Would FFX story be any better if...

It might be a long shot but I wish they would make a prequel to 10 where you play as Jecht.
The story would be one of the best and Jecht seemed to have the best potential.

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I think X-2 had a lot of potential that was wasted,
at the end of X you do see tidus swim to the surface
while they tried to answer that in X-2, the main story of X-2 made the characters too shallow imo (especially Riku and even yuna)
so when Tidus does come back, the magic that was created at the end of X is gone
and we're left with is a Disney-esque ending
Well because it`s shoud never be mayd!
Because it is soooooo stupid.
But i think it whod be better whit FINAL FANTASY X 2
Well I think that whod be better.
like any spinoff or sequal you guys shouldnt take it so seriously

Everyone should take Crisis Core seriously.

And... I don't think the Final Fantasy X story suffered any because of Final Fantasy X-2... it just got really confusing at the end. Like they couldn't come up with any ideas of HOW Tidus came back. They just wanted him TO come back. So they threw it is as "OOOOH! A MYSTERY!" And had Tidus give an explanation as to what he thought...
FFX was definitely my all-time favorite game. I don't think X is any worse for X-2. I didn't like x-2 any where close to as much as i liked X. I thought Yuna was a crappier version of her previous self and Paine was just kind of boring and pointless. The ending was kind of corny and put a nice little bow on a story that didn't need one...but IMO they could have done a lot worse. I do wish they would have came up with a better reason for Tidus coming back and I wish it would have been more story driven instead of girl band/ let's sing and dance/ cute cutey cute.

But i like X so much it is hard for me to hate anything related to it. I agree with Piccolo though...i think the wacked out theory that X was a prequel to VII came closer to tarnishing this story than X-2 did.