Why aren't dinosaurs in the bible?


Jan 30, 2007
I was just a few minutes away from joining in Sir Auron's debate about creationism and evolitionism, but as I was reading through the topic, I saw a really interesting question: why aren't dinosaurs mentioned in the bible?
Now that I think back about it...I have asked this question multiple times, and no one has ever been able to answer it. I even attended a christian school for an entire year, in which I had to attend bible classes (what a bore). Anyhow...I asked my "pastor" this question before and he totally blew me off and changed the topic multiple times.

So...what's the answer?
Thats a really good question there cannot be an answer to your question since everyone knows that they were never real.If you notice that the bibles that are found today are way diffrent then the one at the vadican just do some research on that.

Heres the answer to your question "NO".

No one has ever proved that they really exist and if they have where is the proof at.
I remember hearing something about this, and they are mentioned for about a verse's length. My guess is that they would be mentioned before the flood, or that would be a reason why they went extinct.
And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
I think the dinosaurs fit quite nicely in this description. They also fit even better if you go with my "creation could be indefinitely long" argument, which Sir Auron conveniently chose to ignore.
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That's a very broad description.
And Dinosaurs presumably died off over half a billion years ago...as carbon dating states. I don't think Noah forgot to load up a couple of T-rex's onto the ark...they weren't even there.
In the description...it doesn't say anything about God not being satisfied with his creations (including the dinosarus). If he was so satisfied with them, why did he let them die?
Because it would have been pretty hard for man and dinosaurs to coexist, obviously... what's to say that God didn't send a meteor down to Earth after he thought the dinosaurs were of no further use? :P

Do you really believe the story of Noah I wanna know how he was able to fit that many animals in that ship I don't think that was even possible to hold that much weight on a wooden ship.I remember reading another site that the Noah thing was all a big lie and that many things that were in the bible are not real.
I think because if you believe in both evolution and religion... and happened to know that dinosaurs and people never co-existed... that it would work out well. Micro-organisms evolved and evolved and evolved into dinosaurs and then onto smaller creatures. When Lucy (monkey named to become the first homosapien biped) first walked on the ground and took that first step... monkeys began to evolve into men. Once fish and meat were introduced to our diets, the protein allowed us to evolve much faster. And once that happened, at some point, we switched from beast to man. That occured with Adam and Eve. Since the bible starts at that point, there would be no reason to mention dinosaurs.
Do you really believe the story of Noah I wanna know how he was able to fit that many animals in that ship I don't think that was even possible to hold that much weight on a wooden ship.I remember reading another site that the Noah thing was all a big lie and that many things that were in the bible are not real.

Well, OBVIOUSLY he wouldn't need to fit the dinosaurs on an ark since they were already extinct by the time Man came about! See, God's smart like that, Midnight. Maybe some of these "sites" you're talking about have lies of their own.
What if dinosaurs never even existed to begin with, and the bones that we see just have some sort of chemicals on them from the past that react to carbon dating and detecting whether they are organic? It could just been some fancy rock that science hasn't been able to explain yet.
"Oh Mighty Lord! Whilst thou not telleth me why I must drag such large dinosaur carcasses onto mine ark!? Each bone is more than ten tons! Oh Mighty God! Give me the strength!" - Noah, the player for Florida State basketball
Meiks, you have to realize that almost every single story in the bible is drastically exaggerated. In fact, they aren't intended to be taken literally. Biblical stories are meant to teach moral lessons; and in that sense, they are probably not accurate in many senses...

And Adamant...you're just hoping back and forth around the question. I also fail to see how anyone can "know" what god was thinking, if he really his the devine spiritual being that people say he is.

God MUST have known that man would discovery the dinosaurs; he is all knowing, right?
If he wanted to get rid of them, and if he didn't want to mention them, then why did he leave their remains here for us to discover?

EDIT: AT, Dinosaurs aren't as humongous as they are depicted to be in movies. In fact, T-rexaurs have been exaggerated to more than twice their size in the media alone.

Well, OBVIOUSLY he wouldn't need to fit the dinosaurs on an ark since they were already extinct by the time Man came about! See, God's smart like that, Midnight. Maybe some of these "sites" you're talking about have lies of their own.
Adamant you could be right about the sites maybe they can be lies but how do you not know that there are also lies within the bible no one knows but do anyone here believe the stuff about the four horsemen of the apocalypse it might be true I dunno.
Maybe the reason that dinosaurs were not specifically mentioned, in the bible , was because the bible was mainly concerned with the time when humans existed on the earth. Dinosaurs existed before humans.

There have been way too many dinosaur bones to prove that dinosaurs existed. Carbon dating proves that the bones are older than any human type bones.
Maybe the reason that dinosaurs were not specifically in the bible was because the bible was mainly concerned with the time when humans existed on the earth. Dinosaurs existed before humans.

Humans have been on earth for more than 9000 years...by a LONG shot.
So why didn't the account start earlier?

This was a picture taken on the disciple Peter's cameraphone prooving that Jesus and the dinos were pals!
I do not take the creation story seriously. The bible is a story created by a certain religious group. To me, it is mythology.

As for proving my statement on carbon dating, I would have to look it up.
And Adamant...you're just hoping back and forth around the question. I also fail to see how anyone can "know" what god was thinking, if he really his the devine spiritual being that people say he is.

Because he communicated to the biblical prophets, who then transcribed those messages on tablets which were translated to Hebrew and then later into English? I mean, how in the world do you expect a divine being to be of much use if you have no idea what it's thinking? I think you're jumping around the obvious here...

God MUST have known that man would discovery the dinosaurs; he is all knowing, right?

Because the ideas of modern biological taxonomy weren't invented until the 18'th century? The term "dinosaur" didn't exist in the time of the prophets, so they obviously classified anything that had four legs and walked on the ground as a "beast of the field", much as they didn't differentiate between a garden snake and a python when it came to the "serpent" of Adam and Eve lore. What, did you honestly expect the Bible to list each and every organism and the exact times they were created? The Bible is supposed to be a relatively short collection of books, you know. :P

If he wanted to get rid of them, and if he didn't want to mention them, then why did he leave their remains here for us to discover?

Because, like I said earlier, he DOES want us to have some idea of what he's doing and thinking. Plus, wiping out the remnants of an already dead species is rather unnecessary.
And to further the point, where does ancient man fall in?
(i.e. Neanderthal, etc.)

The Bible also has been rewritten countless times, especially during the Middle Ages and after for hundreds of years. Those were supposed to root out evil influences or supposed heresy among the text of the original Bible.
There is also evidence that included was the gospel of Judas.

So maybe dinosaurs were, in fact, mentioned in the Bible. The scholars of the Middle Ages probably just rooted those references out because they were deeply against anything that might corrupt the faith. (for example, being left handed or writing fiction was considered evil and were thus disciplined)