Worst Final Fantasy Game


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
Alright, here is a potentially dangerous thread.

What is your least favorite Final Fantasy game?

Ok guys, please keep this thread civil. Don't be retarded and get it locked. If someone says that your favorite game is their least favorite don't respond with:


Not everyone is going to agree with you or like your favorite game. It's not the end of the world if someone absolutely loathes your most loved Final Fantasy. Heck to avoid the above situation, let's have a rule that you can't defend your favorite in this thread so it doesn't become some silly pointless debate. It is just for your own oppinion.

My least favorite was X-2. It was like the Disney Channel version of Final Fantasy complete with the main character becoming a pop star! Also I didn't appreciate them making Yuna into a half assed version of her X self. Rikku got very annoying and Paine was the only tolerable character in the game. Also it looked like they were really trying to attract a female audience which was stupid because women already played the Final Fantasy games.

Ok now.

::Get the extinguisher ready::
Guys, try to explain why you chose it ;)

My worst? In terms of main characters, FFVIII, and in terms of gameplay, FFI, FFVII.
my least favourite has got to be FFVIII, i hate the chatracters, the storyline and the battle system was terrible.

The draw system should die.
My god how can you people be ignoring the dire piece of shit that is FINAL FANTASY II!!!

The original NES version and PS version that is, the DoS seems slightly managable. Worst system in the entire seires makes it almost unplayable. The storyline for the time was good but thats its only redeeming feature.
Final Fantasy VIII only because it didn't appeal to me on as many levels as the rest of the games in the series did. I am still glad I played it, and would gladly go through it again, but it just doesn't rank as one of my top one's; instead, it's at the bottom of the list.

Mainly for me it was the lack of hcaracter connection I experienced. I just couldn't see a true emotional plot or feelings from the characters. I think I sypahtized most with Rinoa if anyone, and Zell was one with a great and positive personality, but everyone else besides Selphie needed counseling. Selphie needed shot.
I've only played about two hours of VIII, but I hate it >.< The whole "Guardian Forces = the source of your power" does my head in. Also, why can't these people have job classes? I miss my Black Mage, White Mage, Warrior etc. The draw system just makes them clones T_T The characters are pretty flat as far as I can tell. Zell is just F-ing annoying, almost on a "Brother" level.

But, it terms of a game I've gotten at least a considerable amount into, I'd have to say X-2... I've gotten about 26% into the game and the plot is near non-existant. You have to go out of your way to find a trace amount of storyline and go to the same places over and over again. Paine is the most tolerable of the Gullwings. Rikku is annoying: "Oh, poopie!" and it rubs off on Yuna. She was much better in X. The Dress-Sphere system is interesting, but they coould have done so much with it to make it better. And Brother ... *Cringe* ... why was he even born? And what kind of name is "Brother" anyway?. The fact that Shinra is named Shinra also annoys me. Can't SE be a little bit subtle in their homage to VII?
Yes, I've heard bad things about II, but I haven't played it yet. I'll try it out when my boyfriend let's me borrow his GBA verison again. He's playing I right now because he wants to play all the games in order.

So I can't say anything about II yet.
X-2 for the same reason as everyone pointed out and V for some reason i just cant stick it i play it and get 2 crystals into it and just wander off bored and angered by it :|
I would have to go with...you guessed it FFX-2. I couldn't stand the whole dress up your character gameplay. Oh, and whats up with the reused fiends and locations, what a rip!:dry:
My least favourite is definately Dirge Of Ceberus. I found this game incredibly boring and tedious. The only thign that kept me involved was the characters and that it was linked to FFVII.
Its definately between FFII and FFXII. FFII was just terrible in terms of every mechanics of an rpg. FFXII just didnt sit to well with me...and i see people say that the storyline is complex and people that dont like it dont understand the story...not really..the story is actually simplistic compare to other titles...i dont kno i just wasnt impressed with it
Its definately between FFII and FFXII. FFII was just terrible in terms of every mechanics of an rpg. FFXII just didnt sit to well with me...and i see people say that the storyline is complex and people that dont like it dont understand the story...not really..the story is actually simplistic compare to other titles...i dont kno i just wasnt impressed with it

To some people it is complex, what with the language and all.
The first time I played V I hated it. I really didn't like the job system. But I was younger and kept switching jobs, thus making my characters suck. I barely even got through the game, didn't even get to the second world before I quit. Recently I gave it another chance, worked with the jobs right, and ended up loving it. It may be in my top five now.