Why aren't dinosaurs in the bible?

King James readers beware: The King James bible was re-written to suit King James' own earthly desires.
Anyone who uses "proof" from the KJB...your point isn't even valid. :rolleyes:

And how many left handed people do you know that are evil? Seriously evil? :rolleyes:
I don't recall the four horse men being a part of the bible... (?) o_O
The four horsemen are mentioned in the Revolation part of the bible I think it should be at the end of it read there and you will know all about it including the Beast and the mark of the Beast which is 666.
I also agree that biblical stories are just exaggerated. As I stated before; I think they are only meant to be understood as moral guidances.

And considering that your opinion doesn't make the bible stories one bit less true, that really has no influence on this debate.

Plus, AT has accurate proof that Dinos and Jesus were pals.

I'm not going to even bother refuting that. I base my observations on common sense and the combined intellect on billions of people, not on some obvious joke designed to harass creationists.

Adamant, that doesn't answer anything.

Yes, it answers your question, and I did a very good job at it in my opinion. Note how I used the word "opinion" here- it's reinforcing an idea I already know to be true, not making up my entire argument.

I don't think anyone can answer this question. =]

Well, there you have it, we can't POSSIBLY answer this question even if every law of Standard English points to the fact that I did.

Just as no one knows what really happened in Jesus's era; no one really knows what happened to Dinos and friends. You can only make an educated guess.

Which I did. Which I also think is a lot better than an opinion.
I do not know much from the new testament, which shouldn't have anything to do with Dinosaurs really. But Dinosaurs aren't in the bible for the reason that the bible, or Torah if your a jew like me, mainly talks about Humans, since we understand humans. Now, Dinosaurs came before humans. They aren't mentioned because back in the times of Noah, Moses, and Jesus, and those good people, they didn't have the technology to find fossils. Thus, they had no clue about dinosaurs. So, honestly, there is no answer to this question. I doubt, as some uber religious people think, Fossils were put here by the devil. I feel Dinosaurs were either A) a creature God created that dies out, or B) some fail form of human, such as Adamant. But seeing as the second is highly unlikely, I'm going with the first.
And how many left handed people do you know that are evil? Seriously evil? :rolleyes:

I must say all the beating's gone to my head a bit.
Now I must...revert...back.

But people really were 'excommunicated', I guess is the word. Or something like that for keeping up their heretical beliefs.
Yes, it answers your question, and I did a very good job at it in my opinion. Note how I used the word "opinion" here- it's reinforcing an idea I already know to be true, not making up my entire argument.
Everything that's said in this thread is basically a matter of opinion in the first place...

Well, there you have it, we can't POSSIBLY answer this question even if every law of Standard English points to the fact that I did.
You didn't. You gave me your opinion.

Which I did. Which I also think is a lot better than an opinion.
So like I said...unless you were there when Moses took down God's account, or unless you were at the last supper with Jesus, or unless you were alive back then at all...you can't say that you know for a fact. It's just your opinion.

Just because "millions of people" share faith in the same idea, it doesn't make it true.

Millions of people in Greece believed in numerous god-figures in the past. So is it true that Zues and Hera and Apollo and Isis and all of the Greek Gods exist/ed? There's no proof about this sort of thing.
Isn't there a rule against the "what I say is true and I'm going to try and shove that idea in your face" attitude of some people? I thought this was a board for religious debate, not a soapbox for users to preach their own religious views as they were the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Everything that's said in this thread is basically a matter of opinion in the first place...

Those quotes from the bible? Fact. Noting that a loose interpretation of the Creation story? An observation. Your above comment? Hogwash...

You didn't. You gave me your opinion.
The history of scientific classification is a lot more than an just a random belief. Read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_classification#Linnaeus if my "opinion" isn't good enough for you. I await the many Wikipedia articles supporting your idea that the Bible is "only meant to be taken as moral guidance" (which is completely untrue, by the way).

So like I said...unless you were there when Moses took down God's account, or unless you were at the last supper with Jesus, or unless you were alive back then at all...you can't say that you know for a fact. It's just your opinion.
The problem with your theory is that I have a physical piece of text, with a widespread message accepted by billions of people, while you do not. I don't have to have lived with Jesus to know that the Bible is accurate any more than I have to have lived in 18'th century America to know that the US Declaration of Independence is accurate. According to your logic, I could argue that 1+1=3 because any other answer is just an OPINION, and you can't POSSIBLY know the real answer as a fact because none of use were in ancient Egypt when the grounds of mathematics were created.

