Worst Final Fantasy Game?

Worst Final Fantasy Game

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i agree with many here that final fantasy X-2 is the worst FF game. While the battle system is fairly deep and i like the job system, the story is weak, especially after a dramatic and memorable end to FFX. Also, i personally didn't like having to stick with all female characters, and only 3 at that!

yeah that pissed me off to, I like how most of the FF games gave you large parties that were customizable, but X-2 was just kinda "yup its those three... (breaks disk and turns on the SNES)"
Final Fantasy 3 for the DS had such childish graphics it was hard to stay interested in the storyline and take the game seriously. I got bout half way through the game and stopped playing. I wana play the original FF3 but it has not been made for the psp yet and i dont have a emulator on my pc i can use to play it.
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well actually there is one game I can think of worse than X-2
Final Fantasy USA: Mystic Quest...

Final Fantasy X, which I think was a knock-off of grandia 2 IMO. It isn't a popular opinion because I know alot of people love X but I just thought it was too short, too easy, Tidus annoyed me to no end and seymour was a lame villian.
what final fantasy game is the worst

i put down final fantasy mystic quest because to me it was way 2 easy and short and the fact you only get 2 yes 2 characters at a time so thats some of the reasons why i think mystic quest should be in this list
the worst for me would be fFxII.. i don't know
why.. i just don't like the main character and his
leading lady.. or maybe it's just that i hated the
slum environment.. it's not like final fantasy vIII
where i can move with style and can experience
modern environment.. where's the fantasy in slums?
I hated FF12. To me it was nothing like final fantasy, and if i hadnt of actually seen the title i wouldnt have believed it was. The battles, IMO, sucked >.< i didnt like the freedom of moving about, nor the licsence system.
The plot and story was crap. it featured to heavily around war and did little more than follow around a princess whom saw imaginary men.
And the characters were too plain looking, and weak in personality.

lol theres loads more i could say but i'll end up ranting for ages.
FFX-2. Hell that was a shocking game.. and it's not just becaus it's a shit sequel, because FFX is also up there as one of my most disliked FF's as well.
But FFX-2 had the worst character development I've seen in the series - they just went backwards - weren't themselves at all. It seemed just an exscuse to make a happy crappy j-game, with 3 female characters, who they seemed to completely change from the originals in FFX. Terrible gameplay as well, I thought. And what's up with Paine? Give that girl some personality!

As said, FFX hits a nasty spot with me as well. Graphically - a major step forward - but everything else about the game was just awful for me. I totally disliked all of the major characters, especially Yuna and Tidus. I know that probably isn't a very shared opinion.. but hey, it's mine. :P I thought the linear gameplay was totally boring, and the sphere grid was one of the worst 'leveling' systems ever.

Perhaps I'm just too old skool to get into these new fang-dangly games.. >_> lol.
I think FFXII was the worst of the lot. I hated the battle system, and those english voices drove me nuts. Plus I could never get past the last boss. He was impossible to beat, it ended up being a chore rather than fun.
I really had to vote for FFX-2 on this one. I'm a girl, and even I thought it was far too feminine to be an actual Final Fantasy game. Also, I really didn't see what the point of including a garment grid was. I mean, they could have just kept the sphere grid. I would have been fine with that.
to all those who said they did not like FF X-2, I may just be one of the select few who enjoyed it more than I should have, based on these comments. I loved the customization and the garment grid system. though I did not get as involved with the characters and the voice acting was choppy (just like in FFX), I found it worthy of replay and enjoyable.

the FF I did not like, personally (not hate - hate is too strong of a word) is FF IX. I simply did not get involved with the characters or the story line and was irked by Zidane's tail. perhaps my involvement was affected by my brother's taking over of the game and using Game Shark to ruin the remaining half I had left to do, or the fact that he beat the game before I did because of Game Shark and saved over my file, but based on what I did play, I was not as enthusiastic as I was with games like FF VII and FF VIII.

maybe if I gave it another chance.. but I don't feel too encouraged to.
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Come on guy's, X-2 wasnt THAT bad. It was somewhat strange, but its gameplay was wonderful!

People judge it to harshly from its silly attitude.
I wouldn't say the game was silly. Personally, my reason for voting it as the worst FF game ever was because it didn't feel like a Final Fantasy anymore. Yuna was there, Rikku was there, a bunch of familiar faces were there, but the Final Fantasy spirit wasn't there. There was just a lot of things I couldn't get used to. I don't mean any offense for the people who liked the game, it's just that, well, it took away the magic of the original FFX. Felt more like a downgrade for me. Also, I found it kind of unnecessary to make the ladies' outfits that revealing. I don't think there was a true reason behind that. Sure, people change, but it looked more like fanservice to me.
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I would have to say that FF9 was the wrost for me there was nothing i liked about it even to the last lil detail on the main char like for dude he had a tale and the beging well just not a good start off for a game story and the ending
XII, as much as X-2 dissapointed me at least I felt for the characters. Not to say X-2 was good, absolutely not.

The extreme repetetiveness and immense grinding of XII, coupled with the boring and bland characters make the game a little more annoying than X-2.
Final Fantasy VII. It´s not a game that I hate actually. It´s a really good game, but I can´t stand the over-attention it´s given. I don´t think there are any official FF games I hate. On the spin-off part though there are a few. Crystal Chronicles series is one example.
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