring any bells?

All in all, my worst characters were Aeris and Tifa. Aeris was great in the healing part of course, but then goes and gets all deaded so great help to me.

And Tifa just sucked.