Why do humans eat meat?

Humans eat meat cause it helps our immune system and also feeds our muscles... if you look at a vegetarian they are very skinny and have lots of health problems... this is because of the lack of meat in their diet
I was a complete vegetarian (no meat, no gelatine, no fish) between the ages of 11 and 19 and was slightly overweight before the age of 18; I'm 5 foot 1 and weighed 10 stone and 5 pounds at my heaviest point. This is partially because veggies will often have to turn to pasta, cheese and creamy rice dishes when they eat out. I also managed to turn to these foods at home... I wasn't the best informed child when it came to nutrition. However, I was rarely unwell and I did have muscle too.

Now, I'm a pescatarian. I will eat fish but refuse to eat meat and any substance that required killing the animal. I actually drink soya milk now, due to the process cows go through when milk is produced, and we have our own hens so I can eat their eggs without any cockerals being killed. I do, however, eat yogurt and chocolate, the former for health reasons since yogurt provides important bacteria and calcium.

I still have some fat on my thighs from when I was overweight, but overall I have a healthy amount of muscle. I actually have more muscle on my calves than all of my friends and even my boyfriend.All of them eat meat. None of them, however, exercise as frequently as I do. My family have been walkers for well over 21 years so I grew up walking. I now walk a couple of times a week for 1 - 3 hours each time. I will go more often if I have the time. I also can't remember the last time I was ill! I don't think I've ever had the flu, I have had perhaps one cold in the last year, I've had food poisoning once in 21 years (after eating out where there was seafood), I don't often get headaches, I've never had aneamia... My blood pressure is also the best it can be according to the doctor.

Oh yeah, and I'm certainly not overweight anymore. Nor am I underweight. I weigh 8 stone and a half. Basically, I replaced the pasta, cheese, rice and pizzas with something more balanced. I eat A LOT of vegetables and fruit, pulses, fish 2 - 3 times a week (as recommended), eggs, oats, yogurt... On this diet, I've actually gained weight since Uni (some of which is muscle), where all I did was eat less. I'm certainly not wasting away. ;)
I was a complete vegetarian (no meat, no gelatine, no fish) between the ages of 11 and 19 and was slightly overweight before the age of 18; I'm 5 foot 1 and weighed 10 stone and 5 pounds at my heaviest point. This is partially because veggies will often have to turn to pasta, cheese and creamy rice dishes when they eat out. I also managed to turn to these foods at home... I wasn't the best informed child when it came to nutrition. However, I was rarely unwell and I did have muscle too.

Now, I'm a pescatarian. I will eat fish but refuse to eat meat and any substance that required killing the animal. I actually drink soya milk now, due to the process cows go through when milk is produced, and we have our own hens so I can eat their eggs without any cockerals being killed. I do, however, eat yogurt and chocolate, the former for health reasons since yogurt provides important bacteria and calcium.

I still have some fat on my thighs from when I was overweight, but overall I have a healthy amount of muscle. I actually have more muscle on my calves than all of my friends and even my boyfriend.All of them eat meat. None of them, however, exercise as frequently as I do. My family have been walkers for well over 21 years so I grew up walking. I now walk a couple of times a week for 1 - 3 hours each time. I will go more often if I have the time. I also can't remember the last time I was ill! I don't think I've ever had the flu, I have had perhaps one cold in the last year, I've had food poisoning once in 21 years (after eating out where there was seafood), I don't often get headaches, I've never had aneamia... My blood pressure is also the best it can be according to the doctor.

