Who's the main character?


Jun 6, 2006
Most people say it's Celes or Terra... maybe even Locke. Edgar perhaps? Anyways, who do you consider to be the main character and why?
Celes Terra Edgar and Locke are in FF VI no in III but i think you may play the ff III in emu cuz i have downloaded also III in emu but it was FF VI
Umm...FF3 in the context of this thread is the original NES version. There are four main characters who are brothers, identical in every way except sprite exchanges. FF3 US is the name for Final Fantasy VI, which had Terra, Locke, Celes, etc.. Here it's referred to as simply FFVI.
My, my. It's sad that some people are completely unaware of the fact that FFV and FFVI were ported from the SENS, originally FFII and FIII. Sorry, back to the topic.

I believe that if this game any main character it would have to be Terra. I know that this game tries to have no real central character to this game, but Terra is a close as you can get. Namely the fact you start off with her and that her story is more integral to the plot of the game itself say as much.

Sure, you could say Celes was the main character after the Kefka incident but that doesn't stop Terra from participating in the final battle whether you pick her up or not.:)
Wrong section. Should be in the FF VI section despite if you have it as III or not. Bloody Americans use your brains.

Anyways to answer the question Terra is the main character in genral but as the game develops it becomes very branched out for most of the main characters.
NOT relevant.

*deletes posts*

I'll move this thread to VI, then.


Ok, in relevance to the topic: I always thought it would be Terra. I mean, you start off as her, the main story is with her and as far as I'm into the game, no other character has as much time to shine than Terra. Although, she was quite weak, she was still the main character. At least in my game, she was.
My, my. It's sad that some people are completely unaware of the fact that FFV and FFVI were ported from the SENS, originally FFII and FIII. Sorry, back to the topic.

FFII for the SNES is now called FFIV Advance or FFIV from FF Chronicles. FFV is the original FFII from Japan.

Sorry just caught that, correct me if I was mistaking what you said.
Can't say...
I have played it for one hour... snes version
Havn't finished it... I think ill have the time to play it when christmas comes..
I personlly believe that Terra and Celes shared the role of main character. For the first half of the game it's was Terra's story that was the focus and it was her experiences that we saw. In the second half of the story it was Celes's point of view that was protrayed and it was her story that drove the plot.

Kicks ass that it was a female either way. :lol:
well am not sure but isnt the first character you get Terra, and story is mostly about her how shes part human and part Esper, u play as her father and at first its basically about her, then all the characters come after her, but in the Ruin World i think its more bout Celes since thats who u start off with and Terra Losing the will to fight,

also am stuck i cant seem to find Locke any where and Terra has gone from where she was soo am stumped something about the other girl being pergent then the girl runnin away but i cant seem to find terra anywhere, i have found the 2 other mages and Edgar, Sabin and Setzer (is he the one u have to fight at the end of the struggle tornement in KH2 with Roxas)
i never played this game
Your loss because I honestly believe that the FFVI (FFIII in US) has the best storyline of the FF games that I've played so far and the only ones I haven't played are I, II, IV,V, XI and, for obvious reasons, XIII. [PLZ don't kill me people]

As for the question, I'm going to agree with the Terra/Celes shared the role because of the amount of depth that went into their character developement. I think what makes it hard to decide which is which is because the game doesn't require one constant leader. Everyone gets a shot at the top spot.
I will always consider Terra the main character because she's my favorite, but there was a definite shift between the World of Balance and the World of Ruin. From an unbiased viewpoint, I would say Terra was the main character for the first half and Celes was the main character for the second half, simply because you spend more time with her and learning about her from that point on than any other character, in my opinion. Like I already said, though, Terra's the character for me. I wanted to get her back as soon as possible when she left the team.

roxas-sora said:
also am stuck i cant seem to find Locke any where and Terra has gone from where she was soo am stumped something about the other girl being pergent then the girl runnin away but i cant seem to find terra anywhere, i have found the 2 other mages and Edgar, Sabin and Setzer (is he the one u have to fight at the end of the struggle tornement in KH2 with Roxas)

I was stuck at that part trying to get Terra for a long time, too. And, yeah, those two Setzers are the same. FFVI Setzer is a lot cooler, though.
well am not sure but isnt the first character you get Terra, and story is mostly about her how shes part human and part Esper, u play as her father and at first its basically about her, then all the characters come after her, but in the Ruin World i think its more bout Celes since thats who u start off with and Terra Losing the will to fight,

also am stuck i cant seem to find Locke any where and Terra has gone from where she was soo am stumped something about the other girl being pergent then the girl runnin away but i cant seem to find terra anywhere, i have found the 2 other mages and Edgar, Sabin and Setzer (is he the one u have to fight at the end of the struggle tornement in KH2 with Roxas)

Locke is in that Star-shape mountain looking for the Pheonix magicite. Terra? I forgot. It's been a long time since I played that game.

Anyway. it's said that if you beat the game with Terra and the painter girl, forgot her name, you get a special song or ending? Never did tried it but I guess I have to go back and try it out.

As for main character, it's really hard to say but I'll go with Terra because it seems she has more spot light and I believe that's her on the cover riding the armor.
Juke said:
Anyway. it's said that if you beat the game with Terra and the painter girl, forgot her name, you get a special song or ending? Never did tried it but I guess I have to go back and try it out.

You mean Relm?

Juke said:
As for main character, it's really hard to say but I'll go with Terra because it seems she has more spot light and I believe that's her on the cover riding the armor.

Haha, that's a good point. Being on the cover and the main playable character during the opening sequence does give Terra some extra points.
Yea, Relm. Her name was on the tip of my tongue. Dunno why I kept thinking Raine or Rinnie.