Why do so many people dislike FFX?

I might as well throw in my two penneth.

I thought X was by far the weakest in the FF series, which means it is still one of my favorite games of all time.

What I didn't like....

1) For me, I didn't like Spira as a world, it was just too damned colourfull and samey.

2) Too depressing, but not in that cool way that VII was dark. The whole premise was just.... Ohhhh doom and gloom.

3) The characters. Tidus needed a slap ("HEE HEE HEE HEE"...WTF). Yuna's self depricating, "I just wan't everyone to be happy" attitude. Wakka's racism and religious misdirection, Kim's one dimensional personality "Me help Yuna... grrr". Rikku's straight rip off of Yuffie. On a plus side, I loved Auron, who ranks as one of the best FF characters from any in the series. And I thought Lulu was brilliantly realised as a character.

4) Sphere grid. Oh my god, another battle and I have to mess around with a stupid move and press a button mini-game that has no concept of realism (I know, It's Final Fantasy, but you get my point).

5) Voice acting... I shall say no more.

6) Mini games... Hey pressing "x" 200 times in sucession when the screen turns white! Wow, genius, I think I have just travelled back in time to 1978! On a plus side, I loved blitzball, only wish they could have padded it out a little more.

There are also a lot of reasons I love X as well but as that's not the topic of this thread, I'll save them.

Spira too colorful and samey? Hmmm....colorful, yes, but i think there's enough varation.

VII had that nice cyberpunk, ominous feeling to it. X is back and forth between happy and depressed...the game is kinda bipolar.

Some of the characters (if we forget about the voice acting) were pretty good, especially Auron and Lulu. Wakka pissed me off, he reminded me of Fozzie Bear, only not cool. I liked Yuna, and Rikku most of the time. Tidus...meh...and Kimahri...double meh.

I actually liked the Overdrives for the most part, although Wakka's was annoying (and i was NOT about to play more blitzball than necessary to get his best one) and Lulu's was absolute CRAP. I seriously think someone was on shrooms when they came up with the idea for her overdrive. Doublecast was Vivi's trance in IX, and that was wonderful, especially when he knew Doomsday. But the idea of reducing the power of a spell by 2/3 and making you spin the right analog stick furiously hoping to make enough rotations to at least count for a double cast was idiotic. Not to mention the rotations themselves werent based on the actual rotation, noooo, that made too much sense. They have to be based off your magic stats, so if you're low leveled, you might as well not bother with her overdrive (and i never did).

And that dodge 200 lighting bolts...feh, screw that. That's torturous enough to be on Takeshi's Challenge. But wow, you actually like blitzball? O_O I havent seen many people at all who like it. I couldnt stand it, it was just too confusing to learn. Not to mention that the game thrust you right into the middle of a tournament, which is not the best place to learn to play the game. I woulda much preferred a nice simple underwater soccer version.
I might as well throw in my two penneth.

I thought X was by far the weakest in the FF series, which means it is still one of my favorite games of all time.

What I didn't like....

1) For me, I didn't like Spira as a world, it was just too damned colourfull and samey.

2) Too depressing, but not in that cool way that VII was dark. The whole premise was just.... Ohhhh doom and gloom.

3) The characters. Tidus needed a slap ("HEE HEE HEE HEE"...WTF). Yuna's self depricating, "I just wan't everyone to be happy" attitude. Wakka's racism and religious misdirection, Kim's one dimensional personality "Me help Yuna... grrr". Rikku's straight rip off of Yuffie. On a plus side, I loved Auron, who ranks as one of the best FF characters from any in the series. And I thought Lulu was brilliantly realised as a character.

4) Sphere grid. Oh my god, another battle and I have to mess around with a stupid move and press a button mini-game that has no concept of realism (I know, It's Final Fantasy, but you get my point).

5) Voice acting... I shall say no more.

6) Mini games... Hey pressing "x" 200 times in sucession when the screen turns white! Wow, genius, I think I have just travelled back in time to 1978! On a plus side, I loved blitzball, only wish they could have padded it out a little more.

There are also a lot of reasons I love X as well but as that's not the topic of this thread, I'll save them.

Well, here's my opinion:

1) I actually liked Spira because it was colorful. Even though I like VII's dark and gloomy world, this was a nice change of pace. And I don't think Spira is too samey. It has beaches, towns, forests, canyons, mountains, deserts, valleys. I thought it was a varied landscape, far from monotonous.

2) Too depressing and too colorful, but you still like VII's world or are you talking about the story? Eh, if you could explain then I'd probably understand you, because it doesn't make any sense.

3) I actually liked all of the characters. Some more than others, but they're still all likable. They all had interesting backgrounds and are developed troughout the game. I actually liked Tidus a lot (though I agree that the scene in Luca was awful), and Wakka learned his lesson in the end. Auron and Lulu were awesome. Yuna was great too. Kimahri is cool too in his own way, plus imagine what would've happened to Yuna if he hadn't helped her when she was little, so he's pretty important to the story.

4) I've already stated my opinion on the sphere grid in a previous post.

5) Eh, the voice acting wasn't so bad. I actually thought it was pretty well done for a first attempt.

6) I loved blitzball too, but other games like chocobo racing and butterfly catching were fun too.
Yuna, as I stated in my last post, this thread is about why FFX is disliked, not why it's liked. Actually, I'm playing through it again at the moment so I obviously like it!

To clarify my point. When I say colourfull, I mean in a graphically stylalised way. I agree that there was plenty of variety in scenery but FFVII was considerably more diverse.. Midgar, Cosmo Canyon, Gold Saucer, Nibbleheim etc.

By depressing, I mean that there were far too many cutscenes about hoplessness and doom and gloom. FFVII was dark but never depressing. FFX was depressing but never dark.

