Woman still breastfeeds her 8 year old

Srs topic needs srs location.

I think it's very weird and abnormal, but I don't think it's really all that harmful as long as the kid develops the necessary social skills for life.
I think it's very embarrasing for the kid, but having a stpid name would also be embarrasing.
I think the mother's motivations need to be questioned, if she genuinely thinks she's giving her child the best possible start in life, I don't think there is anything wrong with that. However if she does it to still feel connected and needed in a strong maternal way by the child then she should be stopped.
All in all, I think it's a little distasteful to be brest feeding an 8 year old, that being said, what gives anyone the right to challenge the way she chooses to raise her child.
I think she has every right to breast feed her child, although personally I am against the idea and find it a little disturbing. But at the end of the day it's her choice and none of my business.
She said something along the lines of 'I'll let her decide when she's ready to stop'.

Isn't that like letting your kid decide what they want to eat for dinner? Naturally most kids will pick food that's appealing to them rather than what's right for a healthy diet.

Parents need to take control. That child is way too old to be breastfed in my opinion. I think it's the parents strange need for a connection with her child which can easily be replaced with something more natural and healthy for a child of her age.


I think that anything older than 3 is a little strange. I think that once the baby is walking, playing and talking that they are no longer that fragile little baby who 'needs' that kind of relationship with his/her mother.

It's like holding them back in a way in my opinion. Allowing them to grow older and do things that most children do when they're eight, but then let them turn themselves into a baby again when it's time to breastfeed.

In no way am I completely against it. If I ever met her I would probably state my opinion. But I wouldn't say it was wrong. Just a little strange. =/

I know for a fact that I don't ever want to breastfeed and can't believe how most woman are offended when their child decides that they don't want to breastfeed anymore. I would be relieved.

Of course I most likely will breastfeed for my childs' needs (but really don't want to), but at the same time will be counting down the days until they are no longer needing that from me. >_<
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There was a shoqw about this not so long ago...I may have even made a thread in the movie theatre forum...although Im not sure

Either way it's mingin' I remember one little girl saying when my mum stops breast feeding me, I'l do it myself when I get my own boobs ( :gasp: ) It's just a little too weird imo. If they insist on breast feeding a kid at that age, at least express it. Poor kids gunna be traumatised when they they get abit older. My mate breast fed til her kid was 2 which I think is the perfect time to get the kid off the tit. I breast fed for about 3 weeks...I hated it :wacky: So how anyone can breast feed til their kid is eight is beyond me
There was a shoqw about this not so long ago...I may have even made a thread in the movie theatre forum...although Im not sure

Either way it's mingin' I remember one little girl saying when my mum stops breast feeding me, I'l do it myself when I get my own boobs ( :gasp: ) It's just a little too weird imo. If they insist on breast feeding a kid at that age, at least express it. Poor kids gunna be traumatised when they they get abit older. My mate breast fed til her kid was 2 which I think is the perfect time to get the kid off the tit. I breast fed for about 3 weeks...I hated it :wacky: So how anyone can breast feed til their kid is eight is beyond me

I couldnt agree with you anymore, the idea that an 8 year old kid still gets breast fed is rather disgusting. Theres absolutely no need at all for it really is there? This child is more than old enough to eat proper meals and get the the right nutrients and vitamins needed without breastfeeding.
Imagine having the memory of sucking on your mums nipples when your an adult :sick:
I remember seeing a documentary on this a while back, and it was rather disconcerting to watch. The 8 year old was still breastfeeding, and the 13 year old was so jealous, that for her 13th birthday she wanted "one hour to breastfeed again" which was very very alarming.

The 8 year old was clearly obsessed by it, and it was just uncomfortable viewing. I'd agree that after the age of 2, children should just not breastfeed. At all. It's not necessary D=
I accept her rights, strange may they be, but it is a bit unusual in today's culture, or is it?

That is the real question. Are we certain merely "giving away" rights is the best thing to do, or are we tricking ourselves to thinking "Everyone should do what they want." I think this will cause a bit of disarray in society's structure, but that's just me.
Well it her decision whether or not to keep breastfeeding her daughter. A woman can keep it up for as long as she allows it, although some of my friends who are mothers themselves tell me it is very uncomfortable. I say 1 or 2 years is enough because, well, they need to eat more things and learn to be not to depend so much on mommy. Now I see why we have so many "Mama's boys" XD
I don't support extended breastfeeding in no way.Except for being disgusting it also makes the child so dependable to the mother.I think she gets pleasure from it and it's mostly because of her egoism to make her children worship her.They look that they don't pay too much attention to their father(I'm not sure though as I haven't seen this video in a long time and I'm not in the mood of seeing it again).If you take animal for example they provide the food of their babies when they're still very small but then they learn them how to find the food and their babies leave.Of course I may be wrong,it's just my opinion.
Just listening to the older girl saying how wonderful breastfeeding is makes it sound so sick and abnormal.I noticed that both girl are a little overweight but I dunno if it has to do with breastfeeding.
My mom still breastfeeds me and I'm 23. Got a problem with it?

Nah, it is weird but moreso that's the kind of shit that will fuck a person up in the future. Attention is a dangerous thing. Too much or too little of it at a young age really changes a person's perspective on life for the rest of their existence. Letting a kid suck on your nips that long way is a great way to give him confidence and mommy issues.
Thing is I'm 24, and maybe I have a strange brain structure but I remember everything when I was 8.. actually I remember as far back as 5, so for me to be fully aware of what was going on at that time I think it's safe to say I need to be off of the breast milk.