Oh yeah, and I'm certainly not overweight anymore. Nor am I underweight. I weigh 8 stone and a half. Basically, I replaced the pasta, cheese, rice and pizzas with something more balanced. I eat A LOT of vegetables and fruit, pulses, fish 2 - 3 times a week (as recommended), eggs, oats, yogurt... On this diet, I've actually gained weight since Uni (some of which is muscle), where all I did was eat less. I'm certainly not wasting away. ;)

lol well you certainly are different from every vegetarian that i have ever seen or know... most vegetarians would even touch eggs or milk based products... basically like a Vegan... but all they would eat is fruits and vegetables

Oh dear

There are plenty of fat vegetarians, there is a veggie society in uni. At fairs day it looked like elephants at the watering hole. Elephants with terrible dress sense. Muscles need proteins, proteins are available in many foods as well as supplements. It sounds like you read, or maybe heard some popular opinions on vegetarianism and left it at that. There are plenty of health risks associated with red meat too, it's not ambrosia

there are heath risks from red meat because disease has formed from all the chemicals that is thrown into the meat before the animal dies... so you need to cook it to kill the disease... and in all honesty you cant get enough of the protein you need through plants unless you eat a lot of it and i will agree that there are protein pills and certain yogurts that have a lot of protein along with stuff that can make you fat if you eat a lot of it....
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Humans eat meat cause it helps our immune system and also feeds our muscles... if you look at a vegetarian they are very skinny and have lots of health problems... this is because of the lack of meat in their diet

I'm terribly sorry, but I have to disagree with you entirely. If this is so, why are these people not skinny and unhealthy?


I know plenty of people who don't eat meat at all, not even white meat, and they are extremely healthy and muscled. And they suffer from no health problems, at least not something caused by "not eating meat".

And there are other ways to find protein etc etc and "feed the muscles" without having to even touch meat, or over stuff yourself.

It is entirely possible to survive and be healthy as you do so, by throwing out meat in your diet and you don't have any more healthy problems than the people who eat meat. I've only heard of anemia in some people and having to resort back to meat, but that can easily be obtained with either supplements or eating beans,dark leafy vegetables, dried fruit, artichokes and potatoes and oats -- stuff like that. And on a vegetarian diet you eat more healthy food that lets you adsorb more Iron (vitamin C and A based foods) when you eat the mentioned foods above.

So you're really not all that better off as a meat eater than a vegetarian.

I'm terribly sorry, but I have to disagree with you entirely. If this is so, why are these people not skinny and unhealthy?


I know plenty of people who don't eat meat at all, not even white meat, and they are extremely healthy and muscled. And they suffer from no health problems, at least not something caused by "not eating meat".

And there are other ways to find protein etc etc and "feed the muscles" without having to even touch meat, or over stuff yourself.

It is entirely possible to survive and be healthy as you do so, by throwing out meat in your diet and you don't have any more healthy problems than the people who eat meat. I've only heard of anemia in some people and having to resort back to meat, but that can easily be obtained with either supplements or eating beans,dark leafy vegetables, dried fruit, artichokes and potatoes and oats -- stuff like that. And on a vegetarian diet you eat more healthy food that lets you adsorb more Iron (vitamin C and A based foods) when you eat the mentioned foods above.

So you're really not all that better off as a meat eater than a vegetarian.


well all i have never heard about vegetarians being healthy... i just know you cant get everything from eating nothing but vegies
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You can get what you can get from meat with other means, and that means everything meat offers. Meat is not the only source of proteins, minerals, and carbohydrates.

With eating red meats, your chance of dying is increased to 13%, to 20% when you are eating meat like hotdogs or bacon. Why increase your chances of dying by so much when other foods offer you the same supplements? Meat is unhealthy, meat kills, meat gives you deceases; colon cancer and more life threatening health problems.

Red meat, around 70% of it, is now made with pink slim. In case no one knows of pink slim, it is low-grade pieces that come off the most contaminated parts of cows (etc etc), something people use to feed to dogs they cared so little about. So in the end, you now eat as badly as your pets.

There are just so many reasons why you shouldn't eat meat, especially read meat. It literally kills you.
You can get what you can get from meat with other means, and that means everything meat offers. Meat is not the only source of proteins, minerals, and carbohydrates.

With eating red meats, your chance of dying is increased to 13%, to 20% when you are eating meat like hotdogs or bacon. Why increase your chances of dying by so much when other foods offer you the same supplements? Meat is unhealthy, meat kills, meat gives you deceases; colon cancer and more life threatening health problems.

