Worst Final Fantasy Game

Final Fantasy VIII. The characters were underdeveloped and the story was a complete fustercluck. Although it featured somewhat "harder" music than the rest, it still didn't make up for the fact that the characters were limper than wet noodles most of the game.
ff9 was my least favorate, it was too oldfashoind for me, i like the futuristic ones, and was too easy to beat.
the only thing i liked about it was the fact that when you stood still it actually looked like your character was breathing.
I'm going to exclude FFX-2 from my decision here, since I hardly regard it as a regular FF game.

My least favorite FF game is FFVIII.
Poor story line. Emotard protagonist who is so overwhelmingly caught up in his own sorrows that he might as well be an antagonist. Sucky sidequests. The creators were so bent up on ideas that they decided to throw every single character into the very same orphanage and call it history.
The heroin was a rebellious teenager who formed a rebel group just to piss of her dad. Other than that, she's a whimp.
Last but not least, there are no moogles.

Horrible game. Horrible.
FFIII on the NES. It was weird, but I probably did like it just because my translated ROM of it wasn't translated super well ;)

Not taking that into account... it's hard to say, I kind of like them all. FFVIII and FFXII I didn't like much the first time I played them. I thought VIII just had a bizarre story that was too coincidental, but I liked FFVIII a lot more the second time through. So I guess FFXII is my least fav right now, but only because the characters made me mad, the game itself was pretty good.
II is definitely the worst FF ever made, but solely because of the stats system. If it had a normal level-up system it might actually be playable.
It was DOC for me.
they changed the old game system
I really liked the other semi strategy system.

FFVIII could've been such an amazing game but the whole thing ended up being crap to be honest. The story did have something that attracted me and made me finish it all, but I just hated the whole junction system and how you levelled up, knowing that the monsters you battled were equally strong, no matter how much you trained your ass off...

...no it was all weapon upgrade and junctioning if you wanted to have the upperhand.

Crystal Chronicles for me. A brave move perhaps but one that didn't work out at all if you ask me. The gameplay wasn't exactly stellar and the yearly cycle difficulty curve seemed to make it so that certain dungeons which couldn't be done in the first year or two became rediculously hard. I didn't even enjoy it that much when I finally tested out the multiplayer with my friends.
Final Fantasy VIII, the draw system, the plot (only bit I liked was the Laguna parts) the characters (With exception to Irvine) and most importantly, the Gunblade and Squall.

Can't fucking stand the game
X-2, it was just a cheep cash in, same locations made it somewhat boring, just a shame couldnt have seen Paine in a proper FF game. In sayin that its not that i really hated it, it jus wasnt as good as the other FF games
I gotta go with FFVIII. I couldn't stand the characters, the storyline or the junction system. And like I say in every thread I've ever made about VIII, I know every game/movie/t.v. show/anime has a stupid plot twist at some point, but VIII's had one of the stupidest I've seen in a long, long time -__-;

The junction system itself wasn't hard to figure out on how to use it. That part I got, it was just so effing tedious. And then I'd draw a whole bunch of magic and junction it to a stat, and then I wouldn't use the magic cause I didn't want my stats to go down. Stupid.
For me, It was FF IX. I absolutely hated that one. I borrowed it from a friend and I couldnt get into it. I often wonder if i should give it another try, but then I always change my mind.
game I hated the most.... hmmm... I would say it's Crystal Chronicals, I could never get into it, and it was just a bunch of micro management.
I hated X-2! It was crap only having 3 characters, and it was way too girly... It wasn't serious enough, and the dress sphere system was stupid...
X-2, definitely!

Shinra: Why don't we ask Yuna to dance?

Yuna: Dance?

Brother: Oh? That's it! Yuna, you must dance! Our sanity depends on it!

Paine: That sounds like an order, Yuna.

Yuna: The exercise will do us good.

Brother: Whoopeeee!

(At that point, I shut off my PS2 and sat down to read a book)
I don't think I can truly say I hate any FF game, as I've quite enjoyed them all, but for sheer lack of quality compared to the rest, I'd have to say FF X-2. I loved FF X, and for me, to see someone like Yuna take time out to massage a horrible old bitch, coupled with reuniting the land through the majesty of song, really made me sick to my stomach. To date, it's the only Final Fantasy I haven't had the heart to finish.