I mean parents are raising their kids different ways these days. Corporal Punishment is out and breastfeeding till 8 is in! .. ugh. I mean I got the ever living crap beat out of me as a kid for doing bad things, but all these kids get is their mom pampering them into psychotic episodes later on.

Seriously though, I get sick thinking about it. I mean imagine this is a little boy, and this little boy goes into highschool and sees their classmates going through puberty .. well these girls are developing and stuff. Well then imagine he went on a date..

Can we say sexual assault maybe? Eh.. screws up the kid if you ask me.
I really don't see anything wrong with it. *shrug* They seem happy and really that's what matter to me. It's not hurting anyone and it seems the girls know when to stop and such when they're in public. I'm sure they will grow out of it and still carry it in their minds as a fond memory.
As long as their Mother teaches them when the right time would be and wouldn't then I see nothing wrong with the it. W/e makes them happy and comfortable.
Heehee, then again I am a very opening minded person. Heehee.

Psssh, stop being so PC everyone! It's her right to bring her child up however she wants, yes, but only if it is not detrimental to the child. If she was beating her, you wouldn't say that!

Doctors say (as I learnt when my sister was pregnant) that, nutritionally, the healthiest option is to breastfeed your baby for as long as possible after birth. However, that can (obviously) be taken a bit too literally. The child needs to learn to be independent of its mother, to find nutrition and comfort on its own - it's sort of a very fundamental, animalistic thing, I suppose, like a baby bird has to learn to fly the nest so that it can go out and find its own food: it goes against nature to be babying a child so long. I think it's also very selfish on the mother's part. She obviously likes the closeness it gives her to her child and the enforced dependence that her child has on her for comfort. Any mother would, but when that child realises that most children stop breast-feeding at about 6 months old (if she hasn't already) then she's probably going to be embarrassed, wonder why she was/is different, and even possibly realise, in time, why her mother did it and resent her for it a bit. It's silly and selfish and I totally agree with Kandy-Sugar - it's like letting a kid decide what they want for dinner, and they'll always choose fish fingers and chips. o_o
I don't support extended breastfeeding in no way.Except for being disgusting it also makes the child so dependable to the mother.I think she gets pleasure from it and it's mostly because of her egoism to make her children worship her.They look that they don't pay too much attention to their father(I'm not sure though as I haven't seen this video in a long time and I'm not in the mood of seeing it again).If you take animal for example they provide the food of their babies when they're still very small but then they learn them how to find the food and their babies leave.Of course I may be wrong,it's just my opinion.
Just listening to the older girl saying how wonderful breastfeeding is makes it sound so sick and abnormal.I noticed that both girl are a little overweight but I dunno if it has to do with breastfeeding.

gah! I agree. this lady has got something seriously psychologically wrong with her to allow her child to think it is ok to be that dependent. In the long wrong, I believe it will have a negative affect on the child. Let's hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.
it's like letting a kid decide what they want for dinner, and they'll always choose fish fingers and chips. o_o

Not an American kid.

I honestly don't think it's a matter of what's "socially acceptable" for me. It's not about political correctness. It's about the psychological integrity of the kid. Breastfeeding isn't just a method of sustenance, it's dependency on the mother. And it really seems beside the point... but the kid has to be in elementary school... what the fuck did he do for lunch?

"Hey Joey, my mom packed my lunch today with a fluffer nutter and Sunny D! What'd you get!?"

"My mom came with me so I can suck on her bazoongas!"

"We're not talking to Joey again..."

I honestly don't think it's a matter of what's "socially acceptable" for me. It's not about political correctness. It's about the psychological integrity of the kid. Breastfeeding isn't just a method of sustenance, it's dependency on the mother. And it really seems beside the point... but the kid has to be in elementary school... what the fuck did he do for lunch?

This, pretty much. I'd actually be pretty surprised if children breastfed at that age wasn't psychologically affected in some way. It's just so freaking weird, and creepy. Maybe that's just coming from the other extreme, neither I nor my siblings were breastfed at all from what my mom's told us =\

Yeah... breastfeeding is fine and dandy, but really, when a kid can eat proper food it's just not necessary anymore. Also, though there are biological benefits for children to be fed breastmilk, would these benefits still even apply after infancy? I wouldn't think so, but hopefully someone more science savvy could answer that. :monster:

This thread has compelled me to search the case... I think this maybe the same one the thread is about. Guuuuuh, so so creepy I say.


Given the nature of the topic, I don't think I should have to warn anyone about the video's contents. Of course, I think there still might be few who maybe offended, or whatever.
This doesnt make any sense. How can the mother be still producing milk for 8 years after birth? This story seems a bit far fetched. Something for the Riply's Believe it or Not.
Thing is I'm 24, and maybe I have a strange brain structure but I remember everything when I was 8.. actually I remember as far back as 5, so for me to be fully aware of what was going on at that time I think it's safe to say I need to be off of the breast milk.

I mean parents are raising their kids different ways these days. Corporal Punishment is out and breastfeeding till 8 is in! .. ugh. I mean I got the ever living crap beat out of me as a kid for doing bad things, but all these kids get is their mom pampering them into psychotic episodes later on.

Seriously though, I get sick thinking about it. I mean imagine this is a little boy, and this little boy goes into highschool and sees their classmates going through puberty .. well these girls are developing and stuff. Well then imagine he went on a date..

Can we say sexual assault maybe? Eh.. screws up the kid if you ask me.

I remember an accident I had when I was 3! My mum can't believe I remembered it but it is probably the earliest memory I have and lucky for me I have no memory of breast feeding.

Like others are saying that it is disgusting but it is the mothers right to do so. I just feel bad for when the kid is say like 20 and has this as a memory.