Who's the main character?

Who's The Main character?

  • Vaan

    Votes: 14 23.0%
  • Balthier

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Fran

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Basch

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Ashe

    Votes: 36 59.0%
  • Penelo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (Please Specify in post)

    Votes: 2 3.3%

  • Total voters
i voted for vaan but i agree that the main story revolves with ashe but then again if it wasn't for vaan staling the whatever shard (i forgot the name of it) then baltheir and fran wouldn't try to get it from him leading to a deal they made in the waterway they wouldn't have stumbled into ashe so in a way he does have a major part
I would think that it would be a toss up between Balthier and Ashe.

The story seemed to revolve around them then Vaan.
i voted for vaan but i agree that the main story revolves with ashe but then again if it wasn't for vaan staling the whatever shard (i forgot the name of it) then baltheir and fran wouldn't try to get it from him leading to a deal they made in the waterway they wouldn't have stumbled into ashe so in a way he does have a major part

You have a good point, If Vaan never went to the palace, Ashe would have died. So, yeah, Vaan plays a bigger role then people think, but Ashe is still the main character. I mean, Vaan is pretty much just tagging along, Balthier Says many times he wants to see how the story will unfold, so really it comes down to Basch and Ashe, and Ashe is royalty so she wins i suppose.
as much as id love to say vaan i just can't bring myself to do it because the story seems to revolve around ashe and her growing from princess to queen. it angers me that square would make us control someone that hardly even has an impact on the story except
that gabranth killed his brother.

i voted for vaan but i agree that the main story revolves with ashe but then again if it wasn't for vaan staling the whatever shard (i forgot the name of it) then baltheir and fran wouldn't try to get it from him leading to a deal they made in the waterway they wouldn't have stumbled into ashe so in a way he does have a major part

haha oh so then hes ACCIDENTALLY the main character, i see...
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I almost wish that the story would revolve around someone other than Ashe. She isn't very likeable for me at least. I would have loved to see more of Balthier or Basch as they are the most intriguing characters. But Vaan seems fairly shallow compared to the depth Balthier and Basch have for them to be developed into some epic characters that final fantasy has known to love. But Ashe is a good choice just not the best in my opinion.
The cynic in me wants to say “It was obviously supposed to be Vaan but they forgot to develop his character properly so he ended up being a cookie-cutter avatar that just represents you in towns”.

The optimist in me can’t think of a decent rebuttal so I’ll just go with that.
I voted for Ashe but I think that its Vaan perspective of Ashe' story. All about how she is the decendant of the
trying to
gain enough credability
to regain her throne and fight the Empire, while discovering the secrets of
Nethicite and Magicite
. So its all about her, its weird how Vaan is the one to represent you in towns.
This is like FF6 in terms of a true main character.
Vaan is the main Character, The story is through his eyes.
It starts with him and ends with him.

The Story of the game Revolves around Ashe, That doesn't make her the main Character.

This game is the story of Ashe through the eyes of Vaan.
Tidus and Yuna are not in FFXII...

Read the topic title and figure out which forum you're posting in before making a reply like that please...
also make sure you have proper subject-verb agreement before making a post in the wrong section.
I say that Balthier was the main character. He lead the group alot of the time. Yeah, the story may be about Ashe but, I say that Balthier was the main character.
I voted for Ashe although I do agree that it could possibly be Vann, with the story being told through his perspective. Some parts didn't seem so though and I sort of didn't think about him till he asked a couple questions or made a statement between each long dialogue between Ashe and co.
sure it COULD be vaan. hell, its supposed to be vaan. hes just such a bad main character that we have to question whether hes even the main character or not.