Why do FFFan's hate this game?

I don't straight out dislike FFVIII, I'm just not fond of the plot.
I'm sure I've already explained my disrespect for the story line countless times throughout the forums.

Things to frown upon:
1.) Lack of character development.
2.) Moody antagonist who takes orders from everyone (Quistis and crew) but his authority figure (Cid).
3.) Horrible love story.
If there is anything in the game that confused me is why they made Quistis the same age as the rest aswell as a teacher. I thought that was very strange. She looks a lot older than the rest.
Well, I have always been a HUGE fan of this game, and I still am. In fact, I even have my own FFVIII RP board. :D

Quistis is older than all of the characters, apart from Seifer (I think), but I'll need to double-check on that. :D
I can't decide weather I love or hate this game. I love the updated graphics and the new GF system. But I hated the new minigame "the card game". I know how to play it but I just don't see the point. In 9 the card game does comeback but square made it a "must know how to play" game. Because eventually you have to play and you have to win. But now I'm getting alittle of subject. I also didn't like some of the upgradeing system for the weapons. Most of the materials needed to find to upgrade are hard to find. Not only that but you have to find issues of an old magazine to know your next weapon or ability. But that's also why I love it. All of that adds a challenge to the game that makes it that much easier or harder depening on what you do. So I'm stuck in the middle.
I liked the game, I really liked the plot, even a little more than FFVII. The one thing I didn't like about the game was the fact that you had to draw magic, and then junction it to strengthen your abilities. to me it was confusing and a big pain in the butt.
If there is anything in the game that confused me is why they made Quistis the same age as the rest aswell as a teacher. I thought that was very strange. She looks a lot older than the rest.

Actually, Quistis and Seifer are a year older than the rest. But yeah, I know what you mean. I suppose Quistis was mature enough to take the role of a teacher. She certainly has that aura about her, don't ya' think?
The only thing I can actually hold against this game is the amount of time it takes to actually grip the player in to wanting to progress within the story.

Personally, I found that only at the end of disk 2 it began to get good. And seeing as that's nearly half way through the entire game, I'd say that was quite poor.

Good game, it just takes a while to get into.
Well. . . .

I have to point out before I start that i love all the FF games, I just don't love this one as much. I mean sure you've got the epically difficult side quests (which is a plus) and I agree that having to find certain materials for making weapons doesn't simply make it so all you have to do is acquire enough gil. And its got a wonderful magic and stat system, yet even with all the making of an awesome RPG, the most important thing is caring about the characters and their plight. Say in VII (the second best) you really start to care because you've got Sephiroth, and as much as Cloud is a screaming emo, you feel his plight. And instantly in IX (the best) you get the Dagger/Princess I want to be free kind of feel. As much as this is a good game, I don't connect with the characters, thus, well I didn't enjoy this game to much, but its still an awesome game :P!
You guys beat me to it Lol...

I fully agree with Ash Phoenix and Mitsuki, Quistis was the most mature out of the bunch and that aura did make her seem well beyond her years.

If there is anything in the game that confused me is why they made Quistis the same age as the rest aswell as a teacher. I thought that was very strange. She looks a lot older than the rest.

Nah, this really didn't seem all that odd to me because I was an instructor at the ages of 18-19 as well for several computer classes. So, if she was fully knowledgeable in that area (which see was) then she would be fully competent and qualified to teach anyone regardless of being late teenager IMO. :)

I liked the game, I really liked the plot, even a little more than FFVII. The one thing I didn't like about the game was the fact that you had to draw magic, and then junction it to strengthen your abilities. to me it was confusing and a big pain in the butt.

I agree, at first it really confused me being new to FF at that time, but I wound up loving it and couldn't wait to see what I could draw from some higher level monster. :)

Also, I'd like to express a my generalized opinion on the storyline issue because there would be way to many people to individually quote Lol... and I know a lot of people may agree or disagree with this, but here goes...

** Story Spoilers Below **

I know I said this somewhere in the forums before, but my biggest belief that most fans of where turned off or hated the story was the whole Sci-Fi feel of time travel, Quazality Loop, Laguna/Ellone and future Sorceress stories had either completely confused or just turned fans off to it, hence my opinion for the more truthful reason as to why the game received it's bad rap other than it's character flaws which I feel are common place in every FF game.

Like I said above, I guess you have to be or somewhat have to be a fan of Science Fiction to fully appreciate the Time/Quazality element that IMO was brilliantly written into this games story.

Now if you didn't understand the story, don't feel bad, it took me a couple times playing through it to fully understand it all. I only wish SE added a lot more detail in the story regarding the issues mentioned above, I think it might of helped this one get a better reception amongst the fans. :)
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I personally feel there is NOTHING wrong with this game, I just prefer the way that FFVII, FFVI, FFX and FFXII work. I rank it above many other Final Fantasy games (I have played all apart from the Japanese only FFI and FFII) so I feel that my ranking system...is fair to the point where it is accepted as my opinion. I don't think that FF Fans neccarily hate this game...it's just not thier favourite.

