Who's the main character?

Thats not reason enough for me. To me the game couldve been done without her, replacing her on the stranded isle with another character
wouldve been just fine. I dont know about anyone else but pay attention to her role in the game, she doesnt associate much, look at her dialogue theres proof. Her ability *Runic*....Wow! one comment, it sucked!
Her character just didnt seem right to me

And even though you start out with her in the WOR, when you go to face Kefka, Terra seems to be incharge again as she is the one who is mostly standing up to him. (Although, it's probably different if you don't get her back, anyone know?) And even before they go into Kefka's tower, Terra is the main concern. And you can't forget her part in the ending.
What I think the creators were trying to do is make it so that there was not just one main character. I usually would pick the character you start off playing, which would be Terra. But, characters are often switched around to show different perspectives of the story. In the second half of the game, when one year goes by, I considered Celes to be the main character because she was the one searching for the rest of the characters. The character that I think has the most importance, though, in the story would be Terra.
I don't really know who the main character is as the people keep on changing.

But I would say Terra because she is the one who could use magic and it was all about her in the start like Kefka and general (Forgot his name)
Were trying to get her.
There are altogether 14 characters that you can control.. and in the final battle, u can bring 12 of them in three groups..
The main character would be Locke the thief and Terra..
My favorite team will comprise of Locke, Edgar, Sabin and Terra
And even though you start out with her in the WOR, when you go to face Kefka, Terra seems to be incharge again as she is the one who is mostly standing up to him. (Although, it's probably different if you don't get her back, anyone know?) And even before they go into Kefka's tower, Terra is the main concern. And you can't forget her part in the ending.

If you don't get Terra back she flies to the tower after the battle to lead everyone out anyway. I guess that's another point for those who say she's the main character ;)
In the WoB, the main character is Terra, and then a bit past half way through WoB, you can watch Celes steal the spotlight.. And then at the start of the WoR, in big huge blocks says "Celes is the Main Character."
My, my. It's sad that some people are completely unaware of the fact that FFV and FFVI were ported from the SENS, originally FFII and FIII. Sorry, back to the topic.

FFII for the SNES is now called FFIV Advance or FFIV from FF Chronicles. FFV is the original FFII from Japan.

Sorry just caught that, correct me if I was mistaking what you said.
I may have been mistaken......it's been a while.;)

Well at least I wasn't confused with FFIII and FFVI being one and the same......only one takes forever to load and the other doesn't.:mad:
another Reason to argue that Celes is one of the main characters - she's the one with the Opera scene - the most amazing 16bit scene ever XD

Plus Celes has the love story - its always one of the main characters who has the love story :P
Granted if Terra had the Opera scene - and not Celes - then Terra would have been the main character no contest. to have both Esper and opera would have made her Queen bee. even if Celes did have the love for locke.

but seeing as Celes Had the opera scene and not terra im still going to firmly stick to my guns that :

Terra = Main character in the world of Balance
Celes = Main Character in the world of Ruin

But Celes was more of a leader than Terra was and more developed than most - if not all - the other characters...so in my eyes....

Celes is Queen bee :cool:
I always saw Celes, Terra and Locke as the main characters...

At the begining i think Terra is clearly the main character.
After Terra goes berserk and flyes off i think Locke becomes the leader.
And in the world of Ruin we see Celes taking leadership.

So i suppose the three of them are main characters.
My, my. It's sad that some people are completely unaware of the fact that FFV and FFVI were ported from the SENS, originally FFII and FIII. Sorry, back to the topic.

I believe that if this game any main character it would have to be Terra. I know that this game tries to have no real central character to this game, but Terra is a close as you can get. Namely the fact you start off with her and that her story is more integral to the plot of the game itself say as much.

Sure, you could say Celes was the main character after the Kefka incident but that doesn't stop Terra from participating in the final battle whether you pick her up or not.:)
Thank u.everytime i tell ppl about FF3 theyre like that one was stupid it had like 4 characters.and im like no 14.it originally came out on SNES.not alot of ppl kno or remember. And i would have to say Terra and possibly Edgar,but definitely Terra.it surrounds her the entire game.Oh and Magi Master/Tower sucks.lol.
though it is not made very clear, i think that its terra because you start out with her and a lot of the story involves her...with her being the returners ultimate weapon against the empire, and then her being the only person who can stop the espers attack on earth. im convinced it was terra, though it is still hard to say.

PS: good idea AG...i guess it makes sense to say terra was the main in the WoB and celes was the main in the WoR.
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I thnk it's Terra.
Why? Please try to make your posts more interesting and inciteful for others to read. Simply stating that you think it's someone, and that's it, contributes hardly anything to the topic because we don't see your support/reasons for your answer.
i think it is terra because a lot of the storyline is about her and she has wishes like wanting to be loved and other things like this
Well I think Terra is a the main part of the story line since she's an
. I think Locke is the main character for the first half of the game because you do start off as him. You start off as Terra but she
is possessed by Kefka
. You control Locke for the first half of the game anyways. As for the second half the main character is Celes.