Who's the main character?

IMO Terra was the main Character since the plot was mostly based upon her.

Though Celes was important also because of the World of Ruin... yet, that's just it, isn't it?
I always thought of Terra as the main character. She's the character that has the most personal growth throughout the plot. Even though Celes undergoes a good deal of "realization" or "change" throughout the story, I felt like Terra was more helpless in the beginning, and she was underwent the most personal change in the end.
I pretty much just thought it was Terra from the start, although once I got to the world of ruin, Celes kinda took that role, so I'm kinda undecided on the 2. I suppose I'd lean more towards Terra for the whole Esper reason...
Probably Terra since the story goes around her the most and since she's related to the Espers who's the reason of the whole story.
I've always assumed it was Terra and Locke. However, I can see why some might say Celes, but I don't get Edgar.

This was one of the few where it seemed like there wasn't necessarily a "main" character, since alot of the characters got equal time.