Who was always in your party?

Whos your party?

  • Vaan

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • Balthier

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • Fran

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Asche

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Basch

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Penelo

    Votes: 1 3.7%

  • Total voters
Not for any sexist reason, but I used the 3 guys (Balthier, Vaan, and Basch) the most.

I started off using Ashe throughout the first part of the game more than Balthier, but when I got to Phon Coast and Balthier's story started to unravel a bit more, I put him in and he easily became my #3 character.
Balthier - thought he was the most interesting
Fran - I dunno really ....
Vaan - his third quickening looked kewl
Fran - She was my long-range attacker, and she looked cool
Basch - Strong, tough... Basically he was my tanker
Vaan - Supporting role mainly, although he was strong so he aided both Basch and Fran
I level my characters equally, so whoever is lowest and not dead is in my party.

I forget who gets priority in equips, though... I know Fran is always first, and Vaan is usually last... XD;;
I use Vann, Ashe and Penelo for the most basic of reasons: They have the best overall stats.

It seems that people use characters based on their role in the storyline. I personally don't care if their character role is deep or not when it comes to battling. After all, it doesn't matter who you use, the storyline won't change.
I'm the odd one out. I levelled all my characters to the same level, and I constantly switch between characters and I always switch between leaders.

Vaan = sword + shield
Penelo = dagger + shield
Ashe = spear
Basch = greatsword
Balthier = gun
Fran = Bow

I pretty much do that, 'cept for me it's...

Vaan = Sword + Shield
Penelo = Axes
Ashe = Samurai sword
Basch = Great Sword
Balthier = Bow
Fran = Spear

Penelo, Ashe and Basch are pretty much my tanks, and Vaan, Fran and Balthier I use abit more strategically, sometimes making more use of magic to attack, defend and heal depending on the enemy.
I use them all equaly so if I am forced to use my 'reserve team', they won't get utterly raped before the other guys are revived and ready for action again.

I not long ago started a new file. Right now I'm catching up on some side quests, hunts n'shizzle before heading across the Sandsea to Raithwalls Tomb. Possibly the single most boring part of the game tbh>_<

Heres their main weapons and role in party:

Vaan = Swords and shields (Tank, Technicks)
Penelo = Daggers, Bows and Staves (Black Mage)
Balthier = Guns, Daggers and Shields (Thief, Green Mage)
Fran = Bows, Spears (Damage Dealer, Time Mage)
Basch = Greatswords (Damage Dealer, Arcane Mage)
Ashe = Bows and Rods (White Mage)
I too took advantage of not having the main character stuck in my party all the time and so rotated the 6 characters evenly so they're all the same level.
i use:


idk why, but they're the strongest. haha. i dont like leveling up the others. :P bad strategy, huh?
Basch has the least Vitality compared to the rest of the characters. However, this has it's benefits as well - The spell, reverse lasts an amount of time based on your characters Vitality. The lower, the longer it stays. So he would get 2 seconds more time than others. Most people would think that this isn't alot, but when used against the likes of Omega and Yiazmat, it can be helpful.
whenever i choose my main 3 characters i look for speed and strength, i don't really like magic users as they use way to many ethers and those things are expensive, so i normally go for Vaan, Basch, and Balthier normally with Basch as the leader
Well, I would have to say that I mostly use besides Vaan are:


The leader is changed every once in a while.
Balthier (leader/pimp)

That, of course, was my first time playing the game thru. I ended up playing the other 3 more the second time around.
You know, I really liked Balthier, but he was just too slow to keep in my main party. I don't know why, but even with Haste and all the action time augments, he was jsut consistantly slower than anyone else... thats the only real reason I use Vaan instead of him.
If you kept him with a gun, then thats why. Guns are naturally slower. Does Haste even stack with guns?

I used him with a greatsword and he was just as fast as everyone else.
If you kept him with a gun, then thats why. Guns are naturally slower. Does Haste even stack with guns?

I used him with a greatsword and he was just as fast as everyone else.

Very, very true. I took that gun off of him as soon as I could and gave him a blade. (Although he was cooler with pistols...):neomon: