Worst Malboros

I've got to agree with the people saying the FFVIII Malboro's were the worst. My most hated enemy of the FF series in fact.
I think they were designed to cause problems for you no matter how high your level was.

The issue with the FFVIII one's was not the amount of status changes it caused, but the severity of them!
Once you cured one, you had another major one to deal with; you couldn't get rid of them all in time! BAH!
I think in general that the Malboros of FF VIII are the worst because of the severity of their "Bad Breath" attack; I think it's the most Dangerous "version" of Bad Breath Malboros have been given to date. Also, the fact that Malboros have so much HP in VIII as you level up yourself makes them that much more difficult to defeat.
Mine are menthol, I'm just too disgraced to ever buy them.

Back on topic I found the ones in X to be extremely annoying buggers, easy enough to take out with a good party...but just really annoying!
Ok, the Great Malboros in FFX where a bloody pain in the ass. You had to have quick strike(or whatever it was called) to even have a chance to defeat them. Then, bad breath on the whole party, urk!

But, my vote would have to go to FF12, near the end. Firstly they would use Bad Breath, then, time requim, that was really really annoying
The worst i think are the uber massai sized ones eg the one in the omaga ruins in FFX...the little shits