Red meat, around 70% of it, is now made with pink slim. In case no one knows of pink slim, it is low-grade pieces that come off the most contaminated parts of cows (etc etc), something people use to feed to dogs they cared so little about. So in the end, you now eat as badly as your pets.

There are just so many reasons why you shouldn't eat meat, especially read meat. It literally kills you.

i eat mainly meat and i never get sick except from bronchitis every now and then.... so if its killing me then tell me why im so healthy and havent received any disease from it at all
Tell me, when did you last get a colon and rectal checkup? When did you last get a check up for diabetes, or of your heart? Doctors, from my own experience and through my father, will not check you for something you do not ask for (like checking your leukocytes level). Red meat, eaten regularly, is known to cause Cardiovascular issues (and I know four people who have such issues, and they exercise nearly every day), regardless if you feel it or not.

Red meat influences body odor, acme, heartburn and acid Reflux (fried and fatty goods, aka meat), high cholesterol (beef, pork, lamb, eggs, organ meat, liver, kidneys, spleen), kidney stones (Those with diets that are high in animal protein), food poisoning (which can cause weakness and neurological problems), and much, much more. So much risk for the "luxury" of meat? Because that's all it is now, a luxury. There are now ways to get all the needed supplements from meat from other means, yet people hold onto this killer of a food.

How much meat do you consume in one dinner/sitting? And how regularly do you eat meat a week? Two times a week, thrice, perhaps six times a week? Do you exercise and as regularly as you eat meat? If you do, know not all meat consumers exercise regularly or at all, and much of the mass majority are suffering from said side effects of eating red meat, even if its but a small amount of the side effect. If you don't believe it, it is terribly unwise to continuing thinking something dangerous isn't dangerous to you because you believe you haven't had any symptoms of it or if you haven't had them yet. Being unaware of your health kills people, especially those who are in more of a risk of colon, liver and breast cancer. In other words, you are a perfect victim of cancer with your diet.

People are not meant for meat, look to our teeth; perfect for grinding vegetables and grains. Look at our hands. Do we have claws/talons etc etc? We were not meant to tear animals apart for their flesh. Just because we CAN eat it and CAN kill the animals for their meat, doesn't mean its good for you. My cats can eat poison and other unhealthy things for them, does that mean it was designed for them? Birds (not vultures etc etc of course) are known to eat cat/dog food and meat if you leave it out, does that mean they should eat it too? Being able to consume something shouldn't be one of the reasons to eat it.
I think what people keep missing is the evolutionary benefit - let's not try to get too tied up in the vegetables vs meat debate.

The thing about evolution is that it's blind and cannot plan where it's going next; it's a series of random mutations that may or may not confer some kind of benefit to an organism's fitness, determined by selective pressure's in the organism's life.

So, at some point in evolution, it became beneficial for some organisms to change the anatomy of their dentistry to accomodate the consumption of meat. Whether that be to avoid competition with every other organism trying to get the best plant material or incorporating a wider range of nutrients by consuming meat is uncertain but it happened.

Aye, you CAN lead a healthy diet with vegetables alone and many people do, but in evolutionary terms you get more out of a pound of beef than you do a few leaves from a bush. You can argue about the health concerns of meat 'til you're blue in the face but at some point in our evolution it became more beneficial to incorporate meat in to our diet than to leave it out altogether.

Evolution didn't count on us learning about nutrition and developing 'substitute' diets, however, so carry on with your vegan bodybuilding but don't say meat isn't necessary.
Well yes no one is saying that we didn't eventually accumulate the traits to become meat eaters. Meat is not necessary though, if it was then there would be no vegetarians or vegans. It certainly makes life easier if you have an omnivorous diet, but you can stay alive and stay healthy without meat. So no it is not necessary
Well yes no one is saying that we didn't eventually accumulate the traits to become meat eaters. Meat is not necessary though, if it was then there would be no vegetarians or vegans. It certainly makes life easier if you have an omnivorous diet, but you can stay alive and stay healthy without meat. So no it is not necessary
But the title of the debate is "Why do humans eat meat?"
Evolution didn't count on us learning about nutrition and developing 'substitute' diets, however, so carry on with your vegan bodybuilding but don't say meat isn't necessary.

