Why do so many people dislike FFX?


Jun 3, 2007
I've heard a lot of people say about FFX that the storyline is too simple, childish or dumbed down, and it's something I just don't agree with.

I think if you look past the basic exterior of the game and it's plotline ('Hah hah hah hah hah hah!!'... Urgh) you find quite a few interesting and complex intertwining storylines. For example, the persecution of the Al Bhed is, in my opinion, a perfect metaphorical representation of racism.

The supreme hold that Yevon has over the entire world of Spira is also similar to religion, what it drives people to, and why (from my perspective and many others) it's a rather evil movement.

The theories on life after death were also very interesting, for me at least.

Also, I thought the battle system was awesome. The aeon overdrives had me drooling over my controller (though I may just have over-productive saliva glands).

I have to agree with the voice acting being pretty bad though, Yuna especially. She's so quiet for somebody who's going to summon a Final Aeon and defeat a large killer fish bigger than Tokyo.
I've heard a lot of people say about FFX that the storyline is too simple, childish or dumbed down, and it's something I just don't agree with.

It's far from being childish - it is complex, it is very good, just sometimes, for me anyway, it tends to drag.

I think if you look past the basic exterior of the game and it's plotline ('Hah hah hah hah hah hah!!'... Urgh) you find quite a few interesting and complex intertwining storylines. For example, the persecution of the Al Bhed is, in my opinion, a perfect metaphorical representation of racism.

I liked how the whole Al Bhed hate was portrayed myself. I don't approve of racism, I just liked how they represented the issue, and how Wakka actually learnt to look past his hatred in the end.

The supreme hold that Yevon has over the entire world of Spira is also similar to religion, what it drives people to, and why (from my perspective and many others) it's a rather evil movement.

Kinda reminds you of how powerful a religion can infest the minds of many.

The theories on life after death were also very interesting, for me at least.

The whole dying, but being able to stay around thing? Yeah. Actually, that was kinda freaky. You think you've nailed Seymour, but he comes back at least a further 3/4 times to trouble you.

Also, I thought the battle system was awesome. The aeon overdrives had me drooling over my controller (though I may just have over-productive saliva glands).

They were nice, but despite the graphical beauty, they didn't seem to always give me the wow factor. Ixion and Anima on the other hand, pretty much did it for me. I liked how you could teach the summons certain things too.

I have to agree with the voice acting being pretty bad though, Yuna especially. She's so quiet for somebody who's going to summon a Final Aeon and defeat a large killer fish bigger than Tokyo.

Ah, but remember, she's a nice-nice girl, who's never been on something like this, who's pretty much spent most of her life in Besaid - besides, you already have your over confident male summoner and busty, feisty female one. You gotta have a quiet one.

With the voices, I felt some of them were forced, a bit out of place. Hence why I was a never a huge fan of X's VA.
Well I didn't really care for FF10 because of some things; first of all I hated the sphere grid and the fact that you couldn't level up you're characters by gaining EXP like in the previous ones. Second of all the main character Tidus I really didn't care for, I mean his how shall I say-"babyish" attitude I just couldn't stand throughout the game. Afew other reasons; the battle system, the menu, the fact that I couldn't go over a world map and fly the airship. Most of all one thing I really didn't like was that there was no minigames. Like Blitzball was a very unique and well made game. But I didn't want to freaking do all this stat shit while swimming around.

10 was probably my least favorite Final Fantasy game I ever played.
I can't understand how people can so plainly say they hate it, either. Each character has a level of depth which is explored sufficiently thoughout the game, villains included. The story wasn't outstanding for me, but I'd never consider it poor, or anything near 'average.' I found it to be pieced together quite nicely.

Gameplay, too, good stuff. The battle system was great to manipulate, and the new ability to control your summoned beasts was... well, amazing. Suffice to say I looked forward to controlling the likes of Bahamut. ;p

The voice acting was below-average, but not in every case. Tidus eventually just got irritating, and Yuna didn't have the vocal strength I could easily see her having. Mika sounded far too 'shrivelled,' and Shelinda was just ridiculous. Seymour, however, despite tedious ridicule, sounded alright. Not great; just decent for his role.