Just because "millions of people" share faith in the same idea, it doesn't make it true.

Millions of people in Greece believed in numerous god-figures in the past. So is it true that Zues and Hera and Apollo and Isis and all of the Greek Gods exist/ed? There's no proof about this sort of thing.
In those days, if you didn't believe in their gods, the local priests would have you stoned to death. Today, you can say whatever the heck you want and nobody can do anything to stop you, including with religious beliefs. Unless you somehow think your judgment is superior to that of billions of successful people around the world, the combined ideologies of all of these people is a serious hurt to your credibility.

By the way, Sir Auron, like I ALREADY said, it would be an incredibly long book if they bothered to record the species of each and every type of animal, plus, you're talking about scientific classification that didn't exist yet. The word "dinosaur" was not even invented until 1842, so I don't know how you expected them to include that in the Bible.
Isn't there a rule against the "what I say is true and I'm going to try and shove that idea in your face" attitude of some people? I thought this was a board for religious debate, not a soapbox for users to preach their own religious views as they were the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

isn't that kinda what a religious debate is?
Isn't there a rule against the "what I say is true and I'm going to try and shove that idea in your face" attitude of some people? I thought this was a board for religious debate, not a soapbox for users to preach their own religious views as they were the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

That may be true, but how is saying that the existence of dinosaurs prove that the Bible is false NOT "in your face"? The answer to the question, "Why aren't dinosaurs in the bible?" is simple- it's because the word "dinosaur" wasn't invented when the Bible was written. That's it! No "complications" or "opinions" about it! The debate is over with, right? No, there has to be some ridiculous, anti-religious propaganda hidden in the thread's meaning, and I'm making it VERY clear that a empty argument like this one should not have any influence on peoples religious beliefs.
The history of scientific classification is a lot more than an just a random belief. Read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_classification#Linnaeus if my "opinion" isn't good enough for you. I await the many Wikipedia articles supporting your idea that the Bible is "only meant to be taken as moral guidance" (which is completely untrue, by the way).

The fact that you and I both have different assessments towards the purpose of the bible, proves that the bolded part of your quote is entirely a matter of opinion.
Different people have different opinions on the matter. Don't just assume that your assumption is true.

The problem with your theory is that I have a physical piece of text, with a widespread message accepted by billions of people, while you do not. I don't have to have lived with Jesus to know that the Bible is accurate any more than I have to have lived in 18'th century America to know that the US Declaration of Independence is accurate. According to your logic, I could argue that 1+1=3 because any other answer is just an OPINION, and you can't POSSIBLY know the real answer as a fact because none of use were in ancient Egypt when the grounds of mathematics were created.

You have a widely distributed, multi-purpose, copied translation of a piece of text. You do not have a physical copy of the exact translation; and you, and I, and anyone else posting in this thread probably couldn't translate it directly if any of us wanted to.
You're so entirely butthurt and offended that I don't share the same belief as you, that you're going so low as to imply stupidity on my part. I am not stupid; you are being stubborn for not accepting the fact that not all people share your bright idea.

In those days, if you didn't believe in their gods, the local priests would have you stoned to death. Today, you can say whatever the heck you want and nobody can do anything to stop you, including with religious beliefs. Unless you somehow think your judgment is superior to that of billions of successful people around the world, the combined ideologies of all of these people is a serious hurt to your credibility.

I'm not the one who's belittling other people for having the wrong opinion; which again...is a matter of opinion. I have done nothing but question biblical factuality in this thread. I have not smited you or anyone else for not believing the same ideas that I do. You on the other hand, are implying that my ideas are stupid and implausible...
The fact that you and I both have different assessments towards the purpose of the bible, proves that the bolded part of your quote is entirely a matter of opinion. Different people have different opinions on the matter. Don't just assume that your assumption is true.

If we don't assume that ANY assumptions are true, that's throwing out science and logic out the window in the name of philosophy. It's widely accepted that the original purpose of the bible is for the majority of it to be taken literally (with possible exception being to some of the ancient Hewbrew laws of the Old Testament, which Christianity basically renounces).

You have a widely distributed, multi-purpose, copied translation of a piece of text. You do not have a physical copy of the exact translation; and you, and I, and anyone else posting in this thread probably couldn't translate it directly if any of us wanted to.

