Worst Final Fantasy Game

My least Fav game was FF XIII cause for some reason i couldn't get passed the second disk and i just stoped playing it.:cool:
My least favorite would be FFX-2 because:
1. Too many boring sidequests
2. Hated everything being mission based
3. no Auron... :sad2:
4. the SailorMoon-esque dress changes

My second would be Crystal Chronicles. I enjoyed it for a while but got very boring after a while because I was playing it alone. Also the battle system was basically running around and tapping A a bunch of times.

If I played Dirge of Cerbrus I would probably hate it.
My least Fav game was FF XIII cause for some reason i couldn't get passed the second disk and i just stoped playing it.:cool:

XIII? but that hasnt even been released yet? :rolleyes:

do you mean VIII? because if you do i agree with you - i just couldnt get into VIII after the second disk.
I'm not done playing FFXII yet but it seems like it is the worst FF game in my opinion. The story doesn't hook me up and there are way too few cutscenes and too much fighting. But maybe I like it more after I'm done playing the game.
I'm not done playing FFXII yet but it seems like it is the worst FF game in my opinion. The story doesn't hook me up and there are way too few cutscenes and too much fighting. But maybe I like it more after I'm done playing the game.

At least you're constantly in the action, unlike previous titles which required you to travel around for ages doing unimportant things. Cutscenes were aplenty though :O

I'd say it was lacking decent FMV's, I mean, sure they were awesome, but they could have more at scenes like..

Drace and Reddas' death
FOR ME ITS GOTTA BE FINAL FANTASY 8, to me the ff series is all about wierd characters and bizare worlds, which is exactly why final fantasy 8 losses its charm. dull character design, and world map.

BUUUT... IN MY OPINION FF8 HAS THE GREATEST FMV the storming on the beach for the SeeD exam!
FOR ME ITS GOTTA BE FINAL FANTASY 8, to me the ff series is all about wierd characters and bizare worlds, which is exactly why final fantasy 8 losses its charm. dull character design, and world map.

BUUUT... IN MY OPINION FF8 HAS THE GREATEST FMV the storming on the beach for the SeeD exam!

Weird characters and bizzare worlds ... Dont you mean FF9? The characters were down to earth and normal and the worlds were set in the future as was FF7, how could they have been bizzare when they were futurstic? The character design was based on people, not lego men or unusual character designs.
When it comes to characters in VIII..I think many peoples problems are with them not really having any interesting backgrounds. Not bad design particularly for me..but nothing made me like them an awful lot.
When it comes to characters in VIII..I think many peoples problems are with them not really having any interesting backgrounds. Not bad design particularly for me..but nothing made me like them an awful lot.
I think that's a lot of it. But too, honestly, I just couldn't relate to any of them either :/ Or their personalities just annoyed me, or reminded me of people I didn't like. Especially Rinoa, Quistis and Squall -_-;

The only character I could remotely relate to was Zell. And Seifer I liked....well, honestly just cause I usually always like the assholes.
I'm not done playing FFXII yet but it seems like it is the worst FF game in my opinion. The story doesn't hook me up and there are way too few cutscenes and too much fighting. But maybe I like it more after I'm done playing the game.

totally agree with you man.
(chances are ul never get into it at all)
I would have said FFX-2, but like Rhea, I don't believe it to be a part of the main series.

This is a difficult decision. I have only played I, VII, IX, X, and XII all the way through, so I really can't speak very knowledgeably about the others. From those titles however, I have to say FFXII was my least favorite. It wasn't a horrible game, it just lacked the usual depth in the storyline, and even more-so in the characters. I really thought Vaan's dreams of becoming a sky pirate were going to play heavily into the story, especially once I saw the sky pirate's lounge, but not only did it not have anything to do with it, Vaan himself barely affected it.

Then there's the battle system. I don't care if everyone else says it's a nice change of pace for the series; I say that I want my Final Fantasy games to keep the basics the same for most of the games. I just think that XII tried to change too much at once, making it not very Final Fantasy -esque. In my opinion, if Square wanted to change it so badly, they shouldn't have given it a Final Fantasy name. Make it a different game like Star Ocean is.
final fantasy is made up of and why everyone like's it is
(ACT) and (ATB) system's
story a big one
that being said
i'll have to go with
ff8 and 10-2
i could stand DOC ff7 and 12
i want ff to keep (ACT) AND (ATB)
FF is changing to much
Is it me or does anyone think that there is no point to get to level 99 with all your characters in final fantasy 8 as the monsters just get stronger as you do anyway? But i have to say apart from that it is a good game. I think final fantasy 10-2 must be the worst because of how "girly" the game was.