Who's the coolest character?


Chocobo Breeder
Dec 8, 2006
cant be bothered with a fething poll but ill ask anyway.
The coolest in FF7 is Vincent Valentine for me he kicks arse.
What's yours?
I like Vincent cuz he is awesome hehehe now if you were to give cloud his ultima weapon then he would be better...
I agree with y'all Vincent was definitely the coolest. Very hot, lol.
Hm. So, not our favorite character, but the "coolest" one? I think I'm going to have to go with Cloud. If I define "cool" as someone who's able to keep it together, Cloud has to win. I mean, he was being randomly controlled by Jenova cells for a good chunk of the game, his past was messed up, and just as he was falling in love, Aeris was taken away from him. Throughout all of this, he managed to keep a generally good attitude. Gotta hand it to the man for that.
I totally have to agree with Cecily on this one. Cloud was definantly cool, but I'm also on a toss up between Vincent and Sephiroth. While Cloud is, hands down, my favorite character, Vincent in my opinion is just bad ass. His cool attitude, his guns, his outfit and gotta love that clawed hand. I just love his personality as well and as for Sephiroth, he is probably the coolest antagonist I have yet to encounter an RPG. I mean you can't get a much better weapon than his masamune ^_^
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Nanaki rocks hard :D
Seconded. I love Nanaki. He is my favorite, and ,IMO, the second coolest character. However, Sephiroth is cooler. The Masamune alone is awe-inspiring, and, when coupled by his ruthless demeanor, the trademark silver hair and mako eyes just make him incredibly cool, both in attitude and appearance.

How's that for a run-on sentence?
I would say Cloud but he's more of a dork.

Vincent's got style, but... in the game, I didn't care too much for him.

I liked Red XIII. ^_^ Strong and wise beyond his years, and he was such a deep character that made you feel real sorry for him sometimes. And he looks really cool too. And he's a doggy. <3 Mwah.

Next I'd say Cid... hell, I guess all the FF7 cast counts as "cool". Cool is just a subjective term and it only matters what FF7 character was the coolest in YOUR eyes, so yeah, everyone was cool. ^_^

But I'd say Zack was portrayed as the cool and confident badass SOLDIER the most, even though you saw little of him.

And Sephiroth... *shivers*
Well, it has to be Cloud, of course, for his bad-ass attitude, his story involving Zack, then Aeris, and of course, his OMNISLASH!!! Who could forget that unforgettable attack? It may be hell to get that attack, but I heavily advise getting it, dispite the strife you go through to get it. No pun intended. And his ultimate weapon, which you get from Ultima Weapon is the Ultima Weapon. And WHAT an Ultimate Weapon indeed...
his OMNISLASH!!! Who could forget that unforgettable attack? It may be hell to get that attack, but I heavily advise getting it, dispite the strife you go through to get it. No pun intended. And his ultimate weapon, which you get from Ultima Weapon is the Ultima Weapon. And WHAT an Ultimate Weapon indeed...

I KNOW. Cloud equipped with that weapon and doing the Omnislash is like an orgasmasdfds. That's why I'm happy to own him and the sword. FDAS:FDAS:DASF:DD: :D:DDAS:
Admitingly, I was staring at your sig when I said that, Tana. LOL. I'm so glad you took the time to make that sig. BEST. SIG. EVER.

Anyhow, yes. Cloud good. Sephiroth slightly less good. Zack second good. Tifa bad.