Who's the Worst?

The worst for me is Vaan because I found him to be annoying and whiny like Tidus. He never really stood out as a great main character to me and he seem pretty weak to begin with. Penelo comes in second because her role in the game was pretty useless. She remind me of Rikku too much who I also dislike. You would think when they made this game that they wouldn't create the characters to look like a recycle cast of Final Fantasy X.

I can't see too much of a similarity between Tidus/Rikku and Vaan/Penelo to be honest.

Ok, Vaan and Tidus both have their foot in mouth moments, but Vaan isn't actually that whiney to be fair. On the whole I prefer Tidus because his whole story and background where alot more indepth than Vaan's. But anyways, they aren't really that alike.

With Rikku and Penelo aswell, Penelo is a HELL of alot more mature than Rikku will ever be, she keeps a close eye on Vaan to keep him out of trouble and she cares deeply for him. With Rikku, she shares more personality with Tidus then any other character, at times she does come across as a female version of Tidus. This is not the case with Penelo and Vaan.
Penelo has got to be the worst, she seems more or less errelevent to the game??\

As for Tidus he is quite annoying. I couldn't stand the fact that you HAD to sit and watch/make a brew whilst all those silly laughing scenes were carrying on. I'm glad that in FF12 you can skip most of the scenes!
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I see her as a great non-playable character if need-be, but her role in the game and her fighting abilities lacks greatly compared to the other 5 main party members. If I'm naming off the main party, she's usually the last to get mentioned and is usually in the back of the group, standing on her tip-toes, trying to see what everyone else is up to.

She's more of a bystander than a main character I believe.
I think Vaan just sucked as a main character. The plot would barely change if he was removed, although you could argue the same about Penelo, and once I could remove him from the party - he remained out of the party.

I rank Penelo higher than Vaan simply because I loved Penelo! She was my only dedicated mage, and she was far more powerful than my other characters, because I focused on raising her Magick stat. She ended up being a killing machine.
I'm gonna agree w/ Artemis, Vaan is supposed to be the main character of the game and 10 minutes in he becomes a tag along for the entire game, not really affecting anything
i also think they really could've done something with those visions of Reks/Rassler instead of letting them fizzle out like they did
Lawls at the first post. The funny part is this topic actually got replies before Rydia asked wtf.

I say Judge Bergan. The guy has absolutely no role in the game. He was basically just a nuisance boss at Mt. Bur-Omisace. He could have been replaced with any number of better bosses. Penelo and Vaan were useless too, yes, but at least they were something to make fun of. Bergan is just pointless.
Hm, worst character in ff12...........that really narrows it down. But if i had to pick, either Vann or Fran.

Vann- Pieces of cardboard have more personality, not to mention he was just gay and not badass looking at all.

Fran- I didn't like using her at all. She reminded me of a playboy bunny.

Just a side note, hope it is not off topic but: I throurogly enjoyed ff12, but the only thing that prevented me from loving it was just the boring characters. The story gameplay and other aspects of it were awesome.
I would have to say... Penelo. I don't know, I just felt like she was just sort of... there, just for the sake of being there. I mean, she didn't really contribute all that much to the story, in my opinion. The same could be said for Vaan, too, though.
Put more effort in your post, say why you didn't like him much, thanks
Al Cid.

Mainly due to the voice acting. He had a cool look, but he just annoyed the living hell out of me.

I'd have to agree. When I first saw him, I thought, "Who's the pimp?" :wacky:

And I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me, but...


Seriously. He thinks way too highly of himself. Yeah, I guess he's a better "leading man" than Vaan, but still. He just strikes me as obnoxious.

Same goes for Ashe. I don't think I really need a reason here. Can you say BITCH?!
Vayne , he is ugly :neomon::mark::mark::mark:

MOD EDIT: Please add more detail to your posts in future. Thank You.

Hmm.... I have to say...
I don't like Vaan and Vayne
Vaan doesn't have enough story background even though he is the protagonist
Vayne isn't a very great villain unlike sephiroth and seifer....
its just he's not that badass looking
vayne was just not an intimidating villain i got more of a scare from the judge magisters. In fact they were a lot better than vayne