Who's the main character?

Locke is in that Star-shape mountain looking for the Pheonix magicite. Terra? I forgot. It's been a long time since I played that game.quote]

Terra is in a small village named Mobliz (iirc) taking care of children, which you discover and shown her the love she has desired. The village is located at the end of the serpent shaped island with Nikeah at the top and the Fanatic's Tower in the middle. Your first visit shows that she has lost her will to fight and you leave to continue with the story. Returning later, you go through a tough boss named Phunbaba. Partly through the fight, Phunbaba uses an attack to clear two of your party members away/ Terra transforms, joins you, then you kick Phunbaba's ass. She then rejoins in hopes of protecting the children and allowing them to grow up in a world of peace.
I also beleive that Terra is the Main Character of the game. However I like to think of this as a joint adventure. Its really about everyone and how the empire effects everyones lives. Everyone in the party lost something from the empire and everyone in the party wants to do something about it. Not to mention the game reveals more about the pasts of Cyan, Locke, Shadow etc. etc. near the end.

So I like to beleive that everyone is the "Main Character".
Ω Xenogias Ω;36574 said:
I also beleive that Terra is the Main Character of the game. However I like to think of this as a joint adventure. Its really about everyone and how the empire effects everyones lives. Everyone in the party lost something from the empire and everyone in the party wants to do something about it. Not to mention the game reveals more about the pasts of Cyan, Locke, Shadow etc. etc. near the end.

So I like to beleive that everyone is the "Main Character".

Good point though I doubt Mog, Umarro and Gogo had any really part in it, lol. These were the supporting cast I suppose. Though the game does start with Terra, it ends with everyone.

Majere07, I remember now. Thanks. Terra was a much easier find than Locke was.
I'd have to agree with Juke on this one, Umarro, Gogo and Umarro are not really main characters, and in a way, nor is Shadow (i.e if ypu don't wait for him) but everyone else has their own storyline. Terra and her Esper origins, Celes in her Confusion, and despair. Cyan in Doma, Gau and his father, Sabin and Edgar and the loss that divided them, Locke and Rachel. etc.
i would have to say that - the main character in the WoB is Terra as its mainly about her - her esper origins - Maudin and Madonna etc but in the WoR there is a definate shift - Terra does seem to drift to the back row while Celes comes center-stage :D
Terra is on the original artwork as the main character for it. But it really didn't focus only on her as the main.
Yeah everyone shared the spotlight in this one... though the focus was more on Terra throughout... but yeah everyone got their time in the limelight...
This is a very hard game to narrow down a main character in, but I ahve a feeling it is Terra since she happens to be the first character we stumble across, and in the end the main focal point of tragedy revolves around her. I like many others early in the game thought that maybe Locke was the main character, but after seeing the scenes of Terra almost disappearing once all teh magic and Esper's vanished, made me think that her story is the one that gives the most purpose to the story. If it wasn't for the Esper's found by the Imperials, maybe Kefka would not be overly gung-ho about world domination.
I think the main character changes in this game really often. Ok, from the begining when Terra visits Tritotch in the Narshe caverns it then shows some sort of connection which makes it that Terra and the Espers are the main characters until shortly after and Locke enters the story to help her leave Narshe. Then it becomes Edgar, Sabin and Locke and so on and so on and soooooooooooooooo on. Their really is no "main" character because every character has their own story but if you had to chose I would say that it's Locke, Celes and Terra.
I personlly believe that Terra and Celes shared the role of main character. For the first half of the game it's was Terra's story that was the focus and it was her experiences that we saw. In the second half of the story it was Celes's point of view that was protrayed and it was her story that drove the plot.

Kicks ass that it was a female either way. :lol:

I honestly agree with you on that one.

It's great that a FF actually has all female leads for once....

.....of course I'm not counting X2 which in my opinion was a waste of 24 hours. *sorry fangirls/boys:P*
Lol, that's why FFVI still a step from others games even today. They developed the chars so much that u can't tell who's the main one! Kinda like FFVIII, can't say if it's Squall or Rinoa, and that's why they r the best for me!

But in the time i played it, I tought Locke was the leader of the group, lol.
I've only played through the first few hours, and I've always considered Terra to be the main character.
Maybe it's just because she's in the opening movie. o_O
If you had to choose one, it would be Terra for me...She starts the story and it is her dealings with the Espers that ties directly into the domination of the world aspect....Locke & Celes would be her friends that help save the day...Although the little chauvinist on my shoulder keeps whispering "Screw that, Locke saves the day" in my ear.
I don't think the creators wanted there to be a main character. I think the story was supposed to focus on everyone instead of just one character, which I think was a good idea. I think when the story focused it's attention on Celes after the world ends, I think that was them showing that there was no main character. If we started with Terra after the end of the world that would have pretty much made her the main character.

That's why I love this game. Every character is important to the story line.
I say there is no main character because you can choose basically anybody you want to go to most area, therefore its different everytime depending on who you choose

Terra basically because its basically her story and i think you start off with her right?

Yes you do start off with her buy you can still finish the game without getting her in the WoR
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