Try not to confuse "FF Fan boys" with "FFVII Fan boys", not saying you did, but its a common misconception as there are enough around from both camps.
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Nah, this really didn't seem all that odd to me because I was an instructor at the ages of 18-19 as well for several computer classes. So, if she was fully knowledgeable in that area (which see was) then she would be fully competent and qualified to teach anyone regardless of being late teenager IMO. :)

Still a bit wierd but in saying that then it probably isn't the wierdest thing in FF. Other than that, the game is good. Very different to other titles and the draw system works well. Triple Triad is a classic!
the answer is quite simple. They played FFVII first and decided every final fantasy should now have a materia system. FFVIII is a great game but some just fail to see it. Junctionsystem however, tends to make the battles a bit too easy.
They played FFVII first and decided every final fantasy should now have a materia system.
Yep. That's exactly right. That is the one and only reason I didn't like FFVIII. Had nothing to do with the characters or the plot. But, according to most FFVIII fans, I probably didn't like it either cause it was to complex for my mind to handle.
I love this topic because I have a lot of thoughts on it.

First off, I would say, just how do you follow up on the biggest RPG of all time? Final Fantasy VII got everyone so hyped up that their standards for VIII were set so high that no game would satisfy their expectations. I don't think it's hated as often as it's classiffied as, "It's good, but not as good as VII."

The characters: For a good game, it's important to have characters that the player cares about. Squall was not exactly adored by all fans. After Cloud's distant personality, I think people expected more of a talkative guy to play the lead. Square decided to do that with Zidane though, in the next game. Personally, I love Squall and his cold personality, but I think a lot of the game's downfall are peoples' opinions of the characters. It seemed to be that each character had its high point in the story, then were just forgotten. For example, Irvine's break down when he was supposed to assassinate the sorceress. Quistis' talk with Squall revealed her feelings for him and made her seem to have an important role, but then it never came up again. Selphie's highlight is when she is saving her garden from getting bombed.

As for junctioning, I thought it was pretty cool. I think that the games would get extremely dull after repeating the same symstems, so I liked this new one. Drawing magic was a pain, but junctioning to your stats was helpful. Atleast Square was attempting something new to throw out there. A lot of people found it really complicated and that's where it falls.

Some people I've talked to say they dislike the game because it was too realistic... but that can be easily countered. I know that one thing that made this game fall in my opnion was the lack of freedom. It's nice in VII because you are on your own for a majority of the time, and part of the joy of Final Fantasy for me is the freedom; doing thatever I wanted, being able to travel the world. Since the games are targetted at teenagers, I think the fact that it was based on school and that you had to follow instructions and rules made the game less appealing to the players.
I really liked this one because it seemed futuristic. It was something that SquareEnix didn't seem like they were going to do, but they did. Plus I liked the dog.
LH, that's exactly the thing.
The character development sucked, and they all lacked depth.
Think about it. Every single playable character with the exception of Rinoa, all have the exact same past....
They were all orphans raised by Edea and lost their memories because of GFs...
It's dumb! o_O

And when they actually did interact...such as when Quistis told Squall how she felt...I wasn't even moved! I just felt like "that was random and pointless...since when has Quistis ever shown any signs of emotion towards Squall...."

And when Squall went all out to rescue Rinoa from the sorceress memorial...I thought..."Wasn't he just dissing her and giving her the cold shoulder for the last 3 discs?"

It made no sense. =\
LH, that's exactly the thing.
The character development sucked, and they all lacked depth.
Think about it. Every single playable character with the exception of Rinoa, all have the exact same past....
They were all orphans raised by Edea and lost their memories because of GFs...
It's dumb! o_O

And when they actually did interact...such as when Quistis told Squall how she felt...I wasn't even moved! I just felt like "that was random and pointless...since when has Quistis ever shown any signs of emotion towards Squall...."

And when Squall went all out to rescue Rinoa from the sorceress memorial...I thought..."Wasn't he just dissing her and giving her the cold shoulder for the last 3 discs?"

It made no sense. =\

The character development sucked? Are you nuts? Look at Sqaulls character in the begining, and compare it to the man he is at the end. End of that story. And how is the fact that everyone is linked with Edea? It actually has meaning if you read the in-game info found in the tutorial. You need to put the pieces together.

That part where Quistis tells Squall her feelings is fairly early in the game, not to be taken as a huge event in the plot.

And no, he wasn't dissin up Rinoa for the past 3 discs. Actually, he starts feeling a little of emotions for her during disc two, in FH, with the concert, and everything. Squall ends up telling her why he doesn't get close to anyone, and then he promises to attempt to get close to everyone. And then up to the point where he tries to rescue Rinoa, he does. He bonds with about every character, even if its a little bit. And then Rinoa gets fucked over, and Squall says, "No, I've gotten to close to you. I knew you'd leave, I wont let that happen." because that happened to him as a child, with Ellone. ITS A PUZZLE, PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER PEOPLE.