Its not necessary though, people only believe it is (like I said, its become more of a luxury or 'I want the taste' thing now). If you can live without it if not live a more healthier life with out it, how can it possible be necessary? :hmmm:

Maybe in the past it was 'necessary', but it hasn't been 'necessary' in a very, very, very long time (around the time when it started killing you). When it kills you, its time to drop it.

Aye, you CAN lead a healthy diet with vegetables alone and many people do, but in evolutionary terms you get more out of a pound of beef than you do a few leaves from a bush. You can argue about the health concerns of meat 'til you're blue in the face but at some point in our evolution it became more beneficial to incorporate meat in to our diet than to leave it out altogether.
'a few leaves from a bush'? Vegetarian diets can offer you just as much proteins etc etc in just the same amount of food; beans, oats, potatoes and the like. I think people are under the false assumption that, if you are on a vegetarian diet, you have to eat truck loads of vegetables to get your "healthy meat supplements" when this isn't the case...especially during our time of supplement sources.

The only problem with a vegetarian diet is that it costs a lot more than buying meat.

Meat is no longer needed, we weren't designed for it, it is literally killing us and everything else I presented in my posts. Well....that's my two cents on the issue, anyways.

Good day,


Did you just say potatoes are a good source of protein?
No. I did not.

I was listing food that is healthy for you that can help in a vegetarian diet and all the "necessary reasons to eat meat' can be found elsewhere, not that you should eat potatoes to fill your need of protein. That's why I said "proteins etc etc" and then listed different foods -- I wasn't exactly going to make a mega list of all capable foods. :sad3:

I think this is another false assumption of vegetarian diets. You don't eat pounds and pounds of one food to get one nourishment needed. Various foods helps fill the void, as well as taking supplements. Yes, yes...its not as "easy" as eating meat.

With what meat offers that is healthy for you it does doubly so in the area that isn't healthy for you and that kills you. Meat is just no longer necessary, or else people couldn't survive just fine without it.

In short you're wrong - you don't get "just as much proteins etc etc in just the same amount of food"

To put this in perspective, from meat:

1.5 chicken breasts = about 50g protein.
1 7oz steak = about 50g protein
1 8oz can of tuna = about 50g protein
2 fish fillets or fish steaks = about 50g protein
2 pork chops = about 50g protein
7 oz of pork loin or tenderloin = about 50g protein
Just because you can get the necessary nourishments for your body from meat in "lesser amount of meat" and is easier than other methods, doesn't mean I am wrong. All I said was that there are other ways of getting said things, and there is. We are all aware of what meat provides for the human body and how much it provides depending on the serving size, no one argued this, but there are other alternatives to getting those nourishments without eating meat and that's all I've said. Serving sizes for vegetarian diets can do just that, you just have to adjust it a bit to include separate foods and supplements for what meat had (proteins etc etc).

Just to clear it up - 400 calories worth of fish fillet covers your daily protein intake. it takes about 1800 calories of beans to accomplish the same thing. About the same amount of potatoes. You are completely wrong that you can get the same amount of protein for the same size of meals from that kind of vegetarian diet. You should slap whoever taught you those ridiculous lies.
What lies....? If I made it seem like you can get said nourishments from one serving of a Vegetarian diet, then I apologize, that is not what I meant. I did say, I thought, you needed supplements as well.

I never argued meat provides what you listed or that "400 calories worth of fish fillet covers your daily protein intake". I only said there are other alternatives to getting said nourishments from other foods and that you don't have to eat "truck loads of food" to do so as some people assume. But yes, even though I never argued it, you are right; eating meat can give you the necessary nourishments in less amount of food than a Vegetarian diet. Though I think you assumed that "less amount than Vegetarian diet" meant a Vegetarian diet is similar to that of a whale or something. Though its really not that much of a difference. lol

But since its easier than a Vegetarian diet, people refuse it and think its unhealthy for you, when its not.
An example is from the site I posted. They get everything their body needs from their diet and they don't have meat included at all. And I assure you, they don't eat as much as some people think Vegetarians do. They eat nearly average meals and are just as healthy, if not healthier, than the average joe on meat.

