Who is your favorite Aeon?

Who is your favorite aeon?

  • Valefor

    Votes: 14 5.2%
  • Ifrit

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • Ixion

    Votes: 6 2.2%
  • Shiva

    Votes: 51 18.9%
  • Bahamut

    Votes: 72 26.7%
  • Anima

    Votes: 70 25.9%
  • Yojimbo

    Votes: 33 12.2%
  • The Magus Sisters

    Votes: 16 5.9%

  • Total voters
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Yojimbo is my favorite aeon because he looks cool with that samurai style sword and because his overdrive makes a lot of damage.
P.S. Don't ask how I did Yojimbo's overdrive (or final attack...whatever) because I only manage to do it twice in a lucky strike while I was using him against Braska's Final Aeon. Now that's is luck and guess what I only paid 100 gil (I'm not sure of how is the money called on FFX because it was long time ago since I last played it)
My absolute favorite is Bahamut...but I also really liked the Magus Sisters. Really awesome Aeon. You can basically count on them to take out just about anything. I liked the way Square made Bahamut look. Pretty spiffy...
I could easily tell you which Aeon let himself go in the weight department, Bahamut. In FF7 and FF8 he looked like a sleak representation of a classical dark dragon. Meanwhile, in FFX it looks like he gained some weight, and changed from a dark dragon to a turkey dragon, or peacock dragon. To colorful and gaudy, unclassical. Plus it looked like he ate too many brownies over the vacation from the transfer from playstation 1 to 2. And as a result Bahamut's new "mega flare" looked like he had a bad build up of stomach acid, and resulted in bad gas. Yuna should have gotten Bahamut some Beano!
Anima. I raed this up from another site:

"Many people consider Anima to be the strongest aeon, and well worth the work necessary to obtain her. Anima's fayth is the tortured soul of Seymour's mother..."

I thought that was awesome. Anima's a girl! Not to mention that Anima was by far the coolest looking aeon of them all. Bahamut was just ugly and a disgrace to his former images. I've already held this discussion before, but I want to bring up the point -WTf is that ring thingy on his back?

Anima was jsut grotesquely awesome. A one eyed fiend of sweet power.
Anima hands down.
A the ring thingy issue I shall post something from a previous discussion:
And in response to Bahamut's ring thingy, I personally believe it was a satalite dish that gave him better reception on his T.V. And also gave him access to all those naughty Pay-Per-View channels. A dragon with free p**n is bound to never leave his couch, thus the reason why he got fat. There were no attractive female characters in FF9, thus the reason why he went on vacation. The only reason why he got off the couch is bercause Yuna was hot, and he wanted to have hot dragon s** with her. Titus had nothing on FF7 Bahamut, but our poor little dragon lost the battle for Yuna once she realized how fat he had gotten. And that is my opinion on the ring thingy manner.
definantly the Ice Queen would be my favorite. Plus I love her Diamond Dust overdrive. Shiva just rocks
Mine has always been Shiva. Throughout the FF series. She pretty but deadly. I especially luv how they made her look on X.
Bahamut, he was so awesome, his limit break was the best. But Shive and Anima were cool too ^^
Definitely a cross between Ixion and Bahamut, for me. I love Bahamut's design in all the FF's he's been in, especially in X. I did vote for Bahamut in the end, though it was a little hard xD
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i think yojimbo cos he is like awesome even kno it costs abit to get him but he is gd to get lol and especially if his overdrive works he has 2 i think one it causes instant death which is really awesome that is wat i used to defeat braskas final aeon second form
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