Who's the main character?

I think that it is Celes that is the main character, but the game wouldn't have a good begining if it started with her.
and in many forms of writing there is someone called the key character. this is not the main character, but one that the story needs to continue on. this is the role that Terra plays
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I like the think Locke is the main Character.

The beginning with Terra is kind of a Prologue and the game starts when Locke walks into the House and gets the job the save Terra.
He explains everything to Terra and takes her to Figato.
He played a role in the game of Gathering Characters.

He then later in the game stops Celes from committing suicide with his Bandanna. Celes plays the roles of the Main Character until Locke Returns after completing his Hidden Agenda.
I did not play the game be for and i do not know who is the main character do you know the main character is if you played the game.
Terra is the main character. and she slowly keeps finding here memory, more and more, and more.And ahe wants to find love. She finnaly realizes before the Fight with Kefka that she has friends and Locke loves her.
Then Kefka gets pissed (Maybe because he liked her).
i've never played it and this means that i don't know.
Haha no offense to you but.. why even post in this thread if you don't know?

I presumed at first that Terra was the main character because the storyline focuses mainly on her but as the game goes along, things get different. I would have to say either Terra, Celes, Edgar and Locke would be the main character. Those guys all had important roles in the game and you get to see them an awful lot.

I don't know if there was just one main character in this game, there was more than just one hero in this. In other games it can focus mainly on one character while this did the opposite. I'll just say they all were! :P
This has been a long debate that has dragged out for over a decade with my friends. Final Fantasy VI actually took the step of having an indepth storyline surrounding each character; making it nearly impossible to determine the lead character (unlike FFIV - Cecil). I strongly feel it is a split decision between Terra & Locke. I cannot truly include Celes because Celes actually revolves & evolves around Locke's own storyline. That is just my humble opinion. Cheers.
Terra plays a role similar to Aeris in FFVII, in other words they act as catalyst for a great deal of the plot of the game while not necessarily acting as the leader of the group. The role of group leader seems to alternate between Locke and Celes for most of the game, but then again, group leader does not necessarily equal main character.
I don't think FFVI has a main character. There isn't really a strong central focal point that runs all the way through the game. In the first half, it would definitely be Terra, but in the World of Ruin, she's just another "lost" character who gets dragged back into the thick of things.

Of the other contenders, Locke...not so much. He tends to be along for the ride, rather than acting as a consistent thrust for the story. Celes, her role is stronger in the second half, but it peters out once the group is mostly reassembled.
I don't understand how anyone can say it's Celes; she became the focus in the opera because she looked like the singer and the team were trying to get at the airship. That's about it surely?
I don't believe there is a main character in this game. You'd think Terra because you start as her, but it doesn't really work out.
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Terra plays a role similar to Aeris in FFVII, in other words they act as catalyst for a great deal of the plot of the game while not necessarily acting as the leader of the group. The role of group leader seems to alternate between Locke and Celes for most of the game, but then again, group leader does not necessarily equal main character.

thats a really good point, but I'd still have to say that Terra is the main character
I seriously don't see how people think Locke is the main character. He's a great character, but certainly not the lead. Celes does rely on him for some bit, but not nearly as much as Locke psychologically relies on Rachel during much of the game (and nobody argues that Rachel is the lead).

I think FFVI is really meant to be seen as a faux epic revolving around Terra, but seen through the lenses of different characters. Also, while I liked FFVI, I can't say the story was the best written one - frankly I think a lot of this debate is due to the fact that the game is a bit deficient in focus.
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Though he's the main villain, I think Kefka is the main character in this game. He's the character that seem to get most attention in terms of growth. While everyone in main party seemed to be characterized through side-quests, Kefka was given this through the main plot.
My opinion in this game could go either way. I've leaned towards Lock before, but as time goes by I feel more towards Terra since the game starts with her.

However, I feel it's a co-main character sort of game where Locke is the focal point of the gameplay, but Terra's involvement in the story as to her history and backstory, and her present state affect almost everyone in the party fighting by her side.
My guess would be with Terra. Being the starting character and stuff..? (The only thing that confuses me would probably be the fact that after the floating continent event, the game starts with Celes..)
I don't think anyone is the main character as they all help each other and all have their own personal demons to deal with. However I will say that Terra has the most integral part to the main storyline (Empire, Kefka, Espers etc.) I mean she does turn into one as well. She has the most reason to be on the quest.
I think its Terra(AND IT IS TERRA!),because THE game starts off with her.And,you start off with celes because
she had the less story line out of terra,locke,edgar,and because they didn't know who to start it off with,so they made it so you could get sabin with easy.
Terra is certainy the primary protagonist, but the game was made so that all the characters had in-depth personalities and development, which is one of the things that makes this game so successful in terms of story-line.
as I stated before. in many stories there are characters that are not the main character, but the story revolves around them. That is Terra. Terra is NOT the main character. she spends a good amount of time away from the party. first when she realizes that she is half esper and that is for a while.

so once again
Terra=key character not main
Terra is technically the main character.

Why? You haven't explained anything. Just because Terra is the initial character, it doesn't make her the main character.

You can complete the game without using Terra, she isn't a mandatory character in the WoR, yet Celes is.

So, I maintain that,

Terra = Main Character in WoB
Celes = Important Character in WoB but Main Character in WoR.