Hope you get my point.
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Oh, ok. I get your point. ^_^
Well, I don't think there were many scenes about doom and hopelesness. I think that what the game tries to get across, is that war is a montruosity. It all began with the war with the between the ancient Zanarkand and Bevelle, and the result of that is a monster that breaks havoc in the world. However, there's always hope. Yuna and her guardians never lost hope and even found a way to defeat Sin for good. So, if anything the game taught me that even in the most dire situations, even those that emerge from violence like war, there's always hope. Well, it's my opinion. I'd like to hear what you think of it.
Yuna, as I stated in my last post, this thread is about why FFX is disliked, not why it's liked. Actually, I'm playing through it again at the moment so I obviously like it!

To clarify my point. When I say colourfull, I mean in a graphically stylalised way. I agree that there was plenty of variety in scenery but FFVII was considerably more diverse.. Midgar, Cosmo Canyon, Gold Saucer, Nibbleheim etc.

By depressing, I mean that there were far too many cutscenes about hoplessness and doom and gloom. FFVII was dark but never depressing. FFX was depressing but never dark.

Hope you get my point.

Colorful graphically stylized way....like the clothes? Cuz the clothing was godawful. Yuna and Auron were the only ones with some normal-looking clothes.

You're right about the variety in VII though, there seemed to always be a juxtaposition of great technology (midgar, various mako reactors) and more primitive living (Yuffie's village). X didnt really have that, there was Lucca and the Bevelle temple. Not to mention X just has that whole tropical island feel to it (the clothes dont help in that matter).

But i'm still inclined to think that most dislike X simply cuz they hate Tidus <.<
Colorful graphically stylized way....like the clothes? Cuz the clothing was godawful. Yuna and Auron were the only ones with some normal-looking clothes.

You're right about the variety in VII though, there seemed to always be a juxtaposition of great technology (midgar, various mako reactors) and more primitive living (Yuffie's village). X didnt really have that, there was Lucca and the Bevelle temple. Not to mention X just has that whole tropical island feel to it (the clothes dont help in that matter).

But i'm still inclined to think that most dislike X simply cuz they hate Tidus <.<

Well, I actually thought that the clothes fit with the theme and overall feel of the game. I'll agree that they're quite unconventional but they didn't strike me as godawful.
Well, I actually thought that the clothes fit with the theme and overall feel of the game. I'll agree that they're quite unconventional but they didn't strike me as godawful.

To me, half of the outfits in the game look like terrible quilts people decided to turn into clothes. And the Al Bhed outfits were really funky, especially the goggles and everything (although i suppose those would help keep sand out of your eyes).

Sooo...i guess alot of people dont like that whole message of "no matter how bad things get there's always hope"? I dunno...i really cant think of many reasons why people would dislike X aside from Tidus, the Sphere Grid, and the voice acting.

The sphere grid i know puts alot of people off, cuz despite Rikku's explanation of it, it can be really confusing at first. I know on my first file I never fully figured out what i was doing on it until i was at Mt Gagazet, and by then it was too late because i was so short on spheres and i couldnt get past that Sanctuary Keeper.
The people who dont like FFX are fools! They probably think it is trying to imply religion by having the main enemy being called Sin. Either that or they are mad that they never bought it, what fools. Must Kill FIENDS!!!!
I don't think too many people dislike this game, I believe more people hate VIII than this game. I for one really like Final Fantasy X because the storyline is wonderful and the characters are all really interesting and have very unique and special personalities. I don't know many people who actually dislike this game, a LOT seem to really enjoy it. I think it has a very good replay value which is always a good thing for a game. I love almost everything about this game, it was made exceptionally well. There are probably a few things which bug me but it's not really enough to make me hate it.

A fair few people who prefer the old school games are not too fond of this game because they believe the storyline isn't as complexed and the characters are pretty lame, well I would definitely have to disagree with that. The storyline kept me hooked from beginning to end! It's awesome. :)
I love FFX it's the best of the series I think. The game mixes a great plot, with fantastic characters, as well as the graphics (which were amazing at the time) and the product is FFX I personally think that if you think the game is childish or too simplistic then you're not deep enough to understand the game fully.
Fighting Talk! I don't think X is childish at all, but I do think the story is insignificant compared to VII's.

But thats's just my opinion. As I said, I'm playing X again and I am enjoying it much more than I did the first time. It's great. But It's no VII, sorry but it's true.
I have no clue why. X had a few complex themes that other Final Fantasies failed to deliver. I love that part in Bevelle where Yuna is defending herself in a trial; you realize that half of the room would be filed as deceased. Later on; Seymour makes the point that Spira is governed by death!

Get it? Sin is the epitome of the end and its' presence governs how the residents of Spira act! And the courtroom administrators (quite a few) were on the edge of death; and they control Spira as well.

Thus, death surrounds and controls almost every aspect of Spira. (What an excellent theme!) And don't get me started on the "this is my story" analogy. That's just genius.

But people have different opinions so...
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I think that is part of the reason I am enjoying it much more now. But I still think that it is a game of two halves, the first 30 hours are pretty dreary, oh c'mon admit it!

The second half of the game improves significantly. Everything just gets better! I think that may be something to do with the fact that the voice actors started to get a handle on who they were playing.

The script improves, the dialogue improves, the plot evolves, the voice acting improves.... just a little too late in the game to make it a classic. IMHO.
Not sure why either… I loved this game. In fact, it’s one of my top three favorite FF’s in the series.

It had an excellent storyline…

A great set of characters as well good depth and character development…

An excellent score of music…

Great game-play…

I loved the use of religion that’s full of hidden hypocrisy as the main setting of the story.

The only thing that I really found somewhat annoying in this game was Tidus and a few of the voice actors, but it was certainly nothing that would cause me to hate the game.