Worst Final Fantasy Game

The Worst Final Fantasy Game?

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From the main series, I'd have to go with Final Fantasy VIII. I still like the game, but just not as much as the others.

Including anything, though, I'll say Mystic Quest.
I decided on Crystal Chronicals. It had... Decent music, that's it.

Of the numbered, 12 frustrates me, but some 7 fanboys/girls make me want to go on a killingspree and burn their village right in front of their very eyes... Irony FTW.
People always seem to hate FFVIII. But for me its my fav.

Out of all the games the one I find to be the worst was X-2. I guess that mostly comes from the disappointment I got from it. I fell in love with FFX, the music, the atmosphere, and the biggest thing I got from that game was the great ending. Then X-2 came along and ruined that ending for me...in a way that even X doesn't effect me like it used to. Just a large let down.

Out of the main series its hard to judge cause I like them all generally. But I guess I'll have to shy away from the norm and pick VII. (yes I know, a million people will hate me now for saying that.) But I say that because I didn't play VII right away. I ended up playing it years later after hearing praise after praise. So I was simply let down that it didn't live up to the praise of 'greatest game ever' that I'd been hearing so much. Now don't get me wrong, in no way do I find it to be a bad game, just my pick of least likable.
I voted for......... FFX. This game was downright terrible IMO. The voice acting for Tidus made me want to literally mute my TV when he talked. He reminds of Dick Vitale of College Basketball. Its like everytime Dick Vitale speaks and says "We have a diaper dandy baby! Or says anthing dealing with Duke, I literally and figuratively wanna puke. Most annoying voice and it sounds like nails on a chalk board. It seemed like to me that after IX, the series just went downhill. I'd rather have games with sweet storylines and characters I can get into, rather than sweet graphics and lame characters and dull storylines. I finished 7 and loved it, I beat 8 and overall thought it was good, I got to the end of 9 but never got around to finish it as I sold my PS2 at the time. But I thought all in all 9 was good. But once I beat 10 I asked myself "Are you kidding? This was the easiest FF game that I honestly ever played." And I thought it sucked TBH.
I'll quote this:
I refuse to acknowledge X-2 as a real FF game.

Really now, what the hell was that? It really seemed that is was made with the purpose of eye-candy. Even the friggin resolve sucked "I'll defeat Vegnagun with the power of love"

So that's my opinion
Final Fantasy IX is my vote. I don't know, it just doesn't feel like a proper FF game, with all that mix of thievery and knight stuff going on at once, it just seemed to be lacking, imo.
LOL X2 has 63 votes. XD

And yes it deserves them. I tried to play the game from where I left off the other day... and I had to put it down after about ten minutes.
IX DOESN'T feel like an FF game ... BECAUSE it has knights and thievery? XD
I find that kinda ironic since FFs I-VI, the building blocks of Final Fantasy, had strong elements of knights and thievery. But anyways, your opinion :P

I tried replaying FF X-2 the other day, just so I could get the Dark Knight dressphere earlier, and I found I could barely stand it. The music, the character interaction, the 'villains', the devestatingly drastic change to the world of Spira. I'll count X-2 as my least favourite, or worst FF. I think I have more chance of enjoying FFVIII, and that's saying something.
IX DOESN'T feel like an FF game ... BECAUSE it has knights and thievery? XD
I find that kinda ironic since FFs I-VI, the building blocks of Final Fantasy, had strong elements of knights and thievery. But anyways, your opinion :P

Well, I never played any of the Final Fantasy games I-VI, except for the Nintendo DS remake of FFIII.
FFIII, whether SNES or DS version is a prime example of knights and thievery (and magic) XD

Anywho, your opinion, I'm just saying ... =D
Well, it wasn't exactly my favourite FF game, that may be worth pointing out, but it also might have had something to do with the graphics being not near as good and the screen being much smaller.

Alright for a handheld though I suppose, I just hope that having to play on a smaller screen doesn't take too much fun out of Crisis Core when I get it, at least the PSP has one bigger screen, as opposed to NDS having two smaller ones.
Worst FF Game

Gonna go with FFII. Played the GBA version. And whoa. Weapon type lvling is not fun. Running into Lvl 30+ monsters while exploring isn't fun either.
X-2 wasn't too bad. Hey, we're alive aren't we.:wink:
I vote for FFVII. While I like Advent Children...I I won't say FFVII sucks...but from the list above...it was the game that impressed me the least. Hope you FFVII fans out there won't hate me.;)
no if i submitted here but i will say eight because i hate squall rinoa and di i mention i hate squall

oh and zanmoto the others might not but i do :mad:
I voted for......... FFX. This game was downright terrible IMO. The voice acting for Tidus made me want to literally mute my TV when he talked. He reminds of Dick Vitale of College Basketball. Its like everytime Dick Vitale speaks and says "We have a diaper dandy baby! Or says anthing dealing with Duke, I literally and figuratively wanna puke. Most annoying voice and it sounds like nails on a chalk board. It seemed like to me that after IX, the series just went downhill. I'd rather have games with sweet storylines and characters I can get into, rather than sweet graphics and lame characters and dull storylines. I finished 7 and loved it, I beat 8 and overall thought it was good, I got to the end of 9 but never got around to finish it as I sold my PS2 at the time. But I thought all in all 9 was good. But once I beat 10 I asked myself "Are you kidding? This was the easiest FF game that I honestly ever played." And I thought it sucked TBH.

...uh, wut? X was great. Tidus has a whiny voice, yeah, so you let that ruin the whole game for you? And despite lackluster characters it DOES have a good storyline: it covers church conspiracies, a controlling religion keeping people in the dark, racial prejudice and segregation, and a major dose of self-sacrifice...those are some pretty heavy issues right there. I guess they went over your head.

Final Fantasy IX is my vote. I don't know, it just doesn't feel like a proper FF game, with all that mix of thievery and knight stuff going on at once, it just seemed to be lacking, imo.

Well you've made it glaringly obvious that you've never played any Final Fantasies prior to VII. IX was an homage to the oldschool FFs, so obviously it had "thievery and knight stuff." If anything, that stuff is proper FF material because it's going back to its roots. I suppose you'd complain if you ever got your hands on III or IV or VI and say they didn't feel like proper FFs either, what with knights and paladins and thieves and dragoons running around.