Worst Final Fantasy Game?

Worst Final Fantasy Game

  • FFI

    Votes: 15 5.6%
  • FFII

    Votes: 27 10.0%

    Votes: 18 6.7%
  • FFIV

    Votes: 4 1.5%
  • FFV

    Votes: 10 3.7%
  • FFVI

    Votes: 3 1.1%

    Votes: 10 3.7%

    Votes: 19 7.0%
  • FFIX

    Votes: 13 4.8%
  • FFX

    Votes: 14 5.2%
  • FFX-2

    Votes: 74 27.4%
  • FFXI

    Votes: 22 8.1%

    Votes: 48 17.8%

    Votes: 60 22.2%
  • Other (Please Specify)

    Votes: 24 8.9%

  • Total voters
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I'm going to tick off alot of people saying this, but I reckon that Crisis Core is the worst. The horrible cheesy rock music, a predictable battle system, Zack was transformed into a normal man into a stereotypical shonen anime hero, and Genesis and Angeal were so annoying. And they turned Aeris into a girl who was frighted of the sky. Come on, that's just mean, Aeris wasn never a feeble girl so why transform her into one ? Plus everything in Final Fantasy VII is now because of Zack. Seventh Heaven. Aeris's pink ribbon etc. Crisis Core made Final Fantasy VII into " All about Zack ". :jtc:

Also changing Cloud's Buster Sword into a special sword that was special to somebody who didn't originally exist in the FF7 universe till this game was made. Piss off, the sword belongs to Cloud. It's his special sword that made him famous within the FF world. Not some wannabe Rinoa angel. :dry:
I would have to disagree with you ultima :P...XII was one of my favorites...yeah i guess you could disagree with the battle system being that you could set up your gambits to virtually control everything (like beating the last boss without touching your controller!) but you do have the option of controlling this...i preferred to have gambits for the more annoying issues like status effects or attacking certain enemies...this way i could still have a good amount of control over what was happening...but the option of everything being automated works well with power leveling easily...the story was a more adult or serious one...focusing around a corrupt "government" was a nice change from the typical "theres this really bad guy whos going to destroy everything!" kind of thing :P...not that i dont love that as well...the soundtrack worked for me as it fit the overall feel of the game...so i wouldnt be able to say XII is anywhere near the worst...just maybe a little different
I have to say, XII had to be my least favorite of all time. It barely held my attention for any length of time; the story was horrible at best. characters were bland and robotic and generic, battle system was... ugh. I can say without say withou qualms that I didn't even bother to completely finish the game. It was boring and easy, not challenging at all, which is usually one of my favorite aspects of FF.

To be utterly honest, FFXII just made me sad and angry and... very displeased to say the least :P
Dirge of Cerberus, by far and wide is the absolute WORST Final Fantasy ever even thought of. How many times do cutscenes happen right in the middle of the action that in the end throw you off and get you killed? Not to mention I really hate the whole feel of the shooter, third or first person for something like this. Not to mention the removal of the multiplayer option that the Japanese version had, very disappointing. Quite frankly, Square should stick to Roleplaying games and stay out of shooter titles.
I fail to see how people can consider some of the characters in FFXII bland or uninteresting. I've come to the conclusion that it turns people off because it doesn't have the unnecessary pomp and flash of the other games and it's serious, intelligent story (without the nonsense of faux-serious storyline like FFVII) requires you to take a lot of variables into account.

Anyway, my vote for worse FF game can go towards FFXIII. Stuck in a rut between what the fans really want and their desire to westernize the series, this games became a sloppy amalgam of the two sides, with a battle system that was fun at first but quickly grew tiresome once the false veil of variety was lifted off it.
I must say XIII
This game was awful i have played and loved every single final fantasy up to this game and i was in shock as i played through this game! the cutscenes were waaaaay to long seriously i got bored once and walked away and made a fracking omelet before it was over! like 70% of the first disk was this. I felt i was watching a movie with a little gameplay o_O. See also Game over if the lead character dies? bullpucky! I then figured out i can button mash my way through the game just fine. i mean where is the strategy? the ability to choose how you work on your characters i felt like the game was designed with small children in mind! There was just no strategy required to beat this game. to me it was another game that sadly got the final fantasy name tacked onto it. Whoooo felt good to get that out been carrying that for a while.

<(") -its a penguin-
All of you saying XII are bad bad people and can't appreciate the awesomeness of the game and it's amazing story.

I'd have to go with X-2 and XIII. X-2 was just plain weird and not the sequel to my second favorite Final Fantasy game. I haven't played it in 2 years and I don't ever really feel motivated to.