I've seen quite a few bibles in my time, and I can assure you that they are all, for the most part, exactly the same. I also can go up to virtually any Christian and speak on similar terms when quoting passages of the Bible. I'll admit that it's POSSIBLE that I've been trapped in a Matrix-style reality where every quoting of passages from the Bible that I have heard coincidentally happens to be from a Bible that doesn't exist, but the preponderance of the evidence points otherwise, so I'm going with my view here.

You're so entirely butthurt and offended that I don't share the same belief as you, that you're going so low as to imply stupidity on my part. I am not stupid; you are being stubborn for not accepting the fact that not all people share your bright idea.

There is a WORLD of difference between calling someone's ideas wrong and making personal attacks on other people's character. You're getting into the realm of flaming here, which as you may have noticed, I've been very careful to avoid. I never called you stupid, yet you're making these rather unnecessary assumptions here not even in the GUISE of an opinion. If you're going to talk like this, then you might as well know that it seems to me that you're just shocked and appalled that someone who actually supports religion is making a valid argument, and you're trying to wiggle out of admitting it. Sorry, but it's not going to happen.

I'm not the one who's belittling other people for having the wrong opinion; which again...is a matter of opinion. I have done nothing but question biblical factuality in this thread. I have not smited you or anyone else for not believing the same ideas that I do. You on the other hand, are implying that my ideas are stupid and implausible...

I didn't call any of your OPINIONS wrong. I called some of your assumptions wrong, and I have questioned the usefulness of bringing opinions into debate, but I have never made any attempt to deny the fact that you have an opinion and have the right to share it. Of course, if you're willing to share it, I have the right to disagree...
I never indicated that any of the ideas that I've stated in this thread are right, or true for that matter. Maybe I missunderstood you when you said that my idea was about as accurate as "1+1=3"...
Maybe my idea isn't logical in your opinion, but I respect your ideas and wish that you would respect mine. I really do believe "just because 20 million people believe it", it doesn't make it true.
I don't assume to know that the documentations of the bible are wrong...it's just my opinion that they are drastically exaggerated, and several factors are very under-developed.

Honestly, I think that before debating each other, we should probably have gotten to understand each other's personal beliefs beforehand. =\
Ok guys, I have to remind you that this debate is about Dinosaurs and why they are not in the bible. State your opinion. Read others. defend your opinion if you have to.

But seriously, I see no point in a religion thread when it always boils down to each side feeling like they have to defend their own beliefs by attacking their opponents. And yes, there were some snarky comments said in this thread.

So please, stay on topic and talk about Dinosaurs.
Please or I will close the thread.
Honestly, I think that before debating each other, we should probably have gotten to understand each other's personal beliefs beforehand. =\

Okay, I understand where you're coming from here, but I'm still not going to change my mind about how I post. I admit that an idea that the vast majority of people believe in can be wrong, and I'm willing to admit that no amount of Christians will ever PROVE that Christianity is true. I'm also willing to admit that the vast majority of posters on this forum and others have strong anti-religious feelings, and that makes me feel like it’s almost my duty to argue much harder when it comes to religious issues then when it comes to other normal issues of debate. If we were debating about the best type of chocolate, I wouldn’t be anywhere near as serious when it comes to these posts. :P
Ok guys, I have to remind you that this debate is about Dinosaurs and why they are not in the bible. State your opinion. Read others. defend your opinion if you have to.

But seriously, I see no point in a religion thread when it always boils down to each side feeling like they have to defend their own beliefs by attacking their opponents. And yes, there were some snarky comments said in this thread.

So please, stay on topic and talk about Dinosaurs.
Please or I will close the thread.

I agree? xD

Dinosaurs aren't in the bible because the time the bible was written was way before they discovered the first dinosaur remains. Answer solved.

Yes, the bible was written. xD. The new testament AFTER Jesus' life and the old testament in the time of the Jewish people in Israel recording ancestry.
Dinosaurs aren't in the bible because the time the bible was written was way before they discovered the first dinosaur remains. Answer solved.

Erm, you're assuming that the Bible was written before 300 AD (when the Chinese found the first dinosaur fossils), an assumption that is clearly up to debate, no matter what your beliefs are...
Erm, you're assuming that the Bible was written before 300 AD (when the Chinese found the first dinosaur fossils), an assumption that is clearly up to debate, no matter what your beliefs are...

Chances are it was. Think of the history of the Jewish people and then think of it as a world aspect. There was plenty of generations before Jesus was born. It is a decent assumption.

There's also the fact that the Chinese weren't Jewish. Also, the Jewish people may have no way of knowing about a massive set of bones or what it was.

But yes, that IS up for debate. Do I smell a new thread?
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