Why do so many people dislike FFX?

Exactly, few games have such a compelling storyline and such in-depth characters like FFX. The story is weaved in such a fashion that it keeps you interested through the whole game.
i have seen a thread like this for so many final fantasy games, and to be honest i dont know that many people that are on this site that actually dislike any final fantasies. this game gets it pretty easy as far as its number of haters, compared to games like VIII and X-2.
FFX was on of my least favourite and I am probably close to disliking the game.

First, Tidus really pissed me off. It was how he was 'too cheery'. Also, I didn't like how he is some sports star who is given a sword. Seconds before you fight he could barely even wield the sword yet seconds later he is wielding it with one hand like a pro. I honestly thought Tidus was going to be the worst protagonist until Vaan came along...

I didn't like the Sphere Grid. Mostly because I prefer the levelling up system.

Quite a few of the voice acting I didn't like. Again most notably, Tidus. His voice irretated me. Some of the voice acting wasn't really the fault of the voice actor but the lip synching was poor. A lot of the cutscenes sounded too cheesy.

WORLD MAP!!!11.11312!! I can't believe they went for this. Going from location A to location B really bugged me. It was always cool to fly to your next destination or basically just level up but now that the World Map was taking away, it just lost that sense of freedom. World Map was always the best place to level up.

I did enjoy the ending. Part of the reason was that it seemed that Tidus died which would have been well deserved but Square Enix completely ruined the ending with FFX-2! However, when it comes to Final Fantasy games, I tend to just ignore any sequels that have been made and focus on the title itself so in my mind, Tidus died and FFX had a good ending.

I didn't like how the took out the ATB in the battle system and basically replaced it with the old NES titles except easier as it is displayed in the top right hand corner who will get the next attack. ATB will always be my favourite.

The story wasn't bad but the journey seemed predictable, mainly because you are going from temple to temple with things happening on the way, unlike other Final Fantasy titles where something happens, you go there and it leads onto other places or back at a previous place. FFVII and FFIX always gave me that excitement when I was going to a new location or even an old one (Loved it when you parachute into Midgar) but I don't get that feeling at all with this game. I will also go on to say that I found most of the locations a bit, dull. I don't think there was much they could do about that since it fits in with the story though unlike previous titles, I was left uninterested in the locations.

I didn't like how save points also heal you. This made the game easier and no need for inns. I mostly only use items like remedies when I'm training and can't be bothered flying to the nearest location to rest at the inn but in this game it was no need since I had a save point right next to you.

One of the least favourites out of the series for me just above FFXII. I haven't fully enjoyed an FF game since FFIX.
I liked the game. The only flaw with me was sometimes the voice acting was abit off, but thats nothing really.
I think it's the sphere grid what puts people off i thought it sucked the first time i played so i stopped playing, then a while later i started again i enjoyed it.depends what u like i suppose.
Everyone have the right to say his/her opinion and in my opinion it was 1 of the greatest FF games ever.
And I love the Sphere grid it gives you lots of abilities.
I thought that the game was perfection. i adored every single thing about this game, except for one thing. Tidus. after the strong lead characters from previous games (Cloud, Zidane, Terra, Celes, Cecil etc) Tidus was a huge dissapointment, the fact that he didn't even take the leadership role but we still had to talk around as him just bugged the hell out of me.

i was Glad he wasn't forced into my party though :lol:

but apart from Tidus, i really have no problem with FFX, the storyline, gameplay, voices...everythings just perfection :D

so i really dont understand why some people dislike it...
I dunno, I disliked the game more than I liked it sorry to say. =\
I mean, the story, in my opinion was full of detail, but I thought it was too short.
I didn't like the voice acting either, got too far away from those days where you had to read what was on the character's minds, which I loved doing.
Also, I hated Seymour.
No offense.

On the other hand, the gameplay was overall A+, especially blitzball, which I love.
I like FFX...I cant think of a reason people would not like FFX..besides the voice overs kinda stunk a bit ...but a game cant be perfect can it..
Honestly I don't know, I loved this game and would like to play it again... if I could find where my copy went ^^"
Every FF section has one of these "why evrybody h8 dis gaim" threads. No matter what, someone's going to dislike it for one reason or another. Everyone has a least favorite FF title, whether they're willing to admit it or not.
I didn't hate FFX; I thought the new sphere grid was cool. 8]
well thing that noticed different in th story plot that people probbably didn't like, is that the characters had more innocent personalities, and not that much darkness to them compared to those of the previous games. othe than that it was a well written plot.
Well I didn't really care for FF10 because of some things; first of all I hated the sphere grid and the fact that you couldn't level up you're characters by gaining EXP like in the previous ones. Second of all the main character Tidus I really didn't care for, I mean his how shall I say-"babyish" attitude I just couldn't stand throughout the game. Afew other reasons; the battle system, the menu, the fact that I couldn't go over a world map and fly the airship. Most of all one thing I really didn't like was that there was no minigames. Like Blitzball was a very unique and well made game. But I didn't want to freaking do all this stat shit while swimming around.

10 was probably my least favorite Final Fantasy game I ever played.

someone who REALLY knows what they're talking about. I totally agree.

In my opinion, FFX is the worst FF in the series. I am angry that people like it, because Square-Enix found alot of people DID LIKE this game and ended up keeping the bad aspects that older fans hated and new fans loved and changed for the worse imo.

FF1 all the way up to FFIX had a similar, great battle system, and the way of levelling up was just fantastic. It fitted in perfectly. A good levelling up system to say the least.

FFX completely changed the way you level up and this pissed me off the most. I didn't feel like i was in charge of my character and didn't feel like he/she was powerful.

I mean, say i brought my FF7 characters from my PS1 memory card into FFX (if it was possible) and fought the same monsters we were facing in X, i'd beat them in SECONDS. It was too slow , sluggish and boring leveling up in X. I got bored of the game halfway through because of this.

The battle system was the worst one too. Summoning a monster......*sighs*. Say Infrit for example, he would stay and battle for you. *shakes head violently* THATS NOT WHAT SUMMONS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE FOR ORIGINALLY. As you know, you were supposed to summon up a monster/god and it would attack the enemy for you. Apparantly, Square-Enix had very serious conversations over changing the battle system, but they let the decision go ahead.

They've definately took a turn for the worst, and i was looking forward to FFXIII, but now it's going to be the same as XII:mad: I just want the RANDOM BATTLES and OLD LEVELING UP SYSTEM BACK.
I don't hate Final Fantasy X but it's not one of my favorite games. I think the plot was too forced. I can't really remember though since it's been so long ago I played FFX. >_< Also Sin being a giant whale is a little too....ridiculous. Tidus, being the main character, ruins the game for me a bit. Tidus's personally was awful, he was a whinny, immature character.
What's all this talk of Tidus being the main character? IMO there were two main characters of this game Tidus and Yuna, sure Tidus was the main playable character and whatever else but the story was as much about Yuna as him. With regards to Tidus' "whiney" attitude: okay so it did grate on you a little but in the end that's that's one of the things that made him so memorable
What's all this talk of Tidus being the main character? IMO there were two main characters of this game Tidus and Yuna, sure Tidus was the main playable character and whatever else but the story was as much about Yuna as him. With regards to Tidus' "whiney" attitude: okay so it did grate on you a little but in the end that's that's one of the things that made him so memorable

Well he isn't memorable for good reasons in my opinion. I mean, who wants to be remembered as a whiny little bitch?