why is square putting the sequel on the DS?

Edward Elric

Mar 19, 2007
WHY are they putting revenant wings or whatever on DS and not ps2 or 3. i mean its going to be completely different and itll be a stepdown in sales and gameplay since not everyone has a DS and the ps2 is obviously a better platform. this makes me kinda mad, i wont be buying it but id like to play it...only problem is i dont own a DS, and im not buying one cause it definitely doesnt look worth all that trouble or money
Or they could at least put it on the PSP, i mean surely more people who have played FFXII are likely to have a PSP with the whole cross compatability thing
Erm no? I don't have a PSP, I personally can't afford another console. What's the big deal though seriously? DS's are not expensive. You can get a mighty fine deal on special DS sets these days.

WHY are they putting revenant wings or whatever on DS and not ps2 or 3. i mean its going to be completely different and itll be a stepdown in sales and gameplay since not everyone has a DS and the ps2 is obviously a better platform. this makes me kinda mad, i wont be buying it but id like to play it...only problem is i dont own a DS, and im not buying one cause it definitely doesnt look worth all that trouble or money

Maybe you should do your research on the DS for a start - I find it funny you critcise it, and you don't even own one. You know, I could say the same thing about those PSP FF games, like FFT - why isn't that on the DS? But I don't fuss over it. Maybe SE just want to experiment with different consoles you know? You don't have to pay full whack for a DS/DS Lite now. They're good for multiplayer value, have lots of fun games.

The bit I have highlighted in bold - you're not an expert in predicting these sort of things are you? Step down in gameplay, sales? Just because it's on the DS, doesn't mean gameplay would be watered down, or sales would be poor either - DS games are popular, and this is a Final Fantasy game so you know sales will be good regardless of what console it's on, so to say sales would be bad would be silly.

yeah i agree with you there and why would anyone by a ds to play one game on it

Hasn't it occurred to you there are more games then FF based ones out there that might interest a prospective DS buyer?
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But surely it would make sense to put the sequel on the same console. to be honest i think Square-Enix didnt want to make a big think of this game which is why its on the DS,if it was going to be a really big sequel it would have been on the PS2 in full Graphics no?

also in generall i dont think it looks that inpressive the gameplay looks lame,also the FMV sequences are horribly designed,FF3's is by far superior look at Vaans eyes! there a horrible pale blue.....eeew
I don't see how it will be a step down for Square Enix considering that the DS has been dominating the sales charts (including consoles).
What gets me is that all of the remakes and such are coming out on the Nintendo DS.
Does that make any sense?

I think the final fantasy name should stick with sony.
What gets me is that all of the remakes and such are coming out on the Nintendo DS.
Does that make any sense?

I think the final fantasy name should stick with sony.

I like them on Nintendo. Besides it does make sense to see the DS getting all the older remakes since the older titles where on Nintendo and it would mean that I wouldn't need to buy a PSP to play them. :)
What gets me is that all of the remakes and such are coming out on the Nintendo DS.
Does that make any sense?

I think the final fantasy name should stick with sony.

It does make sense, seeing as FF started out with Nintendo, it's only fair they gave them something back in the form of FF games.

But surely it would make sense to put the sequel on the same console. to be honest i think Square-Enix didnt want to make a big think of this game which is why its on the DS,if it was going to be a really big sequel it would have been on the PS2 in full Graphics no?

also in generall i dont think it looks that inpressive the gameplay looks lame,also the FMV sequences are horribly designed,FF3's is by far superior look at Vaans eyes! there a horrible pale blue.....eeew

Of COURSE - its' going to obviously suck being on the DS, and SE really couldn't care less about it, which is why they've also gone and remade FFIV. /sarcasm.

It bugs me, everyone seems to be thinking the worst of the DS. It's not going to be any less of a sequel being on the DS folks - the PS2 is glorious yes, but this game has also had rave reviews from some sites/players already, with only minor negative comments.

You know, until you get the game, you can't exactly knock the gameplay just because you've seen a few screen shots.

Needed to add something - not all sequels/spin offs that occurred after the games really pleased everyone did they? FFX-2, DoC.. so maybe it did seem better to try putting a sequel onto a different console. I couldn't imagine this being on the PS2 tbh, personally anyway. :)
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personally, I dont know, but my guess is maybe its cheaper to produce games for DS? and seeing as this is a sequel, its probably not expected to do well in terms of critical response, just like FFX-2.

I dunno, its just an idea
The critical response for FFX-2 was only slightly below that which is usually expected of a FF game. It also sold something like 5 million copies. From SE's point of view, FFX-2 was a success (which is probably why they are making RW in the first place).

But yeah, you're right about it being a cost issue. The DS is cheaper and faster to develop for, which makes it perfect for quickly turning out a sequel to a critically and commercially successful game. The DS is also the 'in thing' right now, so SE would be mad to develop for a dieing console like the PS2 when they can go where the money is at. It took 6 years to make FFXII; even if they reused most of the in-game graphics the PS2 would more or less dead by the time they were able to make a full sequel.
well i definitely couldnt imagine this game being on the DS. the characters look childish and the game kinda sounds like X-2..them going on treasure hunts together and whatnot. and if its anything like X-2 then itll be a disappointment.
It's because the DS is an overall superior console to ANY Sony system, period. If you're going to make a game that doesn't have a huge effect on your image as a company, or are trying to get a larger chunk of the video game market, it's perfectly logical to take good game ideas and put them on a system that doesn't require weeks of painstaking work just to get one stupid cutscene.
the DS will make it awesome! It might even be a wifi game, like FF3 was.

And for all of those who don't know, Square Enix is thinking of making games for nintendo more now, so FF games for the nintendo systems will happen more often. Anyway, the DS owns the PSP, and the Wii owns the PS3, so ff12 should be better on nintendo.
Exactly, the DS does owns the PSP; and it's getting quite boring hearing people suggest otherwise. Fair enough you may not prefer DS over PSP personally, but don't say that it is being owned by PSP because your lying to yourselves. I mean where have you been all this time. Anywayz I think Revenant Wings will be a great game with the stylus controls it will provide an addictive and enjoyable gameplay system.
Instead of rambling on like I usually do with all the reasons why the DS is better then the PSP, I'm just going to say that I strongly agree with the last few posts.

And not to mention the PSP is about double the price of a DS.
I have a PSP and ever since I got it I felt ripped off. Every game is 50 bucks!! The system retails for 200.00. My daughter has (I bought) a DS. Any game I've ever got for her, looks crisp and she is happy with. Plus cost!! Cost is a big thing, PSP games are more than DS games. And has anyone played Resident Evil for DS? It freakin pwn's!! I'm looking forward to Relevant Wings for DS. As far as why it coming to the DS, it seems that RW is not a full blown sequel and if in fact its not why put it out on PS2?