who is YOUR favorite team in FFXII?

Balthier, Ashelia and Bosch, I get annoyed at the weakness of the others, occasionally I would have Vaan though he's alright.
I use Ashe, Fran, and Basch. I don't really use anyone else and they are multiple levels below the rest. It's much more effective to just use three party members constantly and pool the experience towards them than to balance the exp among everyone.

Ashe and Fran use light armor and both cast magic in addition to dishing out pain with bows and poles. Basch is my tank, he uses heavy armor and a one handed sword and shield.
It's been awhiile but I think I used Penelo(Leader), Basch, and Ashe.

Penelo's my main mage, primarly the healer, Mystic armor
Ashe is my supporter. Usually she is off in the front lines with Basch but she's set up so if I need her for something else, I can use her for that. Light armor.
Basch is my heavy hitter and tank, enough said. Heavy armor.

Although I do use other characters and keep them up-to-date with the level, this is the party I am found using most of the time.
Honestly, I don't have a favourite team.

I've viewed the characters equally and notice that they have their own tricks up their sleeves. I've always levelled them up equally. But if I would have to pick one team, I'd choose Vaan, Balthier and Fran. I normally have Vaan and Balthier attack, whilst Fran would heal if necessary.
I use Balthier, Fran, and Basch. Mainly because they're just the characters I like better--I have all six leveled up pretty similarly and they're all powerful--but also because I like their chain attacks the best :D
I tend to alternate my characters around but i'd say my favorite characters are Balthier, Basch and ether Vaan or Fran.

Mod Edit: Could you put a little more effort into your post? Perhaps say why you use who you do?
Fran, Basch and Balthier.

Basch and Balthier are so hot... also I think you get to watch more cutscenes during certain situations (you don't get to see them if they are not in main party ;))

I guess I picked them just because of their looks... I'm so shallow.
my party is normally Balthier as the leader, he uses swords plus black and arcane magic. then I have Asche she uses spears and lances, and uses Black, White, and Green (?) magic. then I got me some Basch doing similar things as Balthier.
This playthrough I've decided to give Penelo, Basch and Ashe a go, because my favourites, purely because of the way they look when fighting, are Fran, Vaan and Balthier. It got to the stage where I didn't know what Ashe and Basch's Quickenings looked like because I very rarely used them
Ashelia, Balthier, Basch/Fran.

My first file I rolled with Vaan tanking, Ashe as the leader dishing out damage and other situational stuff and Fran main healing. Subsequent playthroughs. my party was always Ashe, Balthier and Basch with Fran being kept up just because her quickenings are easier on the eyes or something. It's odd but I find Basch's just have too much red and Fran's blues mix more nicely with Ashe's quickenings.
My team is Balthier, Basch and Vaan.
I sometimes use Ashe instead of Vaan though.
The reason i use these is because i really only leveled them up - I've been working on my girl characters and i came to find that even though they're much lower levels their speed's are tremendous compared to Basch and Balthier.

My levels;
Balthier - Level 87
Basch - Level 68
Vaan - Level 66
Ashe - Level 56
Fran - Level 46
Penelo - Level 38

Because my main character's are a reasonable level i don't really look at things like, Who is good for ranging back behind everyone - Who will heal. My team all does something. My team is always under the spells of Protect and Haste. And my main character will sometimes have Bravery. Just use gambits, works for me! x)
I use Basch (melee) and I have Ashe and Penelo with ranged weapons as white mages that way only one of my characters takes a lot of damage while the two white mages focus healing on them
my main team was always fran, basch and ashe. Ashe is the healer and let me tell you, she is frickin awesome!!! When she uses even a Cura, she heals like 9999 damage for each character. I don't know why, but hey, i'm not complaining. Basch is my melee heavy hitter. Give him a greatsword or a katana and he destroys the competition. Fran is amazing at everything. Black Magic, White Magic, Arcane Magic, Green and Time Magic, and melee. She has the Zodiac Spear and she blows everything away with it. I love this game... :)
Heh, l used and still use Balthier, Sasch, Ashelia in my party,

I found them to have the best balance of stats fighting styles and personality.

Because this game takes away the individual weapon choice of the character and replaces it with "do what ever the hell you want" it remains that theonly way you have to distinguish your party is through there fighting style an personal feeling towards them.

Massive mistake giving players control over the CAS weapon choice! IMO.....mumble
My team all melee weapon vaan masamune, basch zodiac n balthier excalibur coz i like those people n beat the game...... :0

my team all melee coz i like kill kill kill kill with full tanker.....
but hate fight with yiazmat coz take time n longgggggg fight to beat it.....
man i really really hate that yiazmat
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- Basch with Excalibur
- Fran with Artemis Bow+Assassin's Arrows
- Balthier with Fomalhaut+Mud Shot

Despite it being more of a long-range focused team, I find it generally works rather well. Until a Flan comes along, that is. My secondary team is pretty good, too, I think, which is:

- Vaan with Masamune+Genji Gloves
- Ashe with Ragnarok
- Penelo with Golden Hammer+Zodiac Escutcheon

^ Was my focus team for Yiazmat, and it worked rather well. Although, I did substitute the weapons for Dark Blades, eventually, although they weren't particularly strong.
My main team was Vaan, Basch and Ashe.

When my characters are around level 20-40, and seeing that I don't have the ultimate weapons at this stage yet, I like to use Fran instead of Ashe. But once all six of them have the last weapons (Ashe with the Zodiac Spear, Vaan with the Tournesol, Basch with the Ultima Blade, Penelo with the Excalibur, etc.), then I use Ashe instead of Fran.

Also, seeing that it might come in handy in some battles (especially against Zodiark and Omega), I leveled up all the characters at the same time. In the last game I made, all six of them were in level 85.
The best team for me was Vaan for meele, Balthier for Meele,and Fran for Magic. (Fran worked wonders for me). Plus I liked all their quickening's
I usually use Vaan, Balthier and Basch, but I occasionally swap in Ashe or Penelo instead of Balthier. I don't really use Fran that much.