Would FFX story be any better if...

Final Fantasy X could have done without its sequel, and I think everyone should realise that. The ending to X was absolutely wonderful, even though it was really sad. I loved the way it ended and it should have stayed that way. X-2 barely even made the effort on mentioning Tidus anyway.
Gotta admit, I really disliked FFX-2, the whole thing completely ruined the story of FFX by filling it with silly, girly characters and shizz
x2 was disapointing it could have been a great game if you could play with the original characters lulu wakka ect i think the paine charactor was poor the battle system was good i dont think the story was that bad (could have been less girl-bandy/dont understand the whole tidus think can some one explain that to me)it didnt ruin ffx at all it just to good i just dont take x2 that seriously
You guys know what really ruined FFX's story? The interview Square did where they admitted to having crossed the worlds of X and VII. I mean, it's one thing to explain a few things in a sequal, but for the sequal point out that it has connections to a game that it shouldn't have, that's something different all together.

To me FFX was, is and always will be my favorite game in any video game series. It gave me everything I wanted in a story and left me wanting more, but knowing that if more was given, I'd be disappointed. Here is where FFX-2 walked down the wedding aisle and did a face-plant.

While it was cool to see what the gang was up to, 2 years later, I really didn't want a perfect ending of FFX to be debased due to a supposed "perfect ending" in FFX-2 of Tidus swimming home to Yuna in a bed of daisies just to say "I think I'm back?"

Tidus was more confused during the "perfect ending" of FFX-2 than my gay manager at work was when we told him why liking little boys is wrong.

Truth of the matter is, FFX should have been left alone. Great ending; epic story; don't give a Leper mouth-to-mouth. Let it be.
it's good if FFX didn't have a continuation.
and it's better that they released the X-2.
why so many gamers hate FFX-2?
the game and story is good.
and it is just the continuation of X.
if X and X-2 were in a one game, so everyone of you will say that FFX were not good?
fucking haters.
Watch your language you.

To many it's a poor continuation of X, and it was. You whacked in some...filler story, and even the ending caused issues. I'd loved to hear your explanation on why X-2 is so good.
its good if they end the story in X.
but it is better that they continued the story in X-2.
the ending was good and it actually completes the story.
FFX series were great. greatest among all final fantasies made.
the very ending of X were not yet finished really(when the fayth comes into tidus and swims up, smiling). if they didn't make FFX-2, that ending will be questionable for the gamers/fans.
but in overall, FINAL FANTASY X/X2 ROCKS!!!!!!!
I think that it doesn't matter, to be honest. I think that although X2 is obviously a sequel, you don't have to treat it as such if you don't want to. I mean, you can disregard the Tidus thing. I (stupidly) played X2 before I started X, because I was waiting for X to arrive and got X2 through first, so I didn't understand all the Tidus stuff, I didn't even know his name. There was a lot I didn't understand in it, but the fact is that Tidus's reappearance made Yuna happy, and that's what the point was for her...
FFX series were great. greatest among all final fantasies made.
the very ending of X were not yet finished really(when the fayth comes into tidus and swims up, smiling). if they didn't make FFX-2, that ending will be questionable for the gamers/fans.
but in overall, FINAL FANTASY X/X2 ROCKS!!!!!!!

I don't dislike X-2 but I dont think X would have been incomplete without it, I just think the ending left it open to interpretation. I just decided he came back because ...uh, he just did, because he was wanted back and that he had a strong will or summat?

There's nothing wrong with a questionable ending, it leaves you thinking about it more instead of just thinking aw, happy ending. The End. As much as VII has been whored out now, i think one of the reasons it was so successful was because the ending was so....well, open ended and left to the players own imagination to decide wht happened.
I sorta agree.. I actually liked the fact that a FFX spin-off was created, because it reveals a new story in the same world that fans enjoyed exploring. The battle system and Dress Sphere was also new to Spira so that was good. But, having Tidus reappear in the 'Perfect Ending' was the stupidest idea Square could have imagined up. Another being the idea of creating FFXII so different to the rest of the series that it disappoints me. Anyways, in FFX, Tidus was meant to have disappeared as part of the Fayth's dreams, and when the Fayth's stopped dreaming, Tidus would become a mere memory. HOW DID HE COME BACK??!! <stupid idea>.
He came back because the Fayth said that they would sing for him to live again, but they didn't know how long they would be singing for. there u go
He came back because the Fayth said that they would sing for him to live again, but they didn't know how long they would be singing for. there u go

definitely. nice interpretation.
about your question LordEternal,
Maechen explains something in the game that the idea was like "even the dead can be alive again" something like that. that was sometime you visit the youth league camp in mushroom rock and maechen will be outside the youth league camp office, that is also the time when you let him shake yuna's hand. when he finish his storytelling.
honestly if they kept the ending exactly the same
with the credits and everything
then you see tidus swim up..they should've just put an happy ending instead of creating a totally different game X-2
dont get me wrong i love x-2
but it kinda went off track to the FinalFantasy Ways
maybe cause it was too girly
maybe it was just like a add on and not much of a deep story
comapred to all the other FF's
not many liked ffx-2
i loved it cause of the songs and it orginiality
though i wish it had a better and deeper story
I'd say if they put a bit more effort into X-2 it could of been something beautiful, but instead it kinda had a cheesyness about it and thats what dragged it down in my eyes but as for X being better without it i'd say it doesn't really make a difference, X will always be a good game unless the do a diabolically awful remake, which is highly unlikely.
i personally liked the game-play of X-2 and the ability to play through with all of the items and abilities that you had in the previous playthrough, but the over-all, the story just didnt make sense.

Spira was obviously gonna be in disarray with Yevon all messed up. Yuna would obviously be looking for a different path than Lady High-Summoner, and the rest of the characters would obviously be looking for another path as well. However, it did not really warrant the games creation.

It voided the emotional stuff with Tidus, showing his 'true' self as Shuuyin, and a whole other back story that was completely irrelevant to the story of X.

i liked the game in terms of game-play and the way that the characters were portrayed, i just didnt like the fact that they made everything from the original pointless to some degree.
No. Again, it's my belief that a sequel never has any influence on the original. Final Fantasy X-2 could have been about the girls entering a line dancing contest with Squall and Captain Planet and it would not have affected my opinion of FFX. It also may have made for a better game. :p