Who's the Worst?


~**~She Who Kisses The Sky~**~
Sep 23, 2008
I thought that Vayne was a jackass


He was such an idiot for killing his brothers, and dad.
I hope Larsa does much better than him.
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Al Cid.

Mainly due to the voice acting. He had a cool look, but he just annoyed the living hell out of me.
Vayne - He is a Failure as an warrior. He also Fails as a villain as you can only get to fight him once, not to mention that he hasn't done anything devastating or worth to be considered as a villain like Sephiroth, Kuja, Kefka, Ex-Death etc... Worst Villain ever
Can you please specify by what you mean is the worst? Do you mean as in the worst character? Or the character with the worst intentions?

Well i meant he was the worst FF Villain/Character. I also meant he was the worst character in FFXII to try and stay in topic... But if that is considered as spam, im sorry. I will try to me more specific next time. I can edit the post if you prefer that way.
just tell me the character you hated the most....and FYI.... I LOVED Al Cid's voice!!! :-D
Vayne - complete and utter ass. Seriously as soon as I saw him I wanted to shoot him. But the most annoying characters were those random pig things in Nalbina.

btw - I liked Al Cid - he amused me.
Vaan, his voice just annoyed teh fook out of me so damned much. And his ribs just appeared so damned dodgy! And not only that, we were forced to control him despite not being the real main character!
Oh yeah... Vaan too - such a pointless character who never does/says anything interesting or even noteworthy. Like when he says "ummm.....(oh get on with it).... How old are you?(IDIOT)"
Maybe Basch. See, I like comical characters. Like when Vaan says something dumb or the way Fran's face moves when she talks. I laugh.
Basch was just too serious and gay -__-

There were actually many characters that I disliked. Mainly because the previous FF series had the characters more alive and colourful.
I dislike them all equally, as they all fail. Since they have no development, no real motivation or even character. They might as well have been blobs.

Vayne is one of the few things about FFXII that is good. He has a good reason for doing what he did, unlike most FF villains.
D'aww, you're so cute when you say dat~

Annnyway, I hate, HATE HATE - Balthier. So full of himself, instead of being the so called leading man, he was in fact the leading twat.
Penelo, she seemed like the least interesting character and just seemed to annoy me for some reason. Of all the characters I felt like I learn't the least about her, she was the most forgettable of the group -__-
How does Fran's face move when she talks???????

D'aww, you're so cute when you say dat~

Annnyway, I hate, HATE HATE - Balthier. So full of himself, instead of being the so called leading man, he was in fact the leading twat.

GRRRRR! Don't talk badly about my hubby! *attacks you with cotton*
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KilalaKurosaki, please please don't spam. One liner posts in a post count section such as what you posted above, is considered spam. Also the post is non-contributory. If you're that big of a fangirl over Balthier then feel free to make him a fan-club in our Character Club section. If there is already a club for him, then feel free to join. Don't post nonsense in these types of threads. Thank you.
I really didn't think that it was nonsense, but okay. What the admin says, goes^^
But anyways....

I also didn't like Basch for a while until I leaned that he was


framed by his brother.
The clothes and the appereances are good but the personality is very messed up. All she does is sigh and speak sadly.
Come on girl, you have to move on! Enaugh already -_-
I really didn't think that it was nonsense, but okay. What the admin says, goes^^
But anyways....

I also didn't like Basch for a while until I leaned that he was


framed by his brother.
I thought it was fairly obvious that Basch had been framed in someway. But the whole identical twin thing was pathetic.

Annnyway, I hate, HATE HATE - Balthier. So full of himself, instead of being the so called leading man, he was in fact the leading twat.
He does nothing all the way through the game, and then at the end he just does something so fake so that the game can have a hero.

D'aww, you're so cute when you say dat~
Oh stop. You're making me blush.
For me it's difficult to choose a worst character from such a good cast. Though I will agree that the character development could've been handled better, I don't think it's so extreme to the point of being a conspicuous demerit in the game. Penelo and Vaan are characters that could've used some more development but what little we got was good. I love FFIX and ALL its characters but Amarant was a character that wasn't handled well. His development although a neat idea in paper didn't have the emotional impact it was supposed to have when executed in the game. FFVIII forgets half its cast halfway through with one of the sloppiest plot points ever *coughorphanagecough* I could relate to Vaan and Penelo more than I could ever Amarant or Selphie, etc. because they had a more realistic motivation for their actions and thoughts (their country was occupied, they lost their parents, etc.). Amarant joins the party just because, Selphie is there just for the comedic value. I could give more examples but I'll stop there. If I really have to choose a worst character then I guess I choose Penelo, but even she was a relatively good character, its just that she wasn't given much else besides her shared backstory with Vaan.