People can continue to think that Vegetarians eat pounds and pounds of food to just get by even though its wrong, if they want. Just wanted my two cents in on the subject and all the experiences of the Vegetarians out there and the Vegetarians I know.

I leave it to everyone else to look into it more, or give it a try. But yes, if you are still wondering, on a vegetarian diet you would also need supplements (vitamins etc etc) to complete your diet. I personally think its worth it if it cuts your chance of dying down by 20% and lets you live a healthier life. So I hope I have cleared my point with this post.

@DragonByte Tech
Let's try not to argue too much. ;) The average person needs about 40g protein a day. You can get 10g protein in 160 calories worth of beans... You can get about 8g protein from 1 portion of yogurt between 80 and 120 calories. It's not a bad idea to have two portions of live yogurt, which has bacteria good for digestion. One egg provides about 6g protein, which takes the total to 32g. Protein can also be found in soya milk or milk, soya products, seeds and nuts, peas, oats, wholegrains and cheese. :hmmm:

80 calories of fish (assuming it's Cod, Haddock, Pollock, Coley etc) provides 20g protein, which certainly does make it a more effective source of that nutrient, but fish is JUST protein. Meat is protein and fat, but a lot of that fat is bad for you and can cause a number of diseases. Beans provide protein, carbohydrates and can be 1 of your 5-10 vegetables for the day. 160 calories for 10g protein, just 0.4g of fat, 25g slow release carbohydrates and 8g of the all important fibre 'aint at all bad! Beans are great! :)

I don't think protein is an issue at all. One thing vegetarians really can't get (without supplements) are omega 3 fatty acids. :hmmm: And perhaps iron, but I've been off meat for 10 years and have never had aneamia. :hmmm:
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I don't think protein is an issue at all. One thing vegetarians really can't get (without supplements) are omega 3 fatty acids. :hmmm: And perhaps iron, but I've been off meat for 10 years and have never had aneamia. :hmmm:
Yup, iron is definitely a problem for Vegetarians to get (its one of the biggest questions Vegetarians get from newcomers). Dried beans and dark green leafy vegetables is a good place to get iron, especially if you take Vitamin C to help absorb it better.

And I think its worse in women because they have iron-deficiency during their period, so you have to be a little more careful on a Vegan diet. But then again, I'm no expert. :P

Without resorting to things like protein powder and supplements a normal vegetarian diet will not fill all your nutrient and nourishment needs while remaining in a healthy caloric state. It would take extremely careful and exact planning to pull it off - it means if for any reason you were away from home for a meal, or for any length of time, your diet would be screwed and you would become malnourished.
Again, I did not say otherwise. Please read my posts. I very clearly said on several occasions you would need supplements to complete the diet and that eating meat, is the easier choice for needed nourishments.

It's easier to eat an all around healthy omnivore diet than it is a vegetarian diet. If you're honestly claiming that fresh fish reduces your lifespan by 20% for instance you're 100% wrong. Not all meat is fatty red meat.
When did I say anything about fish here? I do not recall mentioning fish. I thought I was being clear I meant red meats and meats like that (I said bacon and hotdogs, for examples).


With eating red meats, your chance of dying is increased to 13%, to 20% when you are eating meat like hotdogs or bacon. Why increase your chances of dying by so much when other foods offer you the same supplements? Meat is unhealthy, meat kills, meat gives you deceases; colon cancer and more life threatening health problems.

Red meat, around 70% of it, is now made with pink slim. In case no one knows of pink slim, it is low-grade pieces that come off the
most contaminated parts of cows (etc etc), something people use to feed to dogs they cared so little about. So in the end, you now eat as badly as your pets.

