Who's the Worst?

This screams favorites and worst thread but never mind.

I hated Vaan, that moron had no plot and was just some guy to try and hold the story together and after a certain point he couldn't even be considered the main character.
Vaan was definately the worst in my opinion. I really don't see how they could even call him the main character, seeing as how he contributes pretty much nothing to the storyline. Another thing about him is that he doesn't grow or change at all, with the exception of getting over his brother's death. That happens early on in the game though, so he's pretty much just there the rest of the time.

Second least favorite would have to be Penelo, and my reasons are pretty much the same as with Vaan; she has no backstory and contributes little to the storyline.
OMG Vaan! I cant find anything I like about him. his voice was a young Leo Dicapro, bad tan, nasty chest, outfit wasnt that amazing and his attitude wasnt one I enjoyed. Worst lead male role IMO.
Lisa, I SO know you are acloset Balthier fan

As for the worst character, Al Cid, what WAS his role, I mean really? I may have missed it somewhere but I really hated that guy and his VOICE, uggggh, what where they thinking when they thought that that bad French(?) accent was a good idea. What a clown

Also, Vaan, most pointless lead character ever. Sorry gaiz, Im well a Balthier fangirl :monster:
Well, I do believe in my honest opinion that the character casting in this game needed a lot, i mean ALOT! of work. They strayed far from usual, and I felt like they didn't dig deep for the characters on this one. So little depth of characteristics, all were pretty bland.

As far as Acting and Voice went... It's Penelo and Fran. Penelo in general was almost a kid sister of the main character. She would always be so annoying... like that really really really annoying Christian girl you meet, who is sheltered off from the rest of society and only knows how to "TeeHee", plus she resembled a boy with her haircut. To innocent and naive to me...

As for Fran, love how she looked, but was very dissapointed when I heard her voice. It was a bit monotone to me. She was like a robot as far as her characteristics went.

That's all I got.
As for the annoyance factor I would have to say Vaan, I just hated the way he talked and the way he acted. Plus the way they designed him really made him look goofy.

As for who I really hated the most it would probaly be Penelo, I never used her and I didnt really want to. She just seemed to useless, a character that shouldn't have been in the main character line up.:P
I really disliked Vaan, mostly because of those freaky abs, but partially because he was nothing compared to the heroes of FF before him. Although I liked his 'pissed' face. Nothing says 'anger' like a teenage boy growling. Penelo was like a little bolt-on accessory to the most female lead character yet. I didn't like Penelo much because she seemed sort of cheer-leader-y.

Also? Fran's voice freaked me out. It's like a cross of Polish and French. She sounds really robotic. It's almost like they recorded her lines on MS Sam or something.
Penelo, Penelo, PENELO!

She was so useless and annoying. Bllehhh. lol. Just wish she was more...useable. =p.
hmmm the person i hated the most of larsa cause all the game i throught he was a chick!!!! untill the end clip!!!!!!!! and i was like WOHH MAN!!! SHE IS A GUY :gasp: soo it really pissed me off when i found it that he was a guy and then probs vayne

Vaan, without a moments hesitation, one of the worst main characters I have ever seen in a Final Fantasy game. Every time he'd speak was just horrible to hear.
definitely penelo. she contributes less to the story-line than vaan does, and she really isn't worth using. so i just keep her in the back in reserves. Vaan may have not contributed much, but i do believe he was made the main-character because he felt that he had to put an end to the corruption on his own.
The worst character for me would have to be Penelo, she really was too annoying for me. I didn't really like her character design that much either.

She just seemed more the type to hang in the background and be useless, much like she already does anyways.

Another worst was Ashe, at first she seemed alright but after a while she just really started to annoy me. She's just a little too depressed? for me, but I guess it's better then having Penelo's attitude.
Most definately Penelo, she didn't really have a class of her own, like Basch was a good tank and could deal and recive heavy amounts of damage and Fran/Ashe made pretty good mages/supporct characters, but Penelo just seemed to be dawdling behind the group the entire time.
Hm, I'd have to say Ashe. Even if she wasnt as in the background or anything like that like Penelo was, Ashe just seemed to piss me off. I have no prober reason why or anything like that, she just, bah, was that way.

On a good second comes not suprisingly, Penelo.
Pennelo makes the best tbqh, she has the highest MP too...I think. >.> <.<
Vaan for being emo and whiney. Also after Jahara, he doesn't really have a signficant part in the story either imo.

Don't really care for Penello either, she is useless. All her purpose is in the story is to basically get kidnapped by Bagamman, I can't remember what she adds to the story after Lhusu to be honest.

Also for an FF chick Penello totally fails at being eye candy too since Ash and Fran are way cuter than her imo. XP
Most definately Penelo, she didn't really have a class of her own, like Basch was a good tank and could deal and recive heavy amounts of damage and Fran/Ashe made pretty good mages/supporct characters, but Penelo just seemed to be dawdling behind the group the entire time.

She becomes a much better mage than the two other chicks as she gets stronger. Her MP and Magick stats are generally higher than that of Fran and Ashe.
Judge Bergan - He talks to damned much when you meet him, "Hark" WTF who uses that language anymore

Vaan - Looks suspiciously camp for a main character

Vayne - Talks too much poetry and sucks balls as a boss, that and he killed his own farther
The only person I had a problem with was Ashe. She was too busy being a bitch to do much else.

And Basch's fashion sense. X_x I mean. What the hell was he wearing.
The worst for me is Vaan because I found him to be annoying and whiny like Tidus. He never really stood out as a great main character to me and he seem pretty weak to begin with. Penelo comes in second because her role in the game was pretty useless. She remind me of Rikku too much who I also dislike. You would think when they made this game that they wouldn't create the characters to look like a recycle cast of Final Fantasy X.