Worst Malboros


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
I hate coming across malboros. Even when all my characters are at level 99 and doing 9,999 damage I still run away from them. Malboros don't always cast the same status ailments in every game. Well bad breath always consists of confuse, poison, blind and silence.

So which game do you think had the worst malboros?

For me it was VIII. Since they cast confuse, blind, silence, berserk, poison, gradual petrify and I think curse on all your characters right at the begining of battle. You're pretty much dead unless you get lucky and Odin comes and kills if for you, or you just get lucky.

Second place goes to IV. They cast frog, mini, confuse, poison, blind, and silence on one of your characters. And more often than not, you are attacked by three of them. I would say that these are the worse, but since they only cast it on one of your characters, there not as bad as the ones in VIII. But since only confuse goes away after battle, it is a pain to have cure all the status ailments. Especially since esuna can waste your magic and ether's don't come by all that ofter until the end of the game. So I often use up a lot of remedies while on the way to the land of the summons.
all the Malboros are really bad, but i have to say the ones of FF8 have to be the top of the ladder, since you couldn't just side step em, you had to kill em if you wanted the Cursed Pins to get Doomtrain and to unlock a Final Weapon
Ack Malboros......hmmmm......the ones I hated were the Mezzo Malboros in FF2.....if you wanted elixers for free, you had to fight them, and if you are playing through the game without cheating with that bug....you were screwed
The one's in Final Fantasy VI are more hideous than Flava Flav.

I think they're called "Evil Oscars" in that one, and man do they look like a f'ed up piece junk. Ugly MoFo's...
Malboro's and Tonberrys are always the worse kinda enemys to meet. Shame they've soften up in recent games tho.
The ones in Tactics could turn one of your characters into Malboro's forever. Pretty funny, but stinks if it does happen to you (though only Great Malboro's have this hidden skill to do so, you would need monster skill.). I didn't really enjoy the malboro's in FFX, especially the Great Malboro's that ambushes you in Omega's place.

Monster- Malboro
Coolness- 8/10 (the name reminds me of cigs...)
The ones in X shouldn't of been created.

If you don't have First Strike equiped, it's first move is to "Bad Breath" your party to hell. (Of course, Ribbon always comes in to save the day...) but if not, you're potentially screwed. I'm talking about Great Malboros which like to hang about Omega Ruins. Making it a superb place to train, though. Just, to tackle them with low-lvled characters, it's well daring.
Malboro's in FFVIII are they worst ... they're horrible.
I used to be able to defeat them easily some how in an old save file but in my current they dominant me.

The malboros in FFX are difficult from time to time .....

FFXII are the EASIEST in the series, well I think so any way...
Ugh, probably the worst Malboros are from FFVIII. With the Grand Malboro from FFX at least they didn't always cast Bad Breath the second they saw you. I remember the Grand Malboros being pretty tough but I barely remember FFX.

The FFVIII Malboros would cast Bad Breath immediately. Your party would get every single bad status effect so there is so possible to way to defeat the Malboro. You basically sit there and watch your party die slowly. The best way to kill them is to get Quistis with low health before you enter a battle. Just have her use her limit break. =/ You could always junction, pain, break, berserk, and confused.
X malboros make me run away screaming like a little girl, and the great malboros are even worse. I once tried to fight a malboro for the hell of it...it confused and poisoned my entire party...soooo I just said fekk it and reset the game <.< Thank god for first strike.
I hated FF VIII's malboros. I can always stop everything except silence, poison, and darkness. So I just sit there and slowly die. And the malboros in XII are so easy its almost a waste of time. I wonder why they are different in the other series. And with what poison said...It does remind me of cigs. Maybe it's their way of showing what bad effects cigs can do to you.
X's Malboros are worst. I didn't even try to fight the one in the Monster Arena... *shivers*
In any of the games anymore if I come up against a Malboro I just try to run away instead of taking the chance of getting a game over
Oddly, whenever I fight a malboro I rarely die. Suddenly one of my characters are ok so I make them escape. There's this other, easier way to destroy a malboro. That is by summoning
Ugh it's defo the ones from VIII for me....ny heart sank whenever I encountered one, but unless I was going to refine a shed load of cards for marlboro tentacles I knew I had to face them.....I

relied heavily on Zanmato....altho later on when my speed improved & also equipping auto haste I could sometimes sneak degenerator in before he could bad breath me.....alas, not very often tho

Then the thought hits me, why didn't I just use initiative..... >.<
For me it's the ones in VIII, the only ones I've died at the hands of. I think it was partially because the seemed to have an astonishingly high sneak-attack ratio by the time they'd levelled up. They're the reason I stuck mainly to Island Closest To Hell for levelling up in that game.
FF8 definitely had the nastiest incarnation of these guys. However in a recent playthrough, i found an easy way to beat them. I cant remember the exact details, but basically it involved game breaking and Zell being uber fast and strong. Ill ask my mate and if he can remember ill let you know.

Also just want to say that the ones in FF12 were a joke! midget little things with low HP and werent really that nasty. The again, FF12 did breat free from all FF tradition.
I wondered what happened between the ones from VIII to XII. In VIII they towered over you and were about the size of a house but in XII they were half as tall as you and just looked like little beach balls with tentacles.
Oddly, whenever I fight a malboro I rarely die. Suddenly one of my characters are ok so I make them escape. There's this other, easier way to destroy a malboro. That is by summoning

Then you, Miss Shiva, are probably the luckiest FF player ever.

Also just want to say that the ones in FF12 were a joke! midget little things with low HP and werent really that nasty. The again, FF12 did breat free from all FF tradition.

They would have been a little tougher if their Bad Breath had a better hit rate, but it missed almost all the time. Even when it did hit me, most of the statuses would miss, so I'd always end up with poison or sleep. Big whoop.