There are just so many reasons why you shouldn't eat meat, especially read meat. It
literally kills you.
(in that last one, I meant 'red' instead of 'read', obviously. :oops:)

A vegetarian diet will kill you. Vegetables double your chance of dying. Meat makes you healthier. it's better to eat meat and be healthy than only eat vegetables and die.

See? I can make things up too.

You could make things up, but if you think it helps your case it doesn't. I didn't "make anything" up. What I said is true, thousands and thousands of people live like that and are completely healthy, if not just as healthy as a meat eater.

But I'll play along: That's why those vegetarians on that site (and many, many more) are dead and unhealthy, right?

If you would like to think meat is healthier for you and isn't life threatening, I suppose there is nothing that will convince you other wise. Not even all the cases of meat eaters getting deathly ill or developing cancer of all sorts, or having severe health problems would change your mind. What I said is true. The most recent case concerning how unhealthy meat is for you nowadays was on a couple weeks ago. About Pink slime, I do believe. But I'm just a liar; people didn't really get ill from eating meat, or get colon cancer or any of the sort. Its all something I fabricated for my anti-meat agenda.

I've honestly never met a person who refused to believe that meat is bad for you in the longer run, despite the "good" it offers. Not once, seriously. What sources would you consider then? I would hate to waste my time just for the source to be ignored, especially if you consider me a liar. I'll leave you with these and you can look into it yourself. Best I don't taint anything for you.

Google search

So many people and research and doctors have made it clear for years red meat is unhealthy for you. And that's the most consumed meat, I do believe.

And lastly, there wasn't any need of that attitude or whatever it was. This is just a discussion. This suddenly reminded me why entering into discussions or debates here should be avoided...

Goodbye and enjoy yourself.

DragonByte Tech said:
I think you're either being disingenuous with your suggestion that meat is full of unhealthy fat when that's absolutely not the case with most fish - as i think you know.
I tend to separate meat from fish when referring to the two, so in saying meat has bad fat, I was referring to beef, pork and lamb. Of course, there are varities which are lower in fat, but the majority of products use full-fat versions, which are also cheaper and therefore bought by the average consumer.

1 cup of beans = 10g protein - 160 calories per 10g protein
2 yoghurts = 16g protein about 120 calories per 10g protein
1 egg (vegetarians eat eggs? Eggs are baby chickens =O) = 6g

So at this point you've had 4 portions of food and are still less than halfway to your target.
Eggs aren't baby chickens because the egg hasn't been fertilised. That's a bit like saying a woman has a baby every month when she has a period. ;) Hens lay one egg every day! The main issue with eggs is the death of the cockerels. To combat that, I eat the eggs produced by our hens at home. Nothing is killed in the process. Other vegetarians can choose to buy the best eggs possible. I agree that it's hypocritical and pointless if they decide to buy the cheapest eggs, which come from hens who've lived in poor conditions.

In terms of the protein... Well, yogurt counts as two small snacks or a a third of breakfast for me. 80 calories really isn't a meal!

With beans, one can add another 8g protein with seeded wholewheat bread, or could choose to have Quorn sausages on the side, which contain 10.5g in two at 140 calories. That's 20.5g protein for 300 calories.

It's quite possible to have 5 portions of veg for 200 calories or less, so one shouldn't really worry too much about getting the other nutrients in. Tomatoes = 20, carrots = 30, fine beans = 25, an apple = 50, brocolli = 20. That's 145... and with the beans that's 6 portions.

Let's add in some carbs, like 40g oats at 150 calories and two slices of bread (we'll have our bread with that egg!) at 160 calories. That's another 310.

So 5 portions veg = 145 calories (not including beans)
Protein = 42.5g and 540 calories primarily, with some coming in from the bread, oats and fine beans so about 50g.
Carbs = 310 calories (not including beans)

A total of 1005 calories. Lots to spare! :D

Anyway, I don't want to get too bogged down in it. :gasp: I've just done this for years so hope to show how it can be healthy. :)

It's likely that the benefits of a vegetarian/regular diet depend on your lifestyle, genes, biological make-up and all sorts of factors. I find that a pescatarian diet is good for me. Furthermore, it helps me combat osteoporosis, which runs in the family, as meat protein pushes calcium out of your bones.