Good game, in most aspects.
Seymour, however, despite tedious ridicule, sounded alright. Not great; just decent for his role.

Hmm, he was menacing I suppose, and quite creepy, but I couldn't help wondering sometimes if he was played by a closet homosexual.
i think it all comes down to opinion and different tastes in games, i dont see a reason why someone would hate the game as its my favourite FF by a mile.
i love it for all the reasons the guy 4 posts above me hates it
For the record lagunas dream, I don't hate Final Fantasy 10, it's just probably my least favorite of the series for the reasons I mentioned above.
Wow...how can people hate FFX? I easily rate it as one of the best games I have ever played and think it should easily be counted as one of the top 3 FF games of all time, the only real letdown of this game is the voice acting (I still wince inside at the thought of the laughing scene at Luca...) and soon it will be the graphics as they bacome outdated compared to the mighty PS3
i dont know why ppl dont like ffx its a gd story and a fun game to play. i certinaly enjoyed playing it it was challenging and fun
As the people above said it was great, characters, story, challenging and full of great moments. The only reason people would dislike it is because of Tidus and his sobbing. He was sometimes annoying. X was definately up there as one of the best.

This game is hardly hated at all compaired to most of the other games in the series,FFIX gets a much harder time than this game.i thikn if anything its a bit overrated.

dont get me wrong i like the game i dont think it really hits the same standard as the FFVII,VIII and IX games,though it is close.i really appreciate FFX much more now due to FFXII.you see how the characters are far more intersting and effect the story much more,FFXII lacked this.

but things that bothered me about the game mainly the sphere grid it was alot of hassle that wasnt needed i think they should have sticked to levels.alsoi found the characters weaker than VVI - IX but i still liekd them apart from rikku but i dont like that bratty cute character in any game (FFVIII - Selphie,Tekken seires - Xiayou).and the other thing that botheres me is the costumizations it takes sooooo long to get HP Limit Break its rediculous(With fro the UK edition helps for the Dark Aeons.one last thing is the last battle it was effortless.

but if the FFX rep has gone down i blame FFX-2 That game was hideous
I agree... FFX is entirely overrated for my taste. What people should be questioning is why they hate FFVIII and FFIX so much. It seems like the only issues people have with those games is the setting. (Which makes no sense for IX because its setting is very similar to the classic FFIV...) There are two major issues for me, that make me hate X. Least irritating to me out of the two is the voice acting, though to many people this is what kills it. Most major is I hate the personality of the main character, Tidus, as many people know by heart if they've read enough of my posts. The only part where I liked him was in the beginning cinematic where he was playing blitzball, doing everything else, he was a total retard.
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The ONLY thing I hate about X is Seymour. Couldn't they have something like Sephiroth as a villain?
I think IX is better than X, but X is better than VIII. I do like the sphere grid, but I think that they shouldn't have abandoned leveling up.
No I beleive that this game is one of the best FF's. But then again, it's all opinion.
The story kicks a$$, The characters kick a$$, the mini games kicked a$$.
You've gotta be freak'n kidding me if you say the storyline for FFX is too simple. Sit there and try to dissect the similarities between Omega as a rebel monk before being exiled into the Omega Ruins and Yu Yevon as a summoner 1000 years ago. Try to discover who the creature is with his head and tail stuck halfway out of the Monster Arena and why 2 giant swords from Iron Giants are also present and how they got there.

Tell me the full background of Seymour's father, his life, marriage, father-hood, death, and impact on Seymour. Tell me where the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth used to be, who stole it, and what's significant about Yuna making it there with Lulu, Wakka, Tidus and Company.

How many Zanarakands are there really, and who occupies/inhabits it currently?

That's not even scrathcing the surface of what this game holds beyond
the topic of it story/background depth. Amazing game to keep you thinking for YEARS!