And XIII. While the story was intriguing, the battle system and how linear the game was are what make it bad. I like being able to wander around, not be on a set path the entire game with no where else to go till near the end. And the battle system was horrid. Battles took forever in some areas because you didn't have anyone that could stagger the enemies to take them out faster. I do like that the Crystarium, though, as I loved the sphere grid in FFX and it was kind of like that but a bit different.
Frankly, worst of all time is probably XII, even more so than X-2, because XII tries to play it's shittyness seriously. It wants us to take it seriously. And it fails miserably.

X-2 is also shit because it never needed to be made. Ruined what was good about X.

As for XIII...I'm not even gonna go there. I just won't. I'd rather poke myself in the eyes with my own knitting needles than pick that game up again. Stupid characters, lame story and a gameplay so constipated I could hear it groaning. No thanks, Square, I think I WON'T like your stupid corridor and go play a real RPG, like Persona 4.

I think FFVII is 3rd on this list of hatred, simply because it's not THAT awesome a FF, and honestly whatever's good about it has been utterly ruined by a) the stupid, whiney sheep fans, b) the stupid sequels c) Square's stupid insistence of comparing everything else to it and not leaving this goddamn dead horse to rot in peace. Nobody frickin' cares if Lightning is a gender-swapped Cloud, they're both still shitty characters.
I have to say XII is the worst. After watching the beginning's stunning visuals, I quickly lost interest in the story. All the seemingly important characters die off quickly, and this old narrator is revealing a lot of info too fast. To me, it sounded like a bunch of blah, blah, blah.

I immediately hated the battle system. Seriously, if I'm gonna be in control of a character like that, let me mash the buttons to attack, not freken wait. The ATB system in the other FFs make more sense and are a lot more fun to work with. I love IX and X's battle systems the best.

And then We take control of Vaan, running around this big city, which I think is too freken big. Then I have to purchase weapons and magic, and then spend other points just to license them? Forget that crap.

The character designs were also bland; and the whole world is freken huge. It can be a good thing to have a big area to explore, but not in this game.

Basically, I shut off my PS2 once I picked up my first hunting assignment. A tomato monster? Seriously?

So of th ones I've played, here's my order from greatest to least.

Hard question. As others have said, most likely XII. Just didn't like the characters or story at all. Actually can't remember the story....haha
for me its definitely VII

Laguna Loire

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I think FFX-2 was the worst. That game shamed SE in my opninion. So many better ideas could have come from their brains I swear. I mean listen to the fans damnit. FFVII, and VIII seem to be the fan favorites in majority. But hey it's whatever.
Of the FF's I've played, X-2 was the worst.. It wasn't complete crap, it was just mediocre and a disappointment :(
FFX-2 For the win! By that mean it lost... If that makes sense... You know, because it's the worst FF? Anyway. It was horrible, the storyline, the characters (they shouldn't have made such a drastic change to Yuna) and that crazy as hell Le Blanc or whatever her name was.

What pissed me off most about X-2 is that it kind of made me a little dissapointed with X as well...
I gotta go with XII. I absolutely just loathe that game. The storyline is so boring, heck...I don't even think they ever got to a storyline, really. Too busy saving the damsel in distress and what not. The characters were mainly too annoying or too full of themselves for me. The girls in the game were all right, but seem to either be too angsty, or just too clueless. I hated the battle system in it. I felt like I was playing toy soldiers or something. It just really doesn't roll well with me.
I gotta go with XII. I absolutely just loathe that game. The storyline is so boring, heck...I don't even think they ever got to a storyline, really. Too busy saving the damsel in distress and what not. The characters were mainly too annoying or too full of themselves for me. The girls in the game were all right, but seem to either be too angsty, or just too clueless. I hated the battle system in it. I felt like I was playing toy soldiers or something. It just really doesn't roll well with me.
Yea. One thing I noticed about XII was that Vaan shouldn't have been the main character, Ashe should've. The main story (or atleast what there is of a storyline) revolves around her and Basche more than it does Vaan
Final Fantasy VIII.


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I would have to say Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced, the storyline's not horrible it's just I can't seem to get back into it. The character movement is just too slow for me, kinda gets boring.
None of them have been diabolical, but XII was the most forgetful. I didn't really care about any of the characters nor the story... :/

XIII isn't as incredible as the games before and including X, but it looks like XIII-2 will expand on what happened in the plot and provide some character development. I therefore view XIII as part 1 of a longer story, not a game in and of itself. I also like a few of the characters, namely Lightning, Serah, Snow and Sahz.

In terms of gameplay... they all have their benefits and faults. The only system I love is the system in X. The others are interesting, no system is significantly greater than another, and I have enjoyed their variety. =)
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