When it comes to anaemia, I haven't had it, but my friend has. She wasn't vegetarian, but her diet lacked balance. :/ I think that's the key to health; balance.
Its not necessary though, people only believe it is (like I said, its become more of a luxury or 'I want the taste' thing now). If you can live without it if not live a more healthier life with out it, how can it possible be necessary? :hmmm:

Maybe in the past it was 'necessary', but it hasn't been 'necessary' in a very, very, very long time (around the time when it started killing you). When it kills you, its time to drop it.

'a few leaves from a bush'? Vegetarian diets can offer you just as much proteins etc etc in just the same amount of food; beans, oats, potatoes and the like. I think people are under the false assumption that, if you are on a vegetarian diet, you have to eat truck loads of vegetables to get your "healthy meat supplements" when this isn't the case...especially during our time of supplement sources.

The only problem with a vegetarian diet is that it costs a lot more than buying meat.

Meat is no longer needed, we weren't designed for it, it is literally killing us and everything else I presented in my posts. Well....that's my two cents on the issue, anyways.

Good day,

You're still missing the point I'm making. I'm by no means saying that the consumption of meat is compulsory nor am I saying that you can't substitute meat with vegetables. What I am saying is that it's much more beneficial in terms of evolution to be able to consume a lump of chicken in one sitting and get a lot of protein than it is to go hunting for a veritable buffet of greens.

To try once again to make this discussion relevant to the thread -- WHY DO HUMANS EAT MEAT -- it's because you get more out of it. Simple as that.

This thread is not a debate about whether or not vegetables can take the place of meat in the diet. In a cultural sense, you could bring this up, but the thread asks why we eat meat and it's to do with fitness, convenience, competition and evolution.

This thread can't be truly negative while it lacks my presence.. :elmo:

First - At least in terms of the United States, I think USDA and other alleged standards of nutritional requirements are prone towards being biased and incorrect. If that is true, its somewhat pointless to contend how much of anything someone needs as standards are out of whack.

Second - I question the vegan tendency to equate veganism with decreased animal suffering. If people don't eat cows, then cows are being brutally devoured in the wild by other predators. The same goes for pigs, chickens and others. I saw it on wild kingdom, true story, bro. I don't understand what the difference is between a chicken being eaten by a cat in the wild and a chicken being eaten by a person.

Third - It is possible to practice ethical and humane raising of cattle and similar animal life for market. The closest thing at the moment may be japanese kobe beef where they give the animals massages to improve quality and healthiness of the meat, give them plenty of fresh air and a healthy environment in order to provide high quality beef. If our meat industry were restructured to where only animals that died of old age or were close to the end of their natural lifespan could be butchered, I don't know that I would consider that to be a case of animals being treated poorly or unfairly. Its not a case of absolute black and white where one thing is wholly good or evil. :ohshit:

Fourth - I've heard that harvesting crops and other processes associated with producing vegan food products are harmful to animals. I can't remember specifics, but I do think there may be good evidence to support it which may suggest veganism isn't as 'cool' as some may think.

Fifth - Rather than being tolerant or accepting, it seems as if a lot of vegans I've come across were elitist and arrogant snobs. I remember a case where a crazy vegan lady was yelling at one of my friends and it had something to do with him buying meat or something, I don't really remember... but, it was without a doubt one of the worst examples I've ever seen of someone trying to force their beliefs(vegan) on someone. I might go as far to say that a lot of vegans don't even care about animals they only use veganism as an excuse to pretend they're better than everyone else and to stroke their egos. If there's a reason for me disliking or being against veganism that may well be one major motivating factor.

