WHY?! Is Wakka The ONLY one in All of SPIRA!!...

Yeah Wakka as the accent as do a couple of the other Auroch team members and i´m sure that if you could hear the voice of every single "Besaider" some of them would have an accent too...remember i think some of them say "Ya" at the end of their phrases just like Wakka!

I don´t think it´s really bad his voice-over i found Tidus voice to be the most annoying of them all!
Talking about wakka with a bad accent i find it funny especially when he say's Ja (german lol) but you complaining about wakka what about the AL bhed...What crap is that...I mean they do NOT prononce the letters that come up on the screen as in any language in Europe pronounce the letters written!

Why doe's Yuna have an orgasme everytime an evenment happens too? It's like Ahhh Ohhhh Aooooh!

Auron speak's as If hes so damn cool and above it all.

Tidus laughs like a dog, sounds like your average white talking american basketballer.

Lulu's a porn talker.

Rikku's a little girl.

Kimahri speaks like an opera singer.

Cid HAS an accent ;)

So i guess i forgive Wakka having an accent lol :D
Regarding Lulu...

I think she just ended up there at Besaid after her previous pilgrimages. Remember, she already has had a lot of experience around Spira before we are introduced to her in the game. She's been a guardian before and could have easily been raised elsewhere during periods of her early life. Yuna can be considered a Native to, to Besaid, but she was traveling at a young age and formed her own speach (which seems normal to us). Wakka is just Besaid to the bone. Apparently his accent is supposed to be the real-world equivalent of a Polynesian accent.
Actually at the start of the game (on the night boat too luca) you can overhear lulu and wakka talking, In that conversation they talk about when sin attacked besaid island and when they lost their parents. So lulu has lived on besaid since being a child.
About the accent wakka has such a laidback accent because he hasn't been educated unlike lulu and yuna who have both been educated at the temple.
I really did like Wakka's accent... but definitely no one else in the game had nearly as thick of an accent as he did. It was kind of strange, although I did love it. At least he wasn't scottish... like another FF character.
HAY!!! im 1/2 scottish and i quiet like my accent thank you very much!!
lol! only joking! dont worry! Not really having a go!
anyway im going off the point! wakkas accent is just the same as the other aurochs just a bit thicker thats all. what annoyed me was the fact he kept saying "YA"
This is a very, Extremely pointless Topic. This is just rambling and complaining. But oh well ill go with it.

Wakkas one of my favorite characters, along with many, so it really doesnt matter to me. XD
This is a very, Extremely pointless Topic. This is just rambling and complaining. But oh well ill go with it.

:rolleyes: No its about answering a question. just because its a bit of an informal one doesnt make it pointless - i find it quite Entertaining :P

Anyway - about the person who said that Lulu and Yuna were educated and thereofre dont have an accent i have to say - huh?

Wouldnt lulu and Yuna still have an accent? I mean if the presits were from besaid and all then they'd would all theoretically have an accent....

Unless Lulu lost hers going out on pilgrimage and wakka just...didnt? *shrugs* its a very complex question...not pointless at all
if you notice among small village which im from. Educated people speak the queens english if your from england, whilst the uneducated have more slang terms and dont use the correct words in the right way. other aspects that could effect accent is upbringing but since there parents died id say it was the difference in the level of education they recieved
This is a very, Extremely pointless Topic. This is just rambling and complaining. But oh well ill go with it.

Wakkas one of my favorite characters, along with many, so it really doesnt matter to me. XD

If this is a pointless Thread, then that's a pretty pointless Post ;) and is it just me or is Wakka's accent is thicker at the beginning of the game?
you see, I love seymour's voice, and when I saw in the credits that a mexican person put his voice in the character, it was like O_O zomg
If you go back to Besaid when you get the Airship, speak to a girl on the beach and she says "Yah?" looks like Wakka isn't the only one ^_^
his accent reminds me of rajin. it also make him different from all the other characters

Raajin...of VIII?! I didnt know Playstation 1 characters spoke! heheh... uhh, scuse me, could you tell me where in the game this happens please.
Im dying to know.

And X was the best game ive ever played for Playstation 2. the characters were alright, and the graphics were awesome.

Wakka is one of my best characters, so i really didnt care about his awesome or "horrible" accent.
I actually approve of his accent. It annoyed me at first, but I grew fond of it. And I think it's because of where he was raised. Usually, people who lives in islands tend to have a very thick accent. And the creators probably just wanted to make him unique, you know? It suits his character perfectly, in my opinion. ^_^
To have that stupid accent?

I mean really - is it just some stupid thing they had wakka do to make him sound cool? or is it crappy voice acting on their part?

i actually had no explanation for this - because my cousin and uncle were building the shower in my house and had to go through my bedroom wall :-)dry:) and it was a scene where everyone was all talking (i was playing FFX at the time) and my cousin asked why wakka was the only one with an accent.

O_0 a year later and i still have no answer > _< any answers out their? :P

The answer is simple: your cousin was wrong. Everybody has an accent.
As for the suggestion that Wakka's accent is due to crappy voice acting, you do realise that it's the same guy who voiced Bender in Futurama, don't you?

The answer is simple: your cousin was wrong. Everybody has an accent.
As for the suggestion that Wakka's accent is due to crappy voice acting, you do realise that it's the same guy who voiced Bender in Futurama, don't you?


John DiMaggio is a really good voice actor. Listen to Bender, Wakka, Kimahri, Migelo and Gilgamesh it really shows his talent.

Raajin...of VIII?! I didnt know Playstation 1 characters spoke! heheh... uhh, scuse me, could you tell me where in the game this happens please.
Im dying to know.

It is probably because Rajin says "Ya know" at the end of most of his sentences. Basically, if Rajin had a voice over, an accent like Wakka's would fit in nicely.
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The reason behind Wakka's accent is simple. To make him memorable. And it worked, it seems.

And it's the same reason that they dropped a K and made Rikku a guy in KH.
Hahah, nice one on the Rikku to Riku.

Like others, his voice is just... fitting ya know? (Is it me or is saying ya know at the end of a sentace very infectious?!) It just fit him, and everything else in the game to. But the whole the guy that does Bender's voice and then Wakka's and Khimari's... I played the game one more time just to hear them speak then watch Futurama... Scary to say the least.

Besides. If anything, could you imagine the roles reversed? Auron with Wakka's accent and Wakka with aurons tone? I prefer the normal way man... though it's a scary thought...