Ok... Now, the thread is at least a little negative.. :ohshit:
Just to address the protein thing, the quorn substitute foods have roughly 2/3s of the protein that their meat counter-parts have. Given your GDA protein is around 55 grams, you can comfortably hit that without gorging yourself. I see your point that a balanced omnivore diet will be healthier or easier than a balanced vegetarian one though. That makes sense, though I haven't looked into it myself

Saying we evolved to eat meat isn't a show stopper, that is only a small part of it. Why do we eat animals when we simply don't have to anymore? Why do people (in our culture at least) draw the line at things like horses, cats and dogs? So yes we've evolved to eat animals, but we're probably one of the (if not the only) species to be able to feel empathy for our food too
Tell me, when did you last get a colon and rectal checkup? When did you last get a check up for diabetes, or of your heart? Doctors, from my own experience and through my father, will not check you for something you do not ask for (like checking your leukocytes level). Red meat, eaten regularly, is known to cause Cardiovascular issues (and I know four people who have such issues, and they exercise nearly every day), regardless if you feel it or not.

Red meat influences body odor, acme, heartburn and acid Reflux (fried and fatty goods, aka meat), high cholesterol (beef, pork, lamb, eggs, organ meat, liver, kidneys, spleen), kidney stones (Those with diets that are high in animal protein), food poisoning (which can cause weakness and neurological problems), and much, much more. So much risk for the "luxury" of meat? Because that's all it is now, a luxury. There are now ways to get all the needed supplements from meat from other means, yet people hold onto this killer of a food.

How much meat do you consume in one dinner/sitting? And how regularly do you eat meat a week? Two times a week, thrice, perhaps six times a week? Do you exercise and as regularly as you eat meat? If you do, know not all meat consumers exercise regularly or at all, and much of the mass majority are suffering from said side effects of eating red meat, even if its but a small amount of the side effect. If you don't believe it, it is terribly unwise to continuing thinking something dangerous isn't dangerous to you because you believe you haven't had any symptoms of it or if you haven't had them yet. Being unaware of your health kills people, especially those who are in more of a risk of colon, liver and breast cancer. In other words, you are a perfect victim of cancer with your diet.

People are not meant for meat, look to our teeth; perfect for grinding vegetables and grains. Look at our hands. Do we have claws/talons etc etc? We were not meant to tear animals apart for their flesh. Just because we CAN eat it and CAN kill the animals for their meat, doesn't mean its good for you. My cats can eat poison and other unhealthy things for them, does that mean it was designed for them? Birds (not vultures etc etc of course) are known to eat cat/dog food and meat if you leave it out, does that mean they should eat it too? Being able to consume something shouldn't be one of the reasons to eat it.

i probably eat more meat in a week then you do in 2 months... i have never had any problems and the bronchitis is just from being around smokers... you know if you are religious im sure you know the bible... god created animals for man to do what they want with... which includes eating... for centuries man has eaten meats including in the biblical era where it was no surprise if you lived to be 100... do you really wanna know whats causing all the issues in most people??? its not the meat but the chemicals used on the plants... idc what doctor told you it was meat but in all honesty i think he needs to study more... so what if our teeth werent made exactly like a wolves and so what if we dont have claws... meat is natural and cant be compared to poisons due to the fact that poisons were produced by man... and man uses chemicals on stuff in farms to kill bugs and is harmful to humans as well as bugs... try running tests on things yourself to find out what is really killing us... and dont get me started on water... the faucet water is full of poison.... if you also havent realized the fact that man was eating meat before fire was discovered then you seriously need to recheck your info... if meat kills man we would have died off centuries ago cause of disease in the meat but we havent have we... we are still around... the disease became to be probably about when we started really polluting... so you cant say its the meat.... people today live to be 112 from having a balanced diet that INCLUDES MEATS and a set exercise schedule as well... w/e problems your friends are having is most likely natural... you know lots of people are born with bodies that are bound to have problems down the road... and dont say that isnt true because everything that comes out of a doctors mouth is a theory not fact... nothing can be determined in the human body by study since everybody is different... and food poisoning can come from anything if you havent realized that yet... body odor??? natural... most of those things are natural... i know people who get acid reflux from a SALAD!!! NO MEAT!!! acne??? natural... yes if you rub your face with grease it will cause more but eating it doesnt cause it anymore then stress does and stress actually doesnt cause it.... you know there are many reasons why things happen